Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 657: The inner demon catastrophe

The gray tombstone looks mottled and has many cracks. Those cracks look very ordinary. When they are all put together, there is no regular pattern.

On the other hand, the crooked four characters "Tomb of a Lowly Servant" don't seem to have anything special, as if they were written casually by someone else.

But what Jiang Zizai wondered was, why was he attracted?

He closed his eyes and used the Taixu Universe Soul Refining Technique to calm down.

Several times in a row, the Tomb of the Lowly Servant finally had some changes in his eyes. Perhaps he was too absorbed in looking at it. He felt that the cracks and inscriptions were moving, but he only needed to take a closer look to find that they had always been there. Still or moving, it may just be your own thoughts.

I just continued to look at it, and gradually realized that it had nothing to do with me, these weird things were indeed moving.

Jiang Zizai observed these changes for three consecutive days.

He found that these changes did exist, but they were very slow, and they only changed a little bit in three days.

Ordinary people can't see it at all if they don't pay full attention.

Three days later, he had not gained much yet, but now he was waiting for the ‘Tianyuan Tribulation’.

The third Heavenly Origin Tribulation is called the ‘Heart Demon Tribulation’, and Jiang Zizai has already prepared for it.

The inner demon is the inner demon. This kind of disaster is not born from the source of destruction, but is born in the soul.

It happened that this inner demon tribulation had entered Jiang Zizai's thoughts. He was thinking about the 'Tomb of a Lowly Servant' when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Many chaotic thoughts appeared suddenly, and many negative emotions suddenly emerged, such as irritability, despair and other feelings that appeared inexplicably.

His eyes were bloodshot and a little red.

At first, he thought it was caused by the Tomb of a Lowly Servant, so he persisted, thinking that this was a test from the Tomb of a Lowly Servant, and he would gain something as long as he survived it.

But when he used Taixu Universe Soul Refining Technique again and again, he suddenly discovered that this inner demon came from within.

"Actually, you can see that with your capital, you are nothing in this God's Well. You are humbler than anyone else."

"Want to become a god? It's too fanciful. Do you think it's that easy to become a god? Don't even look at what Tianyuan you chose."

"You will be the most difficult person to become a god in this world in all eternity."

These voices rang in his heart. These were not other people's voices, but Jiang Zizai's own.

These ‘truths’ are indeed very scary.

"Look at the front and compare it with Jiang Fanchen. At the age of seventeen, he is already at the ninth level of Tianyuan Realm. He is only one step away from the First God Realm."

"The gap between you and him is like the gap between heaven and earth."

"Are you still delusional about what achievements you can make in the Ancient Demon Tomb?"

These sound like questions to ask yourself.

Jiang Zizai felt very uncomfortable. He felt that he was not such a depressed person, but now that he had gained nothing for half a day for three consecutive days, he was a little disappointed.

"Isn't that right? The Tomb of the Servant is so mysterious. What's the point of not being able to understand it in three days? I spent seven days on the Starry Sky Monument!"

"Comparing Jiang Fanchen and me, although there are some shortcomings and the gap in realm is too great, it is also because he was born in the Central Totem World!"

"Besides, I really can't comprehend this Tomb of a Lowly Servant?"

When he reached the end of his frustration, Jiang Zizai discovered something was wrong.

"This is the Tianyuan Tribulation, the Heart Demon Tribulation!"

The calamity of inner demons can easily cause people to collapse from the inside, leading to chaos in the body's natural power in despair, causing them to fall back a level.

When he realized that he was suffering from the inner demon tribulation, the power of the inner demon tribulation seemed insignificant.

More importantly, all Jiang Zizai's rebellious spirit rushed into his sight. He stared at the tomb of the humble servant with blazing eyes.

The inner demon tribulation inspired his fighting spirit and made his will stronger than ever. At this time, the inner demon tribulation had actually changed, and it had transformed into the comparison between Jiang Zizai and Jiang Fanchen.

The strong fighting spirit in his heart supported Jiang Zizai to understand the tomb of the humble servant. He was stronger than Jiang Fanchen!

If he fails, he may be swallowed up by the inner demon and fall into an abyss of eternal destruction.

But if he wins, his gains will be endless!

It's an adventure, it's a battle.

But Jiang Zizai is not afraid of this kind of battle, he has infinite will!

There is no need for him to risk himself in such a desperate situation to win or lose, but in fact he is audacious. He wants to rely on the inner demon calamity to increase his bargaining chip to understand the Tomb of the Lowly Servant.

In other words, it is to find the courage for yourself to rush forward even if it means a bloody blow.

In fact he has found it.

Under the strong fighting spirit, it seemed to fit the will of Tomb of the Lowly Servant.

Suddenly, he actually saw that the changes in the cracks accelerated, and the crooked inscriptions had been integrated into them.

During the fusion, great changes suddenly occurred!


Jiang Zizai's eyes were filled with light. He saw a world in the Tomb of a Lowly Servant. That world was being destroyed. An invisible force was impacting everywhere. Everything was destroyed wherever it went. , dying rapidly.

After its demise, everything returns to chaos.

"That's what destruction is like? It destroys everything, and then what?"

"At least, there should be something gained!"

Jiang Zizai had such an idea.

This is what Tomb of the Lowly Servant showed him. He believes that there is always gain before there is destruction.

In his doubts, he finally saw it!

After the destruction, after a chaos, suddenly at the root of the destruction, a small world was born.

This pure world grows like a bud, and one day it will grow up, but it is much cleaner than the original world.

"So, the purpose of destruction is not just destruction, maybe, it is for rebirth."

The universe may also follow this law.

As the saying goes, there is no creation without destruction.

Until this moment, Jiang Zizai had a fundamental understanding of his Tianyuan. He already knew what he was for, which was very important, otherwise his cultivation had no purpose at all.

He didn't just want to be a destroyer who only had destruction. The end of cultivation must have a purpose.

Now, he found this purpose.

Just after breaking through to the third level of Tianyuan Realm, the most incredible speed in history was born!

Jiang Zizai's Tianyuan actually grew to the fourth level of Tianyuan Realm at this moment!

Transformation every few days, and it is still Tianyuan Realm, this is already a miracle! Even Jiang Fanchen in front of him didn't dare to be so exaggerated.

But Jiang Zizai did it.

Of course, this is the good fortune that this lowly servant's tomb has brought him.

His source of destruction is growing rapidly.

And in the process of growing, Jiang Zizai has a more thorough understanding of everything in this lowly servant's tomb...


The first chapter will be released at 18:00 in the afternoon. There are still 4 chapters

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