Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 297 The Peak of All Beings


The Holy Spirit servants were all shocked. This was different from the previous rules.

Although it has been a long time since the last time I chose the Ancient Son of God, and that Ancient Son of God failed in the end, the rules of the ancestors are not like this.

The final election of the Ancient Son of God will be particularly complicated. There are primary and final elections, and many people will have the opportunity. It is not the palace master who directly selects two people to directly participate in the final election.

Shijian never thought that his sons would not even have a chance to participate in the primary election.

"Palace Master, even if Yu'er is too young, Yun'er is still strong enough to participate in the final selection of the Ancient Son of God..." Shi Jian said in a weak voice.

Ancient divine sons must be young, so those divine sons and goddesses over eighteen years old have no chance.

Shi Jian felt depressed after losing the opportunity suddenly.

It was already depressing enough to have Feng Xiaoyao become a competitor.

"You'd better listen to my announcement and let's decide who the two people who can participate in the final election are." The Beast God Palace Master glanced at him lightly, and then announced: "My starting point is absolutely fair and just. First of all, the totem level must be high. It is a mandatory requirement of the sect leader. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss it. Secondly, according to the sect leader’s requirement, one’s own strength must be ranked among the top two in the Beast God Tower. It is obvious that everyone already knows who the two candidates are. ”

Needless to say, it’s Sikong Xiao and Jiang Zizai.

Although Shigure has a Hong-level totem, he is not strong enough and suffers the disadvantage of being a few years younger.

Shi Yun's strength was not bad and he could fight Jiang Zizai, but he didn't have a Hong-level totem, so he simply didn't meet the requirements.

"Feng Xiaoyao, Sikong Jin, go back and bring me Jiang Zizai and Sikong Xiao. There is still more than a month of sprint time left. I can let them choose a weapon at the 'War Temple' and 'Weapon Temple'. Battle tactics, see if they can strengthen themselves at the last moment," the palace master said.

Feng Xiaoyao thought he was here to be criticized today, but he didn't expect such a harvest. Seeing Sikong Xiao's declining face, he felt very happy.

He quickly replied: "Yes, Palace Master, I will bring this little brat over right away."

Sikong Jin also nodded. Sikong Xiao had to qualify for the final election, so he was not surprised.

"Palace Master..."

"Shijian, you and I can go back first." Before Shijian could finish speaking, the Master of the Beast God Palace interrupted and asked them to leave first.

Feng Xiaoyao and Sikong Jin went back to take care of others.

"I didn't mean to ask the Palace Master to uphold justice for you. Why don't you take action?" After coming out, Feng Xiaoyao glanced at him.

Sikong Jin said coldly: "The competition for the Ancient Son of God is unprecedentedly fierce. This is a grand event for our Divine Sect. In front of grand events, personal grudges are trivial. I can ignore you for the time being, but if you continue to spread false accusations against me, I will naturally treat you You won’t be polite.”

"It's really boring. I didn't expect you to be such a coward. Is it so difficult for you to still say such meaningless words and dare to take responsibility?" Feng Xiaoyao would only look down on him.

He knew how he had gone through these years, and it was impossible to forget that kind of hatred.

Sikong Jin stopped paying attention to him, turned around and left.

Feng Xiaoyao squinted his eyes and looked at his leaving figure. He knew that the day of revenge would definitely not take long.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

When they returned to Xiaoyao Palace, Jiang Zizai was still here. They were all waiting for the palace master to judge Feng Xiaoyao. Unexpectedly, this guy came back with a glowing face.

"With such a rosy face, did you step on dog poop when you went out?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"No, you just got lucky." Feng Xiaoyao said.

"Is it none of your business?" Jiang Zizai said in astonishment.

"Today's summoning of the Holy God's Attendants has nothing to do with my affairs. The final election of the 'Primordial Son of God' has been brought forward and will be held in forty days. In this final election, each palace owner will directly select two people to participate. We beasts The palace master gave you and Sikong Xiao the quota in the palace.”

"The Son of the Ancient God? What is it?" Jiang Zizai was not very clear yet.

Ling Qingtian and Gu Xuanying next to him exaggerated it, and Jiang Zizai realized that the position of the ancient son of God was so impressive.

"Can you enter the 'Primordial Realm' under the personal guidance of two sect masters? Is your status in the Shen Sect higher than that of the Holy God? Second only to the five palace masters? The worst future prospects in the future are at the level of the five palace masters? Among them, the mixed ones Okay, is it possible to eventually become a god? To reach the level of two sect masters?”

Hearing these words, Jiang Zizai felt hot inside.

Ten people compete for a position. Since he is qualified to participate, it is not necessarily impossible.

Not to mention other things, just the simplest point is that the status of the Ancient Son of God is higher than that of the Holy God. This means that when the time comes, even Feng Xiaoyao will respect himself!

At that time, he will be the face of Shenzong, second only to the five palace masters in Shenzong. With this status in Origin Continent, the emperor of any dynasty will have to kowtow to him. Except for the Tianlong Holy Dynasty.

That is the status at the top of all living beings, definitely the most glorious position in the world.

As the Son of the Ancient God, there are too many things that can be controlled.

He glanced at the Nine Immortals and knew that if he had that status, there might be a way to get her out of the divine curse.

Because when the time comes, there will definitely be many people who want to work for him.

For Jiang Zizai, the most important significance of his identity as the Ancient Son of God lies in the Nine Immortals.

Even if it wasn't for the power over the world, for becoming a god, or for being superior, he would still fight desperately for this position for the sake of the Nine Immortals.

Even Feng Xiaoyao said: "Jiang Zizai, listen carefully, this may be the best opportunity of your life. If you succeed, your life will undergo a huge transformation, and everyone around you will benefit from you. The difference between the Son of God and the Son of the Ancient God is between heaven and earth. If you come to the world as the Son of the Ancient God, you can make the people of the entire dynasty worship you as a god. For the people, the Son of the Ancient God is the son of the true God!"

He rarely speaks so seriously.

Jiang Zizai knows the meaning of the Son of the Ancient God very well.

He looked at Jiuxian deeply, and Jiuxian smiled slightly and said: "Brave boy, work hard quickly, this is an opportunity to ascend to heaven in one step, I will see you."


Jiang Zizai's heart is extremely hot.

Next, he will give everything just to become the Son of the Ancient God.

In order for Feng Xiaoyao to have more dignity to take revenge and get back everything that belongs to him.

In order for Jiuxian to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and become a normal person.

In order for himself to step onto the peak of all living beings and no longer be controlled by others.

From now on, he will rule the world.


End of Chapter 4~

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