Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 736 Drowning

"I heard that he went up once. It was his first attempt, but he failed. However, after the failure, he seemed to have been observing and didn't go up again." Li Zixiao said.

"You can be so patient?" Jiang Zizai was a little surprised. Generally, in this situation, everyone would pay attention to him. He could not bear to go up and watch others go up. This also requires a kind of courage.

Because it was too difficult, these geniuses did not restrict others. As long as they could squeeze in and line up, almost no one cared. They would always get a turn. Jiang Zizai could go up directly, but he was not in a hurry, so he lined up at the back of the line.

"Not going up directly?" Li Zixiao asked.

"Watch it first."

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He felt that the first chance should be very important. If it didn't succeed, it would be no different from being eliminated.

This was probably the reason why Su Qianyu couldn't bear to go up, because he was sure that his chances were very slim.

"I'll try." Lu Dingxing lined up behind Jiang Zizai.

The bell hung on Jiang Zizai's back, curiously looking at the Wangchuan sword, his eyes rolling.

Although the team was long, it was actually consumed very quickly, and basically one person in front could be seen flying out.

"Jiang Zizai." Princess Shengyu and others had already seen him, and they immediately surrounded him, because they felt that Jiang Zizai would be a very big threat. When he was in the ancient demon tomb, he showed extraordinary abilities in this regard.

Princess Shengyu may not know that Jiang Fanchen disappeared and died at the hands of Jiang Zizai.

They didn't know what happened later.

Their eyes were burning, and they must be very reluctant to let Jiang Zizai go up, but they just couldn't stop him.

Many people knew that he was powerful, so they focused their attention on him.

"Can he succeed?"

"Without the sword totem, it's basically impossible."

"Su Qianyu didn't succeed, let alone him. His ability to comprehend may not be useful, because what he needs most is the recognition of the Wangchuan Sword."

"That makes sense."

"Did the big man next to him in the Divine Seal Realm come with him?"

"It seems so. He looks scary. If his realm is not too low, it would be scary."

"Did you see his eyes? The left eye is even weirder than Jiang Zizai's.

In the spotlight, it was their turn.

Jiang Zizai patted Lu Dingxing's shoulder and asked him to go up first. Lingling asked him why, and he said that the best people must be ranked at the back.

"Bragging, shame on you. "Lingdang said disdainfully.

Lu Dingxing was tall and strong, and because he came with Jiang Zizai, he still attracted a lot of attention. He was very smart. He used his left hand, which was covered with bloodshot eyes, to hold the Wangchuan Sword. His movements were swift and clean. Before people could react, his hand was already on the Wangchuan Sword.


In this instant, the Wangchuan Sword vibrated, causing the entire Jianyun City to tremble. In this roar, Jianyun City seemed to tremble as if it was about to collapse.


The bloodshot on Lu Dingxing's left eye spread instantly, and even spread directly to the Wangchuan Sword, while the Wangchuan Sword rose up countless sword energy, as if resisting, and the sword energy like a wave rolled rapidly.


Lu Dingxing roared, and the bloodshot was suppressed again, but the Wangchuan Sword was still surging with sword energy, and countless dim auras were aroused, suppressing Lu Dingxing's blood line back.

"Who is this guy!"

"Is he going to succeed? "

Everything people saw was absolutely beyond their expectations.

However, what made them happy was that at the last moment, Lu Dingxing still collapsed. His blood line was suppressed by the Wangchuan Sword. With a bang, he was knocked back a few steps and almost fell to the ground. Only then did the trembling of Jianyun City end.

"He failed!"

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really scary just now.

But even so, Lu Dingxing's performance was the best so far. Even Su Qianyu couldn't reach this point.

In fact, Jiang Zizai knew that the reason for his failure was not that he couldn't control it, but that the Wangchuan Sword was very repulsive to him. In short, it felt completely inappropriate, so it was so repulsive. If it was a sword totem like Su Qianyu, it is estimated that the Wangchuan Sword would have accepted it.

"Boss, you go. "Lu Dingxing shook his head and walked down, his expression was a little depressed, after all, he had seen the hope of success.

It was Jiang Zizai's turn.

He was the one who attracted everyone's attention. When Lu Dingxing showed such strength, Jiang Zizai went up now, which undoubtedly made people have more ideas in their minds. Even Su Qianyu was staring at him.

"Brother Jiang, are you sure?" Su Qianyu asked. He should want to get the Wangchuan Sword very much.

"I haven't tried it, I don't know anything." Jiang Zizai smiled, "Why, are you afraid?"

"That's not the case. If you can succeed, I can only feel ashamed of myself. The Wangchuan Sword is fair." Su Qianyu said.

"That makes sense."

It's really good that he can think so clearly.

Jiang Zizai focused his attention on the Wangchuan Sword. The pattern of this sword was like an endless river of death. He finally felt that it was actually the breath of death, endless, extremely dark, enough to swallow people. The so-called Wangchuan is death.

This is the sword of death, full of death, no weapon can lift its head, including Jiang Zizai's current killing god Xuanbing, he guessed that the killing god Xuanbing was not complete.

When he reached out and gently touched the hilt of the Wangchuan Sword, at first, he felt cold, just like an iron sword in the mortal world, without any special features. Then, a cold breath rose from it and poured into Jiang Zizai's body.

It was indeed a strong breath of death. Under the cover of such a breath, almost as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that his body was trapped in another world. It was a feeling of drowning. The more he struggled, the deeper he sank. There was no way to survive. When he opened his eyes again, he was indeed in the dim turbid water. There was thick mud and sand in the water, and there were many other things. They were bones washed transparent by the river water, densely packed, drifting in one direction. When Jiang Zizai struggled, his hands and feet could touch many such bones.

He was also carried away by the surging waves.

Drowning, unable to breathe, losing all strength, his spirit forever sunk into despair, unable to think of any happy things or hope, entangled in endless pain, wanting to die but unable to, with corpses everywhere around him, those skulls floating by, looking at Jiang Zizai with empty eyes, as if telling Jiang Zizai not to struggle anymore.

There is one more chapter, a little later.

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