Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 731 The Corpse Under the King's City

Surrounded by empty black space, there are bluestone slabs under your feet. The bluestone slabs are suspended in the air, and under your feet is an endless abyss. If you fall, you don't know where you will fall.

"What's down there?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's hell?" Jiang Junjian shook his head. He stepped on the bluestone and led Jiang Ziyu's legend deeper and deeper into the black void.

"How far is it?"

"There are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine bluestone slabs in total." Jiang Junjian said.

It was indeed very deep. They speeded up and crossed several stone slabs in one step. The mystery of this void space made Jiang Zizai feel in awe. As expected, he found that even if he was so strong, he still couldn't understand the mystery of his parents. .

Jiang Zizai continued to walk deeper. It took about half an hour for them to reach the end. He had already seen a suspended island shrouded in black mist at the end. The island was not big, and was probably equivalent to several rooms. .

"We're here." Jiang Junjian stepped into it first and passed through the black mist. Jiang Zizai followed behind him, staring into the depths of the black mist ahead.

This suspended island is very flat, but there seems to be a high platform in the center. There seems to be something on the high platform, which should be what Jiang Junjian is guarding.

"Be prepared, what you are going to see will definitely be beyond your expectations and beyond your imagination." Jiang Junjian said with a smile.

"So magical?"

He took a few steps forward, and when he stood under the high platform, he finally saw clearly——

That is a crystal coffin!

The crystal coffin is erected on a high platform instead of lying flat.

There is no doubt that there is something inside the crystal coffin amid the black air!

Jiang Zizai took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a person in the upright crystal coffin.

The man was wearing black clothes and had snow-white skin. He was tall and slender, and at first glance he looked like a dragon or a phoenix among men.

What really shocked Jiang Zizai was this man's face.

The nose, eyes and mouth were all very familiar to him, because he took another look at Jiang Junjian next to him and was completely sure that the body in the crystal coffin was exactly the same as Jiang Junjian!

"When I came down one time, I was as shocked as you were. I actually saw myself in the crystal coffin." Jiang Junjian said.

The crystal coffin that his parents asked him to guard turned out to be a person exactly like him. Not to mention Jiang Junjian, even Jiang Zizai was a little confused by this fact. He looked at it many times and was convinced that this person even had very small lines on his face. , all exactly the same as Jiang Junjian.

"What do you think?" Jiang Junjian asked.

"What do you think? Now I just want to pry it open and see if it's true." Jiang Zizai said with a dumb smile.

It's amazing.

"Is there any clue to let you know what this means?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"No." Jiang Junjian shook his head, "Except for what you saw, I know about the same as you in other aspects. Of course, when I was practicing here, my speed was dozens of times faster than outside. In many aspects, it was easy to fall into place. Here The aura of heaven and earth is not strong, maybe the corpse in the crystal coffin has some influence on me."

No wonder he made such rapid progress in such a barren place.

"I'll watch more." Jiang Zizai began to circle around the crystal coffin.

"Don't really open the coffin." Jiang Junjian warned.

"I know." Jiang Zicai was not so impulsive. This was a secret left by his parents. Maybe it was the same as the God Box. It was not something they could figure out now.

Jiang Junjian was already sitting cross-legged in front of the crystal coffin, and started practicing with the corpse that looked like him.

"You are so big-hearted, practicing in front of your own corpse." Jiang Zizai teased.

"Don't talk nonsense. Maybe it's just a senior who looks similar to me." Jiang Junjian said.

"That's wrong. The way you look at yourself is not as good as when I look at you. When I compare it, even the number of eyelashes you have, the growth of each eyelash, and the growth of each hair are exactly the same. There's no way it's a senior similar to you, this is you." Jiang Zizai said.

"Zi Zi, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Junjian's face was solemn.

"It's nothing. In fact, you must know it in your heart. There is no need to deceive yourself. In fact, there is no need to worry. Trust our parents." Jiang Zizai stood behind him, holding his hands on his shoulders. He understood that if the body he saw was his , then he will also be anxious, which is normal.

"That's right, they asked me to protect them." Jiang Junjian nodded.

While he was practicing, Jiang Zizai was still looking and comparing. He had indeed observed their hair at the bangs. At the hairline, you could see the hair roots. The arrangement of each hair root was basically the same. This is really true. They are just one person, not twins, let alone similar seniors.

"So, what is this?" Jiang Zizai stared into the eyes of the corpse in the crystal coffin. His eyes were closed tightly, as if he couldn't see anything.

As he kept looking at it, he suddenly felt a little dizzy, as if it was a whirlpool that was drawing him in. He didn't pay much attention to it, but in that moment, something suddenly happened that shocked Jiang Zizai like a thunderbolt!

The corpse opened its eyes!

The moment his eyes opened, Jiang Zizai felt as if he had been struck by a storm. He was just a small boat in the storm, and the force of the impact was so fierce that it tore his spirit apart for a moment, leaving him completely unable to resist.

Under the pressure of that look, the world in front of him changed instantly. Suddenly, the world changed, and he appeared in an endless void. In the space, he could see a world in the distance. Those seemed to be totem worlds, piled up like grapes.

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At this moment, those grapes burst one by one, a bit like a balloon explosion. Every time they burst, you can hear the screams of trillions of creatures. Every time they burst, countless creatures die instantly. That is not a cold number, each one is a living life.

Puff puff puff!

One world after another is constantly collapsing, and the world falls into endless dead silence. Indistinctly, Jiang Zizai seems to see the black dragon shadow wandering in many worlds, and everything is destroyed wherever it goes.

"Is this also destruction?"

There are many types of destruction.

Maybe it is a rebirth, maybe it is a reshaping of the rules, but what Jiang Zizai saw today was the most tragic scene. This is real destruction, it is inhumane, indifferent and cruel. Under such power, life is the most insignificant thing.

For any fragile person, such a shattered scene is a blow.

"This is also destruction itself. Since you are cultivating this source of heaven, you must also accept that destruction has such a side. Ruthless and brutal."

"Complex, it constitutes the whole."

Jiang Zizai's understanding of the source of destruction was very positive before, and he gradually believed that it was a completely pure power with a great mission, but everything in front of him made him have to admit that the source of destruction also has a ruthless and evil scene, which is also part of the source of heaven.

Such an understanding, in the thrilling, actually made his source of destruction grow!

The source of destruction grew again, and countless patterns became dense again. This time the degree of growth was very high, causing the power of the source of destruction to increase a lot, and it was more brutal and fierce, like an awakened beast, truly unfolding its hideous side.

This growth allowed Jiang Zizai's realm to break through to the ninth level of the source of heaven, almost reaching the level of perfection!

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