Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 686 Desperate Situation

Jiang Zizai's golden roulette, none of the nine people could hit him at the seventh level of the Tianyuan realm, and all of them had just experienced a deadly battle, were panting, and even dying, one person who could pose a threat to him None.

Each of them came here after eliminating nine others. A total of ninety-nine and eighty-one people should have lost their lives.

Including the nine people Jiang Zizai eliminated, there were ninety people in total.

They turned into golden powder and dissipated. Jiang Zizai didn't take any action. They were exhausted in the melee and finally disappeared.

Boarding a new golden roulette wheel means that only 3,000 people are left out of 30,000!

How cruel and ruthless is this!

Countless totem worlds never imagined that the top geniuses in their worlds would be slaughtered like nothing here.

It can be seen that everyone's face is tense when standing on this golden roulette wheel. The serious atmosphere makes everyone hover on the edge of death.

The crisis of death was like a giant beast crawling beside them, leaving everyone breathless. After the first battle, many people's eyes were red from the killing. They looked like bloody beasts, but this could not hide their innermost feelings. of fear and despair.

Everyone's heart is on the verge of collapse.

Jiang Zizai was protected by the incredible Demon Lord Cauldron, and his heart was still stable enough. However, when he suddenly saw the golden roulette wheel not far away, Shenxiao and Lingxuan appeared with Jiang Fanchen. After the same golden roulette, his heart was completely suspended. He could already feel the desperate and manic mood of others.

The moment the two of them saw each other, they were already very helpless. They didn't expect that there would be Jiang Fanchen, the number one genius in the Well of God's Domain, on their golden roulette wheel.

This has undoubtedly pronounced that they, along with everyone on this golden roulette wheel, are almost doomed!

Desperate eyes instantly appeared on the people around them.

They probably also feel very

Depressed, they didn't even have time to see that Jiang Zizai was actually near them.

Although the golden roulette over there looks similar to here, the two don't seem to be in the same world, and even the sound is completely isolated.

There were people over there crying.

Only Jiang Fanchen's face was very cold. He had strong confidence in himself, so the test of nine people at once was easy for him.

He easily eliminated nine people and arrived here.

When he saw that the eyes of the nine people around him had turned desperate after seeing him, he had begun to get used to it.

"Perhaps, the seniors of the Divine Realm want me to swim against the current and have the courage to kill decisively! Only those who stand out among tens of thousands of people are qualified to enter the Divine Realm and become a god!"

His eyes were extremely intense.

When Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan appeared in his sight, he was slightly stunned, and then laughed wildly.

There is nothing in the world that is better than this situation. Two enemies have appeared at once, and they have become the turtles in the jar. How lucky is this?

He really wanted to see Jiang Zizai!

When he thought this, he couldn't help but look around, and suddenly he saw Jiang Zizai not far away. The smile on his face became even more joyful, which simply made Jiang Zizi look at him and kill the people around him.

"It seems that the ancient gods of the Holy Emperor Tianmen must be on my side. After all, the totems in our Holy Emperor totem world all come from the 'Holy Emperor'. They and I belong to the same bloodline." Jiang Fanchen thought to himself .

He hooked his fingers in Jiang Zizai's direction. When Jiang Zizai's eyes collided with his, he pointed at his own eyes, meaning that Jiang Zizai should take a good look, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck. , showing his murderous intention!

Because of his guidance, Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan also saw Jiang Zi Zai.

Their expressions were rather helpless. Faced with this near-death situation, there is only one person destined to leave on their golden roulette wheel!

There are two people Jiang Zizai cares about.

Jiang Zi is here, and the nine people who are still alive have begun to besiege him, but it is still the same as before, their attacks cannot break the Demon Lord's cauldron at all. Jiang Zi stands here as if nothing happened. The attacks of the people next to him are to him It's like an ant itching!

On the other side, what he saw was that the same nine people began to besiege the strongest Jiang Fanchen. In addition to Jiang Fanchen, their group also had an existence at the eighth level of Tianyuan Realm.

Led by that young man, everyone wanted to overthrow Jiang Fanchen, so that they would have hope.

Shenxiao and Lingxuan also joined in, but with their fourth-level Tianyuan realm combat power, their help was very limited.

Even if they borrowed power in the Nine Dragons Battle Formation, they could only fight the seventh level of Tianyuan Realm at most. Although their growth rate is very scary, the gap accumulated in the previous ten years cannot be filled in a day or two.

"You don't have to work in vain. Since I arranged for you to be in front of me, you are nothing more than a stepping stone for me."

Jiang Fanchen had a smile on his face. His peak strength at the ninth level of the Tianyuan Realm made him like a storm. When the person at the eighth level of the Tianyuan Realm met him, he was punched out and turned into gold in an instant. 'The fragments dissipated in the air.

In less than three breaths, the nine people had turned into eight, and the strongest among them retreated immediately.

Others continued to go forward, but their trembling legs had betrayed them. They watched with their own eyes as the people around them were completely controlled by Jiang Fanchen. He punched one by one, and almost everyone was turned into golden fragments under his fist.

He was like a peerless war god, and his opponents were instantly annihilated in front of him!

In the blink of an eye, only Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan were left in front of him.

The fragments of the other people on the golden roulette were still withering, like heavy rain.

Why do people turn into golden fragments after death?

Perhaps this is the special preference of the ancient gods. They don't like to see too bloody scenes.

When Jiang Fanchen, Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan were left, he stopped, looked in the direction of Jiang Zizai, hooked his hand to him, and then motioned him to open his eyes and watch how he killed people!

Jiang Zizai's eyes were already blood red, and endless anger burned in his chest, as if he was about to explode.

He let out a low roar like a wild animal, and suddenly rushed out of the golden roulette wheel without paying attention to the people who were still besieging him. He actually wanted to rush to Jiang Fanchen!


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