Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 814: Azure Dragon Transformation

"He's getting too cocky. I should have killed Qingfeng Longque earlier. This country bumpkin is so arrogant because he has a little capital." Yan Qingchi narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Jiang Zizai.

"I'll deal with him after I become a god. Don't bother with him recently. He can tame Qingfeng Longque, and our strength has indeed increased a lot." Su Yuexi said.

"Sister Yuexi, won't you forget his character?"

"How is that possible?"

"But," Ning Mufeng next to him said, "I think it's not easy for someone born in the totem world to get to this point."

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"Yes, if his personality wasn't so rubbish, I wouldn't look down on him." She felt disgusted when she remembered that he flirted with Bai Yingying during the assessment in the God King Palace, and then had an affair with Qin Yiyi.

"But, the Blue Wind Dragon Bird is really cute, I want to take it and play with it..." At this time, Yun Xiyao's weak voice sounded. She had been watching the Blue Wind Dragon Bird for a while. Under the healing of Jiang Zizai's Holy Light Talisman, the Blue Wind Dragon Bird gradually recovered. This blue bird is indeed cute.

"Ahem." Su Yuexi looked at it with a stern face. In fact, she also wanted to play with it, but when she thought of Jiang Zizai, she had to put away this thought.

"Isn't it just a bird? What's so cute about it." Su Yuexi said hypocritically.

The Yanyun Boat locked the direction of the Blue Demon Realm and kept flying towards it. Because of the dangerous encounter last time, they only hurried this time and ignored any new things they encountered on the road.

In the past few days, Jiang Zizai was still preparing the four talismans, and at the same time, he consumed the Blue Wind Dragon Bird that was treated by the Holy Light Talisman. Before entering the Blue Demon Realm, the Blue Wind Dragon Bird had recovered as before.

It may be the effect of the Beast Taming Talisman. It has almost forgotten the sad things. Now it jumps on Jiang Zizai's body, very happy.

Through communication, Jiang Zizai knew that the Blue Wind Dragon Bird had three totem magical powers. The first one was the Blue Blade Storm. The second one was called: God Speed, which means that it could use the strong wind and the characteristics of its body size to fly at a speed comparable to that of the ancient gods. God Speed โ€‹โ€‹means the speed of God. If this Blue Wind Dragon Bird wants to escape, no one can catch it.

The remaining one is the "Blue Dragon Transformation", which it has also used before. It can transform into a tornado blue dragon. It is its ultimate means with huge lethality.

These three totem magical powers can allow it to sweep the source beasts and those below the initial god realm, unless it encounters someone like Su Yuexi.

In fact, the Blue Wind Dragon Bird used to be in the Blue Demon Realm. It left this dangerous place to give birth to a child. When it reached the edge, it didn't expect that it would still lead to tragedy because of being too relaxed.

"One day, I no longer need your help, and I will let you protect the bell."

The beast talisman used to control a source beast called Lightning Bird, but it couldn't compare with the Blue Wind Dragon Bird.

On the eleventh day after setting out from the base, the Green Demon Realm finally arrived. After arriving at the Green Demon Realm, it was said that it would be very dangerous to use the Smoke and Cloud Boat to travel, because many source beasts in the Green Demon Realm would fly, and it would be easy to encounter such an obvious target as the Smoke and Cloud Boat, so after they arrived here, they changed to walking on the ground.

The land in the Green Demon Realm is dark green and very soft. There are green lakes in many places, covered with weeds, and many swamps. The whole is very humid. I donโ€™t know how many source beasts and dangers are hidden in this underground. This is the core of the God King battlefield. It is said to be one of the cores of the battlefield. There are many treasures left over from the ancient times, many powerful people from all sides, and many source beasts born here. Donโ€™t look at this place as desolate, in fact, the spirit of the gods is very rich, which is very suitable for the survival of source beasts.

After landing, Su Yuexi seemed to take out a map, and the four people gathered together to study it furtively.

"They came to practice, probably with a specific task, such as reaching a certain place and completing something." Jiang Zizai thought.

They didn't mean to let him see it, and he was too lazy to go up to see what was marked on the map. If it weren't for special circumstances, he would be happy to be a bystander and watch how the daughter of the King of Gods would become a god.

Fighting the source beasts and experiencing a few life-and-death battles, can you find the way to become a god?

Is it that easy?

He was puzzled, so he wanted to know.

Following the map, they gradually went deeper into the Green Demon Realm. Jiang Zizai occasionally used the talisman to check the surroundings. He now draws a Kun-level talisman that is more advanced than the Ten Thousand Breath Talisman, called: the God Breath Talisman. The same is true for detecting surrounding life, but the God Breath Talisman is more effective.

Occasionally checking, he found that there are really many source beasts hidden underground, but these source beasts are very smart. They will choose their prey. When the Green Wind Dragon Bird passed by, they sensed the breath of this powerful source beast and naturally did not dare to show up. If there was no Green Wind Dragon Bird, they would probably have to deal with these dormant source beasts attacking them frequently.

"Strange, isn't there source beasts everywhere in the Green Demon Realm?" Yan Qingchi asked in confusion.

"All underground." Su Yuexi said.

"Didn't they notice us passing by?"

"Yes, but they didn't dare to move." Su Yuexi turned around and saw Jiang Zizai at the end of her sight. She said, "Ordinary source beasts are afraid of the Blue Wind Dragon Bird and won't get close to us. Once a source beast gets close, it's clear that it has the confidence to suppress the Blue Wind Dragon Bird."

"Can a source beast have this effect?"

"That's right."

Yan Qingchi didn't feel very comfortable. How did he find that after Jiang Zizai followed, he seemed to have taken Su Yuexi's attention everywhere?

He wanted to work harder to let Su Yuexi see him, but it seemed that Su Yuexi had no such idea. Her focus was on the map and the changes around her. As for Ning Mufeng and Yun Xiyao, they were always in love.

"If it weren't for Jiang Zizai, I would have more opportunities to communicate with Sister Yuexi." Yan Qingchi was speechless. He still didn't understand the intention of Su Yanyu's decision.

"Someone!" Suddenly, Jiang Zizai, who was following them from a distance behind them, suddenly shouted. After that, he quickly walked to the side of the crowd and said, "There is a group of people approaching this side a hundred feet ahead. They are not weak. If you don't want to encounter them, get out of the way. They haven't discovered us yet."

He felt that the other party was very difficult to deal with and didn't want to fight in vain, so he told them.

"How do you know?" Unexpectedly, Yan Qingchi's first question was this.

"The divine breath talisman senses, so if you don't listen, forget it." Jiang Zizai waved his hand and let them decide.

Su Yuexi was indeed arrogant, and it seemed that it was shameful to ask her to give way to others, so she did not move, but looked ahead. In fact, in another five breaths, she could see a group of figures approaching in the black fog ahead.

They spoke loudly, and the sound was heard before they got close.

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