Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 827 Slapping Su Yuexi

He originally thought that Su Yuexi would be angry, but he didn't expect that she pursed her lips and said seriously: "It was you who saved us this time. I'll do it. If you go back to the God King's Palace, I will definitely give you enough benefits."

"Jiang Zizai, thank you. You are really nice. We wrongly blamed you before." Yun Xiyao said softly.

"You are all grateful. It's not in vain that I almost lost my life to save you." Jiang Zizai said that he was very great, and he was full of righteousness at this time.

This time we met again, Su Yuexi's attitude towards her was better. She hesitated for a while towards Jiang Zizai, and finally said: "Remembering how I humiliated you before, I feel really ashamed now. I didn't expect you to ignore the past grudges, like this The comparison shows that my character is too low. Anyway, I will treat you as a friend from now on."

For Su Yuexi, friends are a very important identity. She doesn't have many friends. At this time, she has actually recognized Jiang Zizai in her heart.

The two consecutive attempts to turn the tide regardless of past grudges really made her heart tremble.

It was definitely impossible to fall in love. They were still not from the same world, and she had never thought about it. Becoming friends was her greatest recognition of Jiang Zizai, a person she once hated.

"Friend? I don't agree. There is an account I haven't settled with you yet." Jiang Zizai said arrogantly.

"What do you mean? Don't touch your nose or face, Jiang Zizai." When Yan Qingchi heard his words, for some reason, a fire burst out in his heart.

Jiang Zizai glanced at him and ignored him.

"Shut up." Su Yuexi glared at Yan Qingchi instead, making him feel angry. Recently, he has lost more and more sense of proportion and seems to be following his inner demon, which makes Su Yuexi somewhat bored with him.

In the past, he knew what was possible and what was not, was gentle enough, and could occasionally talk to each other.

How could Su Yuexi not know his feelings for her, but he had repeatedly become hostile to Jiang Zizai, and was not as good as Jiang Zizai. The exposure of this jealousy showed the narrow-mindedness of his true character, but Yan Qingchi himself was completely unaware of it. He continued to stare at Jiang Zizai.

"By the way, how did you escape the pursuit of the ancient god? Do you know how the ancient god found us?" Su Yuexi asked.

"Don't get too close to him. If we don't hide first, we may still be found by the ancient god." Yan Qingchi said nervously.

"Shut up, didn't you hear me?" Su Yuexi glanced at him a little bored, and then faced Jiang Zizai with a smile. Such a contrast made Yan Qingchi feel like he had eaten a fly for a moment, and he was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit. He soon became more irritable, and the eyes looking at Jiang Zizai became even colder.

He knew that it must be because of Jiang Zizai that Su Yuexi scolded him repeatedly. In the past, she regarded him as the most intimate person.

Such a contrast makes me feel like there is a devil in my heart.

The Su Yuexi in front of her was so stunning, but she seemed to be gone from her eyes, and her anger and fear continued to simmer together.

"Yes, how did you and us escape the pursuit of that ancient god?" Yun Xiyao was also very interested, looking at Jiang Zizai with gleaming eyes.

"That's it. Please listen to me tell you my heroic deeds in detail. I guarantee that you will be so impressed by me after listening to them."

Jiang Zizai's exaggerated personality has never been restrained. He began to vividly describe his experiences. When countless soul-eating ants appeared in the abyss, he even let out a cry, which shocked Yun Xiyao. .

"Why are you like this?" Almost all the men Yun Xiyao met respected her very much, and Ning Mufeng also treated her with respect. Faced with Jiang Zizai's misbehavior, although she cursed with resentment, in fact, in her heart Still quite happy.

And Ning Mufeng saw all this.

He is not a coquettish man like Jiang Zizai, and there are some things that he really can't learn.

"I was hiding inside until just now. When I saw there was no movement outside, I used my Demon Lord Cauldron to crawl out. On the way out, what do you think I saw?" Jiang Zizai blinked.

"The ruins of the God of Death?" Su Yuexi's eyes lit up.

"You have a beautiful idea." Jiang Zizai admired his imagination. He took out the space jade pendant belonging to the leader of the Blood God Camp and said, "This should be the man who is chasing me. He even threw away the space jade pendant. What does it mean?"

"Let me see." Just when Su Yuexi wanted to, Jiang Zizai took it back and let her pounce. Just when she was biting her red lips and about to get angry, Jiang Zizai gave it to her. However, the way she was biting her lips just now , It’s really charming.

"It should be his. There are a lot of 'divine crystals' inside." Su Yuexi returned the things to Jiang Zizai. She didn't care about them. At this time, her eyes lit up and asked: "You mean, he died in In the hands of the Soul-Eating Ant?"

"It will definitely be eaten clean." Jiang Zizai said.

"In other words, we are safe!" Yun Xiyao's gloomy expression cleared up immediately. To be honest, her beauty was not bad at all. That kind of tenderness and tenderness was a different kind of beauty.

Su Yuexi also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "These people have done many evil things, and they will eventually be punished. They were just executed today, and I don't know how many people have been harmed. You did a good thing."

"That's right. I have always been accustomed to doing chivalry and justice. This is the style of my generation." Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

"Shameless." Su Yuexi made him laugh at his response. To be honest, such a 'shameless person' can be quite funny sometimes.

Now that the ancient god is dead, he is completely relaxed.

"You not only saved us, but also completely eradicated the source of the trouble..." She looked at Jiang Zizai with her beautiful eyes, and there were ripples in them.

"Are you ready to fall in love with me? Don't be too impulsive, I'm a serious person." Jiang Zizai refused sternly.


Su Yuexi raised her hand, she wanted to strangle this person to death.

"Just now, you have a score to settle with me? Did I hit the person you like?" Su Yuexi asked.

"Bai Yingying? She is not the person I like, but a 'sister' who I have a very good relationship with. I have many such sisters." Jiang Zizai smiled.

"No?" Su Yuexi thought about it and found that she did take it for granted that they were a couple, but she didn't expect that they were not.

I thought he had a girlfriend and was having an affair with Qin Yiyi, but now I don't see any.

"My father and I promised that I would pass the level directly without dropping any stars, but she snatched one away. I was in a bad mood at the time, so I did something wrong. I thought a lot about it this time, and I think I have changed a little. With her qualifications, she will probably be able to enter the God King Palace next year. I will apologize to her then." Su Yuexi said.

As the daughter of the God King, she is willing to apologize, which is a big concession for her "friend". From this sentence, it can be seen that she has indeed changed.

"That won't work. An apology is not enough. How did you teach her a lesson? I have to help her teach you a lesson." Jiang Zizai said.

"Are you sure you dare to hit me?" Su Yuexi raised her eyebrows and looked at him with disdain.

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