Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 804 Tiangang Golden Divine Ape Totem

Jiang Zizai could only think that one month was too little time.

Although the ancient god had reminded him that there was only one hour left, he patiently improved his source of destruction to a complete level.

When the source of destruction in the totem sea had almost grown and stabilized at the fourth level of the First God Realm, he stopped, gathered his breath and opened his eyes.

When the source of destruction grows, the whole process is silent.

"The fourth level of the First God Realm, one step closer to becoming a god."

The Temple of the God King is the best place for people to become gods. It is acceptable for people to become gods at the age of fifty.

Just after finishing his training, Jiang Zizai left the Tongshen Ancient Tower as quickly as possible without saying a word.

When he came down from the top to the first level and walked out of the tower door, the white-haired ancient god glanced at him and said: "Please allow more time to come out next time. In thirty breaths, you will I will be disqualified from next year because of overtime.”

"Thank you Ancient God for reminding me."

Jiang Zizai secretly thought that the danger was very high and that thirty breaths of time would pass quickly. He was pretty lucky to be able to get out before then.

Otherwise, the opportunity for next year will be lost, which will be a big loss.

When leaving the Ancient Tower of Gods, he couldn't help but sigh: "It would be great if we could come and go freely in such a good place, including the four levels above, with no time limit at all."

One can only think about this. He is not Su Yuexi, so he definitely won't be treated like this.

"The Ancient Tower of Gods allowed me to break through to the first level and return to the Yanyu Tower to practice. I don't know how I can break through again. The cultivation of the First God Realm is indeed getting more and more difficult."

The cultivation of realm is not something that happens overnight.

"Fortunately, my source of destruction and totem can at least allow me to fight across two levels. Otherwise, at the third or fourth level of the First God Realm, at this age, I can only be considered a passing level in the God King Palace."

He left quickly and entered the white mist, preparing to return to Yanyu Tower to consolidate before starting the next stage of practice.

He sat cross-legged on the flying talisman, moved forward with the flying talisman, then closed his eyes to rest, still recalling the pull he felt on the palm print of the God of Destruction.

In this trance, he suddenly felt the approaching crisis, which made him wake up instantly. In a subconscious reaction, the Demon Lord Cauldron protected him.

The area around here is filled with white mist, and the closest palaces are some distance away from here. It can be regarded as the "wilderness" of the God King's Palace.

When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that there were people appearing up, down, left, and right in the surrounding white fog. They were all young men. There were six people in total, sealing Jiang Zizai's top, bottom, left, and back.

Jiang Zizai was not familiar with these people. They were probably between twenty and thirty years old, and their cultivation levels were relatively advanced, at least to the level of Qin Yiyi.

They looked at Jiang Zizai with unkind expressions and playful smiles on their faces, clearly harboring ill intentions.

It is absolutely certain that they have been waiting for me here for a while.

Before Jiang Zizai asked about their purpose, he saw Sun Yu with a gloomy face coming out of the white mist and standing in front of Jiang Zizai. After seeing Jiang Zizai, green flames appeared in his eyes. His voice was hoarse and cold, and he said: "I knew you wouldn't come out until a month later. I've been waiting for you here for a month. Jiang Zizai, even if you turn to ashes this time, you won't be able to escape from my grasp."

"I've seen Shen Tu Yin. If you dare to kill me here, you will also be punished by the God King's Palace and given the death penalty." Jiang Zizai said.

"Who, I'm going to kill you. I just want to teach you a lifelong lesson and let you be a eunuch." Sun Yu laughed, and the others also laughed. They were very vigilant and had even started to arrange it, just to Lock up Jiang Zizai and make it difficult for him to fly.

"Oh, it seems that you are worried about the matter between me and Senior Sister Yiyi. In fact, she has not liked you for a long time, so why force it? She will be happy if you are not here this month. You waste such a beautiful woman on At home, going out to look for wild flowers and weeds is a waste of money. I can only help you to make her happy. You Yiyi's waist is really powerful. "

Jiang Zizai was too lazy to argue. It was obvious that the other party would not let him go, and would bite the woman he had touched to death. He had been waiting here for a month, so there was no reason for him to leave safely. Since he said so, he might as well Come right on in!

For Jiang Zizai, who was so bold, Sun Yu's face turned the color of pig's liver.

"Brothers, help me seal him now. I will do it myself. If you don't become this person's nightmare today, I will be your grandson!"

There was an extremely violent source aura on his body. At this time, he turned into an angry divine ape, and his eyes were blood red.

"Aren't you a grandson in the first place?" Jiang Zizai said again, which immediately made Sun Yu furious.

In his hand, the divine weapon appeared directly. It was a golden stick. It was the best among the divine totem weapons. It was called the 'Shen Gang Pillar' and had the power of destruction. This Sun Yu The source of cultivation has some similarities with Jiang Zizai.

The reason why Jiang Zizai made him angry was that he saw that Sun Yu was an irritable person. Once angry, he would lose his sense of proportion and reason during the battle, and he would look like a wild beast. Fighting with a rough and brainless beast would always be better. It's much easier to fuck someone who is calm and gloomy.

Sun Yu's totem is called: Gang Golden Ape Totem.

When it was angry, golden hair grew directly all over its body, and the whole person directly transformed into a golden ape. This ape was extremely majestic and rough, and its eyes were completely blood red. It was almost the same as the original violent ape.

If people see Sun Yu like this for the first time, they may think that this is a source beast, not a totem warrior transformed by totem power.

The golden ape, holding the divine pillar, has bloodshot eyes and is furious. Even the sound of breathing is rough.

Those scarlet eyes directly locked Jiang Zizai, and then attacked with explosive power. He did not kill Jiang Zizai, but the attack at this time was completely aimed at blasting Jiang Zizai into powder!

Boom boom boom!

Every time Sun Yu's stick moved, there was a huge sound. The divine pillar gave birth to sharp energy. This was a terrifying destructive force, a force that would smash everything into pieces!

He performed several stick techniques, like a madman. Among them, the power of the Vajra Bomb Stick was the most terrifying. Under the blessing of the source power of the seventh level of the initial god realm, facing such a Sun Yu, under the suppression of those stick techniques, Jiang Zizai looked a little pitiful at this time.


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