Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 467 Fire Cloud Island

"Ye Chen?"

Jiang Zizai stood up holding the bell.

There was a faint bloodshot in his eyes.

"You are a low-key person, obsessed with the way of talismans. I thought you would be a respectable opponent, but I didn't expect that you would be such a villain."

Never expected that he would take away something so important to the bell.

Jiang Zizai also blamed himself, thinking that no one would find the specialness of the 'little bell'. After all, it was left by the Nine Immortals, and normal people would think it was a decoration.

Being too careless will give people an opportunity.

"Lingling has always been near Qingyu Island, so he came to monitor me."

Now he is indeed a competitor, but Jiang Zizai overestimated him and actually did such a despicable thing!

Some things are as important to Jiang Zizai as his life.

He knew that Ye Chen lived in 'Huoyun Island'.

"Are you waiting for me to ask for it back?" Without saying a word, he went directly to the direction of Huoyun Island with the flying talisman.

Sitting on the flying talisman, Jiang Zizai asked the bell for details.

"You met him around Qingyu Island?"

"Yes, Lingling was swimming. He said he wanted to borrow my 'little bell' to play with, and then he didn't return it to me and was fierce to me."

"Then what?"

"He ran away."

No matter what, it was unforgivable.

What Jiang Zizai was most worried about was that Lingling had permanently lost the treasure that suppressed the 'reincarnation calamity'. That would be really troublesome.

This worry made him furious.

The immortal talisman? A decisive battle?

He couldn't care about it anymore. If something that worried him happened, he would fight to the death.

The speed of the flying talisman was very fast. In the middle of the night, Jiang Zizai turned into a storm and pierced towards Huoyun Island.

On the way, it attracted the attention of many people.

"Isn't that Jiang Zizai?"

"Where is he going in such a hurry?"

"Let's go and follow him to see."

In less than two quarters of an hour, Jiang Zizai had appeared above Huoyun Island. It was a black island, shaped like a ball of fire, burning brightly.

It was just a dead silence on the island, without a single light.

"Ye Chen, come out."

Jiang Zizai held the bell and landed on Huoyun Island, his eyes emitting black air and scanning the surroundings.

No response.

However, many people behind him slowly followed to watch the fun.

"What is he doing on Ye Chen's Huoyun Island?"


"Winning Jingxuan gave him a lot of confidence. Haha."

"It's powerful, but he was waiting for the old talisman master to come back for a decisive battle, so he suddenly came to provoke, which is too hasty."

"Do you really think that there is no one in our Life and Death Talisman Sect?"

"Life and Death Talisman Sect, that was in the past, now, it's the Wusheng Talisman Sect."

Some of those talisman students were very old, but they didn't have the strength of the Heavenly Talisman Guards. They only dared to discuss from a distance, and they talked vividly, but no one came up.

Purely watching the fun and making sarcastic remarks.

"Wanxi Fu?"

When no one on Huoyun Island responded, the dozen or so talisman students who followed saw Jiang Zizai using the Wanxi Fu of the Immortal Talisman System.

"So, he also knows the talismans of the Immortal Talisman System!"

"The World Talisman King really has privately guided him!"

"I was wondering why he was mixed up with people from the Immortal Talisman System."

"What did he use the Ten Thousand Breath Talisman for? To find Ye Chen?"

"This is too arrogant. He came to someone else's house and used the Ten Thousand Breath Talisman to find Ye Chen's whereabouts..."

As they said, Jiang Zizai really didn't have the patience to play this kind of hide-and-seek trick with Ye Chen.

The Ten Thousand Breath Talisman told him that Ye Chen was not here.

At this time, another group of people surrounded him, and in the crowd, Jiang Zizai saw Ning Fan.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Ning Fan, and one hand had already pinched his neck, which directly made Ning Fan's face blue and purple.

"Jiang Zizai, what do you want?" Ning Fan gritted his teeth and asked.

"Let him go!" A group of people shouted loudly, but did not dare to step forward.

"Have you seen Ye Chen?" Jiang Zizai asked.

He knew that Ning Fan, Jing Xuan and Ye Chen had a good relationship.

"You want to find him? Not waiting for the decisive battle?" Ning Fan asked with a sneer.

"You just need to tell me where he is." Jiang Zizai exerted a little force, and Ning Fan was completely out of breath. His face became more blue and purple. He was lifted up by Jiang Zizai, and his feet were shaking in the air.

Although he was older than Jiang Zizai, he was not as tall as Jiang Zizai.

"Ye Chen, he is on Huoming Island! Go find him and see how you die!" Ning Fan roared in a low voice.

Huoming Island is at the same level as Tianya Island. It is the territory of the King of Karma Fire Talisman 'Ye Dongyang', which is larger than Tianya Island.

Even if he is in the sky, Jiang Zizai will chase him.

He threw Ning Fan away and directly activated the flying talisman, rushing towards the direction of 'Huoming Island'. Huoming Island is very close, not far from Huoyun Island.

Jiang Zizai came over, and there were a group of followers hanging behind him, and there were more and more people.

They all came to watch the fun!

Huoming Island was right in front of him. It was a red island. The rocks and gravel on it were all red. The temperature was extremely high. Even the leaves of many trees were red. Even in the middle of the night, this vast island looked like it was burning.

It was vaguely seen that there were many halls on Huoming Island.

When Jiang Zizai approached, someone on Huoming Island saw him. Someone immediately appeared and blocked Jiang Zizai, saying, "Stop! No one is allowed to enter Huoming Island without the summons of the King of Talismans, not even you, Jiang Zizai."

Three people came out to intercept, all of them were over 30 years old and close to middle-aged Tianfu guards. They were responsible for guarding Huoming Island, to put it bluntly, they were the gatekeepers.

Two men and one woman, all looked fierce.

"I'm looking for Ye Chen." Jiang Zizai said. His voice was simple and cold, and it sounded like he was very determined.

"What a joke, you came to Huoming Island to find someone?" Tianfu guard Gu Shiman sneered. She was the only woman among the three, dressed up, and the other two men were around her.

"Excuse me, is Ye Chen here? I have something important to talk to him about." Jiang Zizai had no intention of clashing with irrelevant people.

"Ye Chen entered the 'Fire Life Sea' to practice, and he was in seclusion for a month. This was the reward given to him by the King of Fu. He won't show up for this month, so go." Tianfu guard Lin Cangjue said.

"Yes, you don't even have a chance to embarrass yourself." Tianfu guard Gu Shiman said.

Their strength and status are equivalent to the divine servants of the Divine Sect.

The cultivation effect of the Fire Life Sea is comparable to that of the First God Realm. It seems that after seeing Jiang Zizai's performance, Ye Dongyang has a sense of crisis.

The Lifeless Talisman is worth being cautious, and cautious again.

But what does this have to do with taking away something as important as Jiang Zizai!

He took the "little bell" and went to the Fire Life Sea to practice. Jiang Zizai has to wait for him for a month?

What a joke.

I can't even wait for a quarter of an hour.

Jiang Zizai wants to go in.

He ignored the three Heavenly Talisman Guards, circled around, and headed towards the Fire Life Island!

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