Holy Prison

Chapter 1019: Participate in the game

"Hahahaha, hahahaha!" Everyone knelt down. In the sky, the red-haired young man laughed loudly. Amid his laughter, more people knelt down within the circle of light. beg for mercy!

"Kill!" The laughter stopped, and the red-haired young man said coldly. Following his voice, the strong Yan clan culled one by one and entered those apertures. The strong Yan clan dispatched out were powerful, although within the aperture. Many people resisted fiercely, but under the attack of those strong in the Yan Clan, most of the people in the aperture were killed bloodily in a short time!

Chu Feng was shocked to see, there were 600,000 people who entered the aperture, but only about 1,000 people survived in the end! "Didn't your Excellency say that we will survive by one percent? Six hundred thousand people, but only a thousand people survive. Is this one percent?" A god-excellent powerhouse said in a deep voice. Tao.

"This king's game rules are like that. One hundred people live one. You are not sure about it. Who can blame?" The red-haired young man drank a little wine and smiled authentically, "Those who survived, you can choose, choose to leave. Or choose to stay and participate in the Tianxin Hegemony Tournament. This king promises that if he can survive a hundred games, Tianxinzi will give it right away, and he will never give it back, and he will not take it back after giving it! Okay, you have one minute Time to consider, it will be the same in every round in the future, one minute to consider!"

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving! Whoever has a bone boat, I will buy one at a high price!" Someone yelled authentically, hundreds of thousands of people only survived a thousand people, and there were many dead god-level powerhouses who survived. Fortunately, those people were shocked at the same time. Such a game is really terrible!

An attack fell, and the person who just yelled was instantly blasted into scum! "On Mother Yan Island, buying and selling bone boats in front of us is nothing short of life!" A strong Yan clan said coldly.

"My lord, we don't have a bone boat, how do we leave?" Someone had an ugly expression. Muyan Island was surrounded by magma and couldn't fly. Could it be impossible for them to swim out? The hot magma can't support even a god-level powerhouse in it for a few seconds!

The red-haired young man smiled slightly: "This king will never do everything. So, if you participate in the Tianxin Contest and survive three rounds, then you can find someone else to buy a bone boat. If you buy it from someone else, If not, this king also has bone boats here. Depending on its size, you need to live ten to fifty rounds!"

"The Tianxin Contest will start after the survival match. Okay, one minute is up."

"I attended!"


Many people who survived were helpless, and they really didn't want to participate in the Tianxin Hegemony Tournament, but if they didn't participate, they didn't have a bone ship to leave.

Among the 1,000 people, there are not many who have prepared bone ships, that is, dozens of them. Two of those dozens of people have two strong strengths and chose to participate in the Tianxin Hegemony, and the other dozens chose to leave!

"Sir, can we leave now?" one of the dozens of people said loudly. "Yes, what the king said counts. Since you have survived, you can naturally leave, go!" The red-haired young man smiled authentically.

Dozens of people hurried to the seaside, and then the bone boat was released. Everyone arrived on the bone boat and the bone boat immediately left the motheryan island!

"Miao Xian'er, pay attention to them." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Well, one of the people with higher strength has already been locked. If he can leave alive, you should be able to leave alive by then." Miao Xian'er said.

The first round of the survival match passed, and the second round soon started. This round has much more participants than the previous round. There were only 600,000 people in the last round, and this time, it was reached. one million!

In the second round, there was no part of Chu Feng. Chu Feng watched quietly, aside from other things. It was a good time to study at this time. In order to survive, everyone scored 12 points. strength!

Watching quietly, Chu Feng was constantly simulating in his heart. With so many people fighting, every minute and every second he can gain a lot!

An hour passed, and the second round was over. Some people chose to leave in the second round. More people either reluctantly or voluntarily chose to participate in the Tianxin Hegemony!

One round, two rounds, three rounds, and four rounds of survival match continued, and countless strong men fell on Mother Yan Island. Twelve hours a day, basically one round per hour, except for the initial 600,000, and then a stable one million, a day adds up to 12 million people participating in the competition, but it’s good to survive 20,000. Now, 20,000 of them, about 1,000 of them have bone boats to leave, and the rest have to stay and wait for the Tianxin Contest!

Survival matches are extremely cruel. There have been a lot of things like father killing children, brother killing brothers, and husband and wife. Of course, there have been many touching things, and there have been many things that gave up their lives for the other side!

Time passes day by day. If there is a super bone ship, then the person who leaves first can leave the lava ocean within four or five days, but there is no super bone ship. If you want to leave the lava ocean, there is no time for more than one month. may!

What made Chu Feng a little relieved was that the Yan Clan did not deal with those who left. There was a pseudo-saint-level powerhouse. The Yan Clan was not afraid of those people leaving and then telling the matter to attract revenge!

Twelve rounds a day, more than 100 rounds in ten days, and two months passed in a blink of an eye, the survival match has already reached more than 700 rounds! More than 700 rounds showed that more than 700 million people participated in the competition, and most of them became the dead souls on Mother Yan Island.

On this day, Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, the one locked up has left the lava sea, and no one from the Yan Clan has taken action against him!"

"That's all right." Chu Feng relaxed, "Miao Xian'er, there should be bone ships in the holy prison store to buy?" "Naturally there are." Miao Xian'er said, not available in the holy prison store. A bone ship that is too powerful, but ordinary bone ships can definitely be bought. In other words, even if a bone ship is too powerful, Chu Feng dare not buy it!

In one month, two months, and three months, the number of people on Muyan Island quickly decreased. At the beginning, there were nearly four billion people, but ten months later, there were already less than 500 million people!

From the beginning of the survival match to the present, time has passed so long, but the rescue from the outside has not arrived. The deterrence of the false holy is too great, and, in the lava sea, fighting is beneficial to the Yan clan, but it is too detrimental to other strong people!

At the end of another round, Chu Feng sighed slightly. In this round of one million people, fewer people survived, and only 800 people survived. In the first round, 600,000 people returned somehow. A thousand people survived!

At this moment, Chu Feng emitted a purple light instantly, and then a force of power made him fly slowly. Chu Feng was taken aback, and immediately knew that he was selected!

Without too much surprise, Chu Feng looked over, "It's okay!" Chu Feng's heart was slightly relaxed, and the rest of the people who had the same light as him were of the Emperor God level, although some of them were at the top of the Emperor God level. The Emperor God is at the pinnacle, but Chu Feng doesn't have much fear. People of the Emperor God level can be poisoned to death without using too top poison!

Pulled by a force of force, Chu Feng and the other ninety-nine people quickly fell within an aperture of one to twenty kilometers in diameter, falling into the aperture, and a voice immediately rang in Chu Feng’s mind. Among.

"Brother, let's kill the guys with higher cultivation base first!"

In a very short period of time, Chu Feng and many people around him exchanged views.

A hundred people all shot in an instant. The strongest emperor **** peak-level person withstood a joint attack of more than 30 people, and the weaker four emperor **** top-level people also suffered a lot of attacks. People with a relatively low cultivation base like Chu Feng did not bear any attack.

Everyone who enters the aperture knows one thing. If two people are left at the end, then under normal circumstances, the one with the highest cultivation level will definitely have the upper hand. No one wants to be the one with the highest cultivation level in the end, so , People with high cultivation base will be attacked by everyone from the beginning, as for those with low cultivation base, no one will deal with it!

After watching for so long, no one didn't know this. Therefore, that person at the top level of the Emperor God and the four top people of the Emperor God instantly united!

"Four brothers, let's get rid of them first, and then we will take it slowly!" the peak-level emperor **** said loudly.

On one side is a powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God and four powerhouses at the top of the Emperor God. On the other hand, there are 95 people in Chu Feng. Although the individual strength is not dominant, the victory lies in the number. If you cooperate well, The strength is not worse than the five people, but it is difficult for such a mob to cooperate well with the strength!

Chu Feng calmly took out the sword. The strength he showed at this time was the normal level of a person with an intermediate cultivation level of the Emperor God. If he was very strong at the beginning, then I am afraid that some people will immediately focus on the attack. To him!

One minute later, death finally appeared among a hundred people. A man of the Emperor God level was seized by the powerhouse of the Emperor God pinnacle level and killed instantly! "Everyone, come up with a little means, otherwise we will all die!" After the powerful emperor god, Chu Feng and others soon died, and a senior emperor quickly died. Hoarsely, he was attacked by a top powerhouse of the Emperor God, and he was under a lot of pressure at this time!

"Four brothers, let's use powerful secret skills at the same time to kill them all in one fell swoop, so let's, five of us, if we don't use a powerful hole card then, the rest of us will kill him!" The strong speaks.


"I didn't ask any questions!"

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