Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 679: War Reignites

The blood-dripping Demon Lord Cauldron was Jiang Zizai's subconscious thought.

This treasure obviously surpassed the Kun-level totem divine weapon, and was even more than the Qian-level totem divine weapon. He didn't know how to subdue it anyway, and this was his only way.

In the dripping blood, the Demon Lord Cauldron seemed to really accept his control. He still stayed beside the Demon Lord Cauldron, while other people who tried to get close and wanted to get a share of Jiang Zizai's here were directly shaken away by the vast power of the Demon Lord Cauldron. The closer they got, the farther they flew.

This was obviously a kind of repulsion.

After the Demon Lord Cauldron shook everyone away, it continued to float in front of Jiang Zizai's eyes. In the dark, Jiang Zizai felt that he and the Demon Lord Cauldron were involved. This was a feeling of blood connection, a bit like the relationship between Jiang Zizai and the source beast with the beast control talisman.

"However, my understanding and control over the Demon Lord Cauldron is almost nothing, which means that I am not a real aviation, at most I have the right to keep it?"

Next, as expected, the Demon Lord Cauldron came in front of him, quickly shrank in front of him, and then seemed to melt into his body.

The relief pattern of the Demon Lord Cauldron was completely presented in his skin, as if his body had turned into the Demon Lord Cauldron, but then the cauldron pattern began to disappear, and the Demon Lord Cauldron completely disappeared from people's sight.

In fact, Jiang Zizai knew that the Demon Lord Cauldron did not disappear at all, but existed in his body. Maybe if Jiang Zizai needed to use it, he could show its power. Anyway, so far, Jiang Zizai didn't know what specific function the Demon Lord Cauldron had.

Other people got up at this time, and thousands of people stared at Jiang Zizai, with different eyes, some envious, some puzzled, and some greedy, full of murderous intent.

"That thing just now is probably a dry-level totem weapon!"

"It may even be more than that. It may be a weapon of the gods..."

"I saw him dripping blood, and then the cauldron entered his body. It was obvious that he had been controlled by him."

"The value of this cauldron is enough to drive people crazy..."

People looked at Jiang Zizai with fiery eyes. Most of the people present were above the seventh level of Tianyuan Realm. If these thousands of young people entered the Origin Continent, they would all be at the level of Fu Wang, comparable to Tianya and others.

They noticed that after the Demon Lord Cauldron appeared, the most terrifying demon corpses had basically returned to the coffins. All the coffins had been sealed, and at least in the short term, it seemed that they would not be opened again.

In this ancient demon tomb, the adventurers who came in were left again. The visit of the demon corpse was a fatal test. Although the Demon Lord Cauldron did not appear too late, at least nearly 20,000 young people were missing and suddenly disappeared.

In this test, these people were undoubtedly losers. They not only completely lost their chances, but also their lives.

There are more than 10,000 totem warriors below the sixth level of Tianyuan Realm. It should be Jiang Zizai who saved their lives, but they are fleeing everywhere and may not know it.

Who is the lucky one in the test? The answer is very obvious. Jiang Zizai, who has obtained the Demon Lord Cauldron and has a rich harvest, and even his own strength has been continuously improved, is the winner of this test.

Facing the winner, more mediocre people rely on the advantage of numbers and are inevitably fearless, so too many people stand up at this time, staring at Jiang Zizai.

Among them are many people from the Central Totem World.

Jiang Fanchen, whose eyes are fiery and scarlet, is one of them. People who were supposed to watch Jiang Zizai die tragically, but saw him survive and get great fortune again. For Jiang Fanchen now, every word he said to Jiang Zizai before was a mockery of himself.

If he was not too proud, how could he be ashamed at this time!

"Sister, we have to take action and snatch the things. If we are so passive, we will get more and more trouble." Jiang Fanchen gritted his teeth.

"Are you afraid of this person?" asked Princess Shengyu.

"That's not the case, it's just that this person is very lucky. The one who is really difficult for them is Li Zixiao. His luck combined with Li Zixiao's strength is really hard to recover."

"Then how can we do it?"

"It's very simple, cause a commotion, and let everyone break their Nine Dragon Battle Formation together." Jiang Fanchen narrowed his eyes and said.

In fact, many people have the same idea. During the entire process of the ancient demon tomb, Jiang Zizai got too many good things and took the lead step by step. If they don't stop it quickly at this time, there will always be a time when they can't control Jiang Zizai.

"The Hidden Dragon Realm still has the Nine Dragon Battle Formation. Should we suppress it..."

"If this goes on, no one will have a chance."

More and more people are talking about it. At least more than 3,000 people look at Jiang Zizai with greedy eyes. Many people know how much he has got.

People are eager to move. Even if Li Zixiao and others are around Jiang Zizai, they can't suppress their gradually rising desire!

Jiang Zizai was soon surrounded.

Now we just need a leader, which is equivalent to the water spreading to the edge of the dam. As long as someone takes the lead, it will immediately form a tendency to burst the dam!

In this situation, Jiang Fanchen signaled, and a young man named 'Jiang Qiye' under his seat received the order and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Zizai, shouting: "Jiang Zizai, that big tripod does not belong to you, hand it over quickly!"

When he made his move, more people followed him. Everyone rushed to join in. For a moment, it was like a swarm of fish. When Jiang Qiye attacked Jiang Zizai, people who were afraid of falling behind and losing their chances all took action. At this time, they even dared to attack Li Zixiao!

Li Zixiao had expected them to do this.

In the final analysis, they still felt that Jiang Zizai was not qualified to possess such a divine object.

After someone took the lead, at least three hundred people surrounded him instantly. Each of them was very strong. Of course, because the space was narrow after the encirclement, very few of the three hundred people could really squeeze in and face Jiang Zizai.

"Go!" Li Zixiao did not retreat.

The nine of them quickly formed a nine-dragon battle formation, which expanded instantly. Dense dragon patterns entangled everyone's body. Jiang Zizai once again received the power of the heavenly source from the eight of them. This was the most explosive time for his cultivation. At this juncture, he had forgotten everything. Only by fighting could he keep his treasure. In this case, there was no other choice.


The nine of them had such a powerful momentum that it was hard to imagine! This explosion, in the crowded battlefield, instantly blew away the people at the innermost layer, including

Jiang Qiye.

…There are still 3 chapters tonight at 22:00. There was an unexpected power outage during the day, and my laptop just ran out of power…

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