Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 738: The Master of the Forgotten River Sword

In general, Jiang Zizai felt that he was close to success.

He stood up again and approached the Wangchuan Sword, trying to suppress and control it, but this time the Wangchuan Sword reacted more violently. Even though Jiang Zizai had almost controlled it before, it was very disrespectful now and directly shook Jiang Zizai away.

This sword seemed to have a mind, as if saying: I have already allowed you to break through to the initial god realm, and you still dare to expect too much?

So Jiang Zizai was helpless.

Since it was the first treasure of the Wangchuan Sword Tomb, the names of its forces were all named after the Wangchuan Sword. If you can control it, it would be a step to heaven. Obviously, the ancient god was just trying his luck. I am afraid that according to his estimation, even if everyone in the Well of the Divine Domain tried it, there might not be anyone who could cause the Wangchuan Sword to react at all.

Jiang Zizai and Lu Dingxing both had a small chance of success, which was enough to surprise him.

"If it doesn't work, go down, don't occupy it. There are still many people waiting behind." Huangfu Kun said.

It was really thrilling just now.

Fortunately, Jiang Zizai tried twice, but still failed.

In fact, Jiang Zizai had already felt that Wangchuan Sword might feel that there was no fate, or that it was a little afraid of Jiang Zizai's source of destruction, so no matter how many times he tried next, the result would be the same.

In this case, it is better to stop at the right time, anyway, the fortune that should be obtained has been obtained.

He came down from the high platform, and many people breathed a sigh of relief. Many people did not go up to try, and they felt that they still had a chance.

The next person was ready to appear.

At this time, Su Qianyu from the Sword Soul Totem World stopped in front of that person and walked onto the high platform again. His eyes were very solemn, as if he had been guided. He had been forbearing for a long time, and this time he suddenly went up, and it seemed that he really had some confidence.

After all, he was the best sword totem owner, and he naturally attracted a lot of attention when he went up again.

"He has already failed."

"In fact, failure means rejection, and there is basically no hope."

"They all say that. For example, Princess Shengyu and the others have tried dozens of times, but the result is the same."

"Although Su Qianyu has not been there many times, he lacks a little mystery compared to Jiang Zizai."

People analyzed it very thoroughly, so they felt much more relaxed.

In such an environment, Su Qianyu closed his eyes, concentrated and held his breath. He looked very simple. He gently stretched out his hand and placed it on the hilt of the Wangchuan Sword.

At that moment, he seemed to merge with the Wangchuan Sword.

There was no strong sense of confrontation between the two, unlike Jiang Zizai and the Wangchuan Sword, which were tit-for-tat. Instead, it was silent, like a spring breeze, without any movement. It looked like Su Qianyu stretched out his hand and gently stroked the bluestone on the side of the road.

Then, he barely used any strength, and gently lifted it, and the Wangchuan Sword actually loosened a little, and then it was like a wooden sword, and he pulled it out of the ground and held it in his hand. At that moment, even Su Qianyu himself was stunned. He stared at the wooden sword in his hand, and the whole person was almost suffocated.

"I, succeeded?" The boy was completely confused. He just saw that Jiang Zizai had successfully made the Wangchuan Sword move, so he was a little itchy, so he came forward at this time. In fact, he had no confidence in himself. When he thought he would be shaken away, he never expected that the Wangchuan Sword would be so light.

It was like a wooden sword, light and weightless, as if no one would think that he was holding such a first treasure in his hand.

To be honest, people would rather believe that Jiang Zizai could get the Wangchuan Sword than Su Qianyu. After all, when he tried last time, he was far from the movement of Jiang Zizai, and even Lu Dingxing was far inferior.

"Damn?" Jiang Zizai was confused. This was too easy.

"Something is wrong. He was almost the same as us last time. How come he succeeded suddenly? Could it be because you were in front? Did you trigger some kind of switch of the Wangchuan Sword?" Li Zixiao asked suspiciously.

Jiang Zizai shook his head. He thought it shouldn't be the case... How could the Wangchuan Sword be so trivial? He had reached that level just now, but he didn't let himself control it. How could the Wangchuan Sword that Su Qianyu could finally control have anything to do with him?

"I think it might have something to do with you and me." Lu Dingxing said.

"You think so too?" Jiang Zizai was puzzled.

"Fate, arrangement." Lu Dingxing said.

"Haha, don't make random substitutions. He is not a monkey." Jiang Zizai knew that this guy had some associations because of a name, such as thinking that this might be the arrangement of fate.

In any case, the Wangchuan Sword has chosen its master.

In addition to the disappointment and regret of countless people, only Su Qianyu was ecstatic after reacting.

He held the sword of death and stared at the people around him in a daze, his face showing both joy and nervousness. He was nervous because he was worried that he was dreaming.

However, he had already found a cut on his hand, and his blood was madly pouring into the Wangchuan Sword. There seemed to be an endless dim yellow river in the Wangchuan Sword, with countless corpses floating in it. After his blood flowed into it, it turned all the endless river into his blood at once.

He and the Wangchuan Sword had merged into one, as if from now on, he was the sword.

The feeling of blood connection was so real that it would not deceive anyone at all.

At that moment, he even felt the improvement of his life realm. He seemed to have become another kind of existence, enough to fly above all living beings.

"Su Qianyu, this... Sword Soul Totem World, it's a blessing..."

Many young people looked up at the boy, their eyes full of yearning and envy.

"Is this okay?" Jiang Zizai smiled dumbly. Fortunately, this Su Qianyu was still pleasing to the eye. If it were someone else, he would probably be a little unhappy.

At this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the endless sky.

With a whoosh, a man in a blue robe appeared on the high platform. He was a middle-aged man, a bit like Feng Xiaoyao in the past, but he looked more sloppy. He was covered with a lot of mud, his beard and hair were a mess, and what he held in his hand was not just a wine pot, but a wine jar, which was more than five times larger than his head. He held the wine jar in one hand and carried a sword behind him. The strong smell of wine could be smelled from a distance, and the smell alone was enough to make people drunk.

Even though this man was so sloppy, no one dared to look down on him. When he appeared, people knelt on the ground and shouted "Greetings to the Ancient God"!

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