Holy Prison

Chapter 1179: Growth stone

"FUCK!" Chu Feng scolded, and tried to deal with a peak-level powerhouse once again, but soon he was defeated by that peak-level powerhouse, if not. As for Feizhou, it is still impossible for him to escape from the power of that peak god!

"It seems that before the increase in strength and the conditions are limited, it is really difficult to kill a strong person at the peak of the gods! But fortunately, the existence of a bottleneck is already faintly felt. It takes a few days to reach the bottleneck of Emperor God level to Emperor God level!" Chu Feng sighed authentically.

A few more days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Feng didn't do anything in these few days. He chose a place to practice quietly for a few days.

Inside the cave, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and at the moment his eyes opened, a fierce pressure spread to the surroundings. The entire cave seemed to tremble under the pressure.

"The bottleneck, finally encountered the bottleneck, it is really not easy!" Chu Feng smiled on his face, and when the bottleneck was reached, Chu Feng felt that his strength could no longer be improved! That kind of feeling, it's like a water tank is full, even if you add water to it, the water in the tank won't be any more!

"I hope this thing will enable me to break through the bottleneck soon!" A silver stone appeared in Chu Feng's hand. The silver stone lit up slightly, and a faint light shot from the silver stone. Suddenly entered Chu Feng's body.

The light entered Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng's heart was shocked. The light seemed to hit his soul suddenly, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The soul shook, and a faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. Amidst the shaking, he found that the bottleneck from Emperor God level to Emperor God level was slowly loosening!

One second, two seconds, one minute, two minutes.

After five minutes passed, a Ming Wu suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's mind. "Three months later, the Divine Tribulation is finally here!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

The sound of the soul in the body disappeared, and Chu Feng focused his eyes on the silver stone in his hand. The silver stone was still the same as before, but Chu Feng knew that it was not easy. "What kind of secret is there? You can't see it if you have a cultivation base that is not at the Saint level. It's true" Chu Feng frowned slightly.

Nu Wa left him a secret, and he couldn't see it for cultivation bases below the Saint level, and the same was true in this stone. "What are you doing so mysteriously?" Chu Feng was a little moved to know the secret method in the stone, but he was afraid that if he did that, it would ruin the stone. If that was the case, it would be quite impossible. You must know that this stone is. The magical power can make him break through the bottleneck quickly!

"The saint is the saint. In order to know a secret earlier, it's not worth ruining this stone." Chu Feng said in his heart and put the silver stone away.

After three months of crossing the robbery, Chu Feng considered leaving the domain tower and leaving the sacred prison space. It is not very good to fight in the domain tower during these three months. If you die, you may lose this. A chance to cross the catastrophe, in that case, I don't know when the next time.

"Master, what's your order?" The chief steward of Chu Mansion stood in front of Chu Feng respectfully. "Housekeeper Liu, do you have the latest information?" Chu Feng said.

"Master, all are here, Miss Shi Qing is ready."

Chu Feng nodded secretly. Shi Qing is still very responsible for this intelligence work. It is also because she is very responsible. Therefore, although Shenchu ​​City is now strong and Skynet is strong, she and Liu Jian are still in charge of Skynet. . "Very good." Chu Feng sucked the jade slip and quickly read it.

There is a lot of information in the jade slips, but in general, nothing has happened that surprised Chu Feng too much in the past few years. The number of people coming from the abyss above the infinite has increased, but the infinite powerhouses have also come out one after another, so those The strong from the abyss do not dare to be too presumptuous!

On the other side of the Wanzhan Life and Death Zone, although Chumen has not fully unified the Wanzhan Life and Death Zone, many forces have become Chumen's affiliations, either explicitly or implicitly. It is only sooner or later that Chumen unified the Wanzhan Life and Death Zone. time. With regard to Skynet, because of the power of God's First City, Skynet is growing every minute and every second. It is already a long time since the destruction of the underworld. Today's Skynet tentacles reach infinitely most areas.

The Blood Knife Organization was in charge of Jitian Slaughter five years ago. Today's Blood Knife Organization is not much weaker than the veteran killer organization on Infinite.

Because of the strength of Shenchu ​​City, Tang Sect founded by Tang Ming also developed extremely fast. Tang Sect is also responsible for intelligence. So now, Shenchu ​​City has two sets of intelligence systems. Even if one of them is wrong, it will not affect it. The acquisition of intelligence in Shenchu ​​City. As for Han Xiang's battle court, she did not give up the battle court, and the development of the battle court is not small, but the development of the battle court is still relatively small in comparison.

"Where did Fatty and Tang Wan go? There has been no news from them for several years." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. "Housekeeper Liu, is everything okay in Shenchu ​​City?" Chu Feng said.

"In reply to the master, everything has been stable in Shenchu ​​City in recent years, and the development of Shenchu ​​College has been very smooth. By the way, Master, Dean Hua has called you several times, but you are not there."

"Dean Hua? Okay, let's go down first." Chu Feng waved his hand, the housekeeper stepped back, and Chu Feng appeared in front of Shihua's room in Shenchu ​​Academy for a moment. "Dean Hua, you can pick this tea, I picked it." Chu Feng smiled authentically.

"Haha, if you can see it, just pick it up." Shi Hua laughed and walked out of the room. "Dean Hua, I heard that you have called me several times. Is there something to do?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Didn't you tell me before that you want to find something." Shi Hua smiled and a growth stone appeared in his hand. "Wow!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. The growth stone is actually a growth stone. He hasn't found this thing in the holy prison shop. The quantity is extremely rare. Over the years, Chu Feng only got one at the beginning. Then gave it to Feng Bingning.

"Dean Hua, give it to me?" Chu Feng said.

Shi Hua laughed and said, "This thing is useless for me to hold. The growth stone is most suitable for people who have a very rapid improvement in cultivation base. My cultivation base will not improve much for thousands of years. It will take a long time!" "Dean Hua, I won’t be polite with you." Chu Feng smiled and accepted the growth stone. With this growth stone, it can be integrated with Hei Ming, as long as his Hei Ming’s power will not continue to increase as his strength increases. Although such a sword will absorb some of his strength, it will affect his cultivation level a little bit, but that little effect is not for Chu Feng. A piece of cake!

"Chu Feng, I have one more thing I want to discuss with you." Shi Hua said hesitantly. "Dean Hua, what else can't you say based on our relationship?" Chu Feng smiled.

Shi Hua said, "Chu Feng, it is like this. When you become the dean of the First Seminary, can I become a deputy dean of the First Seminary? After so many years in the First Seminary, the First Seminary has developed rapidly. , I really want to be able to personally take care of the continuous growth of the Academy."

"Dean Hua, of course this is fine. Even if you don't say anything about Dean Hua, I would like to make such a request." Chu Feng said with joy. More time to personally manage the affairs of the Seminary Academy. If there is a responsible deputy dean, that would be a wonderful thing!"

"Chu Feng, thank you very much. I have been in the Shenchu ​​Academy for so many years. If I leave, I really don't know where to go. I will be shameless then and continue to rely on Shenchu ​​Academy." Shi Hua Hehe smiled. "Dean Hua, there is no problem with this matter. I won't talk to you now. After getting this growth stone, I have to fuse it with weapons!" Chu Feng said.


As Shi Hua said, Chu Feng quickly left and then entered the holy prison space. "Miao Xian'er, there shouldn't be a problem with the fusion of this growth stone and Hei Ming?" Chu Feng said, and Miao Xian'er appeared in front of him as soon as his voice fell. "No, but are you sure if you want to fuse Black Ming and not the silver knife?" Miao Xianer said.

When Chu Feng moved his mind, the small silver knife also appeared in front of him. "This" Chu Feng frowned slightly. Hei Ming was sharp and heavy. He was much better with Hei Ming when using the Destruction Sword. The silver knife was extremely sharp and the material itself was also very hard. Killed the saint, so there is an extra bonus in attack, but also because of this, the silver knife is more difficult to control because of its enchantment.

While Chu Feng was thinking about it, the silver knife moved suddenly, and it quickly pierced Hei Ming, leaving a small trace on Hei Ming.

Hei Ming was not easy to provoke, and a powerful aura suddenly burst out when provoked by the silver knife, and a terrifying sword intent suddenly enveloped the silver knife.

The silver knife trembled lightly, and the blade slowly turned a little red. As the silver knife body turned red, a sword intent stronger than that horrible sword intent instantly pressed Hei Ming!

"Stop it all!" Chu Feng yelled coldly. Hei Ming and the silver knife are not fuel-efficient lamps. If they both lose, then his loss will be great!

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