Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 718 Who are you?

Tianya smiled bitterly and said, "I would like to believe that he has reached my level. This is indeed against the will of heaven. However, although the Sun God is not here, the Xuanyin God is still here. We have no chance of winning. I am afraid that he will be impulsive..."

"Does the Talisman Master want to use the Immortal Talisman to kill people? That is too cruel."

They followed the discussion and found that Jiang Zizai's way forward was the Origin Altar, which was the center of the five major palaces. It was convenient for the five major palaces to come here.

After all, he didn't need to find the Xuanyin God at all. As long as he made a noise here, the Xuanyin God would naturally come out to find him.

Today, the Origin Altar was empty because there was no activity. Jiang Zizai came here and stood on the Origin Altar.

"Lingdang, you were born here." Jiang Zizai said. Everything about this reminded him of that thrilling night. He didn't let go of some hatred, but it was not time to understand it. Now that he thought about it, it should be time.

"I know. Mother was also very scared at that time, and Lingdang was also very scared. In the end, it was Daddy who made Lingdang and mother come back to life. That man was too bad, and Lingdang hated him very much." Lingdang said with a pout.

Dongyang Jing had asked Jiang Zizai on the way here what level he was at now, but the other party was after all the Xuanyin Primary God, so she was still a little worried in her heart, after all, Jiang Junjian was a hostage.

A quarter of an hour after Jiang Zizai arrived here, someone had already come.

Xuan Ye and the others must have returned to the Beast God Palace to report the news first, so almost all the people who came this time were from the Beast God Palace. There were too many familiar faces here, Shi Jian, Sikong Jin, Feng Xiaoyao and Cheng Qinqin were all there, and more than a dozen holy servants came hand in hand, and hundreds of servants followed closely. Many young people followed, such as Shi Yun from the Shi family, the lovely Qi Yuan, and of course, Feng Xiaoxiao, who couldn't help but smile when Jiang Zizai saw her.

Jiuxian, Shenxiao and Lingxuan all left her, but she was the best, she was always here.

When others came to ask for punishment, only Feng Xiaoxiao came happily. After seeing Jiang Zizai, she smiled coquettishly, raised her eyebrows, and threw a coquettish glance at him.

"I saw it." Lingling giggled, and she immediately found that her father was flirting with Aunt Feng again.

She hid behind Feng Xiaoyao and Cheng Qinqin. Although she was happy in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. Of course, when she saw that the women around Jiang Zizai were all his family members, she felt better.

In addition to the familiar people in the Beast God Palace, the strong men of other God Palaces came one after another, and the entire Origin Holy Altar soon gathered a large number of God Sect disciples.

Shi Jian, Sikong Jin and others, as the leaders of the Holy Spirit Servant of the Beast God Palace, naturally surrounded them together at this time. Shi Jian looked at them and saw that although there were many people, they were all old, weak and disabled in his eyes. He was relieved and directly scolded: "Jiang Zizai, you guys hurry down from the origin altar. This is the holy land of my Divine Sect. Outsiders are not allowed to go up!"

"No need to waste time talking to him, just chase him down." Sikong Jin said in a deep voice.

"I've been waiting for a long time. How come there are only a bunch of you cats and dogs left in the Divine Sect? Where is the old immortal Lord of the Beast God Palace? Where is the Xuanyin Chushen?" Jiang Zizai was not afraid at all when he was surrounded.

The word "cats and dogs" made the entire Divine Sect boil.

"Hurry up and do it. This man is so arrogant and arrogant. He has come to kill us and doesn't take our Shenzong seriously at all."

"He is so arrogant. Who does he think he is? What kind of place do we belong to? He is the master of life and death. So what? This is Shenzong!"

The disciples of Shenzong were filled with righteous indignation. They were ready to fight.

Many of them were geniuses who had been defeated by Jiang Zizai, such as Shi Yun, Chi Yu, Xuan Kong and others.

At this time, people from other Shengong had also arrived, such as Lin Mu from Mu Shengong. At once, more than 40 holy servants appeared, not to mention hundreds of servants. Hearing that Jiang Zizai had broken in, he was indeed very famous, so he caused a sensation in the entire Shenzong.

The beautiful Hualei from Mu Shengong, Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi from Jian Shengong, Zu Kong and Miao Yu from Ling Shengong were all in the crowd. In Tian Shengong, the current ancient son of God, Yitian, and Tianyi were naturally hidden in the crowd.

Yitian was dressed in white, with a temperament better than snow. After the final selection of the ancient son of God, he devoted himself to cultivation. Now he has finally cultivated to the seventh level of the God Seal Realm. He is praised as a rare genius in the Divine Sect for a thousand years, but he has never been happy.

Today, the man who was like a nightmare appeared in his vision again. He suddenly became impulsive. Before the Holy Spirit Servant took action, he stood up as the most senior ancient son of God here, stared at Jiang Zizai, and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Zizai, I order you to come down from the origin altar of my Divine Sect within three breaths, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Seeing this person, Jiang Zizai was stunned for a moment, and he asked: "Who are you?"

After all, there are too many people who have seen him, and he was a little unfamiliar for a while.

As soon as he asked, he remembered that this was the ancient son of God 'Yitian'!

But this question was too cruel for Yitian. This cruelty made him extremely angry, and his brain was suddenly filled with blood.

"I want to challenge you!" Yitian's eyes were red. He knew how strong Jiang Zizai was. When he heard that he could fight with Shi Jian, he was completely desperate, but at this moment he really couldn't tolerate it.

This is the inner demon that he will never get over in his life.

"Oh." Looking at Yitian, Jiang Zizai said only one word lightly. To be honest, he was not Jiang Zizai's opponent, so when he came up in person, Jiang Zizai glanced at Lu Dingxing next to him and said, "You want to practice?"


Lu Dingxing suddenly came out and blocked in front of Yitian. Yitian suddenly felt as if a mountain was blocking him and he couldn't breathe. He was about to take action and tear open the mountain with the chess game of heaven and earth, but he didn't expect that the man just punched him. He didn't even have a chance to fight back. He was directly shaken away, spitting blood, and smashed directly into the crowd.

"Too weak." Lu Dingxing said lightly, and Yitian had already fallen to the ground.

The disciples of the Divine Sect looked at this scene in disbelief. That was the ancient son of God that they worshipped, but he was defeated by anyone around Jiang Zizai with one move.

Is there anything more desperate than this?

"I know this guy. He used to be in the Beast God Palace. When he first came in, he was only in the Mysterious Veins Realm! Now his strength is close to the Heavenly Origin Realm. It's only been three or four years..."

"At that time, I thought this person's talent was very poor. How could he reach this level by following Jiang Zizai?"


There is one more chapter to be published later

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