Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 291 Youth

This must have been torn from a classic book introducing elixirs.

Feng Xiaoyao had never heard of the name Poison Dragon Leaf. It should be from an older book.

"Poison Dragon Leaf, an eighth-grade elixir, is almost extinct in the continent of origin. Even if it exists, it is very rare."

"Poisonous dragon leaves grow on the 'Jade Dragon Tree'. The Jade Dragon Fruit produced by the Jade Dragon Tree is an important treasure for spiritual practice. The normal ones on the Jade Dragon Tree are all Jade Dragon Leaves, which are also beneficial to spiritual practice. Among the ten thousand Jade Dragon Trees, only by chance will they bear fruit. Come out with a poisonous dragon leaf."

Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢

"Poison Dragon Leaf is a highly poisonous thing, and it is colorless and invisible. Just soak it in tea and drink it into the body. It can destroy all aspects of the totem martial artist's body functions bit by bit, even those below the Holy Body realm. , the holy body will disintegrate, the profound veins will collapse, and the spiritual aperture will be annihilated before you know it. The whole process will last for ten years, and after ten years, you will be completely reduced to a useless person. "

"The poisonous dragon leaf is a vicious thing that can torture people for ten years. Therefore, if it appears in the world, destroy it as soon as possible and don't use it to harm others."

The last sentence was left by the compiler of the classics.

Feng Xiaoyao trembled a little.

The second page carefully describes the characteristics and shape of the poisonous dragon leaf. It is a black leaf that vaguely looks like a dragon. The veins of the leaf look like the bones of a dragon.

On the third page, there is a picture. This picture depicts a poisonous dragon leaf. Although it is very old, its shape can still be seen clearly. It is a very special leaf, and it indeed takes on the shape of a dragon.

Just three pages and nothing else.

"Who is it? Give me this thing if you are bored." Feng Xiaoyao had not yet sobered up. He shook his head and began to fall into memories -

A long time ago, on that afternoon, when he told him that he was going to practice the 'unique skill' obtained in the ruins, he didn't stop him.

Feng Xiaoyao also said with a smile that if he succeeded in practicing, let him try it too, and his combat effectiveness would be greatly increased.

Then the two drank to strengthen their courage.

After drinking for three rounds, Feng Xiaoyao became a little confused. He drank a leaf and said with a smile: "What's going on? The opening of my wine flask is not big, and a leaf fell in. No wonder today's wine tastes a bit... Bitter.”

He smiled, took the leaf and threw it out, saying: "It means you are lucky, so I wish you success in your cultivation."

He just glanced at it and said with a smile: "The shape of this leaf is also strange, it actually looks like a dragon."

"That means you are a dragon among men. This is the meaning of the ancient gods. Qinqin is so happy to follow you." He said with a smile.

"I have her, that is happiness. As for you, brother, we will have a good time together, and we will definitely carve out a world that belongs to us in this Shenzong. Let history remember us forever!"

He was expressing his pride without noticing the trembling eyes next to him.

That person's name is Sikong Jin...

"Poison dragon leaf, poison dragon leaf..."

The leaf on this paper and the leaf that passed by that day suddenly overlapped.

Jiang Zizai once said something and suddenly appeared at this time. At that time, he said nonchalantly that he had practiced a technique that he shouldn't have practiced and had harmed himself. He couldn't blame others.


Feng Xiaoyao's heart twitched violently.

He lay on the table and stared blankly at the wine bottle in front of him.

This was the hip flask from back then. He didn't have the habit of replacing the flask. He made some tea leaves a few days ago and he hadn't washed them yet. There were still one or two leaves in it.

"Sikong Jin, you used the poisonous dragon leaves to harm me! My best brother, you used the poisonous dragon leaves to harm me! I didn't die because of the Duzun Gong, I died from the poisonous dragon leaves!"

Everything is connected!

He finally knew.

At this moment, a volcano in my heart was suddenly ignited.

"Sikong Jin, Sikong Jin!! I treat you like this, but you destroy me like this! No wonder he hasn't come to me for so many years since I came back!"

His heart was twitching violently.

The person he trusted the most gave him such a vicious blow. Maybe everyone only has one life, but this life was ruined by him!

His hand holding the wine flask was trembling. At this time, the whole world disappeared, and his mind was filled with memories, memories of them coming to Shenzong together, struggling together, and rising together, but he was slightly more outstanding, and his The luster is slightly duller.

Recalling all those vows to fight side by side and live and die together, who knew that these were all jokes...

I am actually naive until today.

"It hurts..." His eyes were already bloodshot.

If he didn't know, it wouldn't be so painful. He didn't dare to see Cheng Qinqin these years because he blamed himself. I blame myself for having the audacity to practice Duzun Gong, and I blame myself for not fulfilling my promise.

He only has himself to blame.

But at this moment, the truth was revealed in front of him, and he realized that it was not himself who destroyed him, but the person he trusted the most.

How many lifetimes can a person have?

He actually allowed himself to live in torture and nightmare for ten years!

Those days make me tremble when I recall how he spent those nightmare-like ten years in loneliness and hiding in the wilderness.

But he got married to the one he loved, had children, and achieved the glory and glory he has today, but he was kept in the dark!

Ridiculous, so ridiculous!

Feng Xiaoyao didn't know what hatred was before. He had never hated anyone, but at this moment, the hatred in his heart had long surpassed everything.

In addition to hatred, there is also confusion.

Can there really be such a big difference between people?

I treated him sincerely, but he gave me a fatal blow. They agreed to be brothers of life and death, but he took over life, leaving Feng Xiaoyao to die.

Now, people have reached middle age.

Youth has passed, but the pain is eternal.

His eyes were blood red, and he stood up tremblingly. The wine bottle he had given to him many years ago was crushed to pieces in his hands at this moment.

"Sikong Jin."

He looked at Sikong Dian.

At this moment, he could only see that place, and no one could stop him. He went to that place to seek justice for himself.

"Servant of the Holy God?" In the blink of an eye, Feng Xiaoyao disappeared. He hadn't even paid for the drink.

The three pages on the table were also missing.

"Is it a little weird today? Come to think of it, I haven't been here for a few months."

The shopkeeper shook his head, but he was not worried, after all, he would always come back.

How can an alcoholic stop drinking?

He didn't know that Feng Xiaoyao might never touch alcohol again for the rest of his life.

That was the most painful lesson.

His figure appeared in Sikong Mansion, and he rushed in. If there were priests blocking the way, he was thrown away.

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