Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 266 Goddess

Feng Xiaoyao took the words and simply said: "I think the 'Nine Palaces Heavenly Sword Technique' is more suitable for him. Only you have this sword technique."

"Nine Palace Heavenly Sword Technique?" Sikong Jin was startled for a moment and said, "This sword technique has become obsolete and no one can practice it well. After all, the attribute requirements are too high. If you only learn one or two swords, you will not be able to exert its power at all. "

Feng Xiaoyao said: "This little guy is very adaptable to various attributes of swordsmanship, so I am going to let him try it. If he fails, I will let him return it to you."

Sikong Jin nodded and said, "No problem, but if you can't succeed, don't waste too much time here."

As he spoke, he searched for the jade pendant in his space and found a dusty classic. He handed it to Jiang Zizai and said, "No one has cared about this thing for many years. I wish you success in your cultivation. You have a Hong-level totem. In the future, The future is bright, but remember to give your Holy Spirit more face."

Jiang Zizai took it, nodded and said: "Thank you Holy God Attendant, please rest assured, it will definitely make his face more radiant."

After saying this, the group of boys and girls outside laughed.

Jiang Zizai noticed that there was a girl among them, standing at the core of the crowd. Her appearance was quite stunning, very similar to Cheng Qinqin. She could be said to be the most beautiful girl Jiang Zizai had seen since coming to Shenzong. She is tall and well-developed, with skin as white as goose feathers, straight and round thighs, long flowing hair, youthful and lively, and especially a pair of eyes that are smart and bright. Although her temperament is different from Cheng Qinqin's, she is more enthusiastic and fiery.

When Sikong Xiao handed over the Nine Palaces Heavenly Sword Skill to Jiang Zizai, she suddenly said: "Dad, this is the person who is with the God Curse. Is it appropriate for you to give him a gift?"

Sikong Jin turned around and scolded with a serious face: "Xiao'er, don't talk nonsense."

"I just heard that he was going to continue to challenge the Beast God Tower and thought it was funny. It's okay, you guys can talk. Let's go."

She greeted the friends next to her who were either rich or noble. These people were all talented people. They were obviously the descendants of the Divine Attendant and the Holy Divine Attendant. Their expectations were higher than those of the young people who came from the various temples. Much higher.

"Zi Zi, this little girl has a straightforward temperament, but sometimes she talks nonsense. Don't be the same as her." Sikong Jin said apologetically.

Jiang Zizai said: "It doesn't matter."

Born into such a family, it would be strange if she wasn't proud.

The things had already arrived, Feng Xiaoyao said quickly: "Thank you so much, brother, I have to go back and do some things. I will treat you to a drink another day. Let's go first."

"Okay, if you have something to do, please do it first." Sikong Jin specially sent them to the door and watched them leave.

From beginning to end, Jiang Zizai felt a little strange about this process. In fact, Feng Xiaoyao was not particularly willing to face the couple, especially when they stood together, so he was anxious to leave.

I don't know what happened between them.

Except for Sikong Dian, Feng Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

"You seem to be quite timid." Jiang Zizai smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense. You're just being nice when you get a bargain. I've sacrificed a lot in order to get you this suitable battle strategy. You must make it up to me!" Feng Xiaoyao said angrily.

"You are a little unnatural towards your friend's wife. I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Don't talk nonsense, or I'll strangle you to death!" Feng Xiaoyao said anxiously.

"Haha, I guess you won't be willing to drink that bag of tea. It will go bad if you store it carefully for a few years."

"You little bastard, think I don't dare to kill you!"

Just as Feng Xiaoyao said this, a group of people suddenly stood in front of him. It was Sikong Jin's daughter and a group of her friends.

"Xiao'er." Feng Xiaoyao was startled after seeing her.

"Is this what you can call me?" The girl named Sikong Xiao was a little depressed.

Feng Xiaoyao didn't say anything, but couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Sikong Xiao and her friends stared at Jiang Zizai, and she said: "Don't ever tell others that my father gave you the fighting skills. I don't want you to disgrace his reputation. You were charmed by the fox girl and cursed by God." If you are together, you are destined to have bad luck. I don’t want you to have anything to do with our family, do you hear me?”

Jiang Zizi was speechless, this girl was really strange. The things her father gave her, she went around and gave instructions.

"Don't talk nonsense." Feng Xiaoyao said.

"I've made it clear to you, don't let me hear any bad rumors. Otherwise, I won't let you go." Sikong Xiao glared at Jiang Zizai again, and then started laughing with her friends. and leave.

Feng Xiaoyao looked at Jiang Zizai and said, "If I were you, I would throw the battle tactics in her face and say: I don't want it anymore and give it back to you."

Jiang Zizai rolled his eyes and said, "You think I'm mentally retarded? Such a good thing, I don't want it for free. I still expect it to let me soar on the Beast God Tower."

Jiang Zizai is not involved in the relationship between Feng Xiaoyao and Sikong Jin and Cheng Qinqin. After all, everyone has their own privacy. He just needs to be strong.

"Did you see those people just now? They are all descendants of the Divine Beast Palace Divine Attendant and the Holy Divine Divine Attendant. They are all talented people. Compared with us who come from various places to worship the temple, they are born with great advantages. As well as being protected by their parents, the upper levels of the Beast God Tower are basically occupied by them.”

"Well, it's really impressive. Among the seven or eight people, none of them are below the fifth level of the Holy Body Realm."

"That's natural. In the Beast God Palace, you can't be considered a genius if you haven't reached the sixth level of the Holy Body Realm at your age. The disciples from the various temples who came here are at the bottom. There is a 50% chance that they have to return to the various temples."

The same age, the bottom is the sixth level of the Mysterious Veins Realm, and the top is the sixth level of the Holy Body Realm. The gap is really too big.

"That's just to say, if I continue to challenge, I will meet this group of people." Jiang Zizai said.

"I heard that you still want to be the first in the Beast God Tower." Feng Xiaoyao laughed.

"That's for sure. I'm very powerful and specialize in torturing geniuses." Jiang Zizai boasted.

"That's interesting. You have seen the person at the top of the Beast God Tower today." Feng Xiaoyao said.

"Is it Sikong Xiao? Is she a goddess?" Jiang Zizai suddenly realized that the top of the Beast God Tower is a goddess, a disciple of the Lord of the Beast God Palace, and the daughter of a Holy God Servant.

It turned out to be Sikong Xiao. No wonder Jiang Zizai felt that Sikong Xiao was the scariest among the group.

However, it was normal for her to have such talent since she had such parents. Sikong Jin also looked much stronger than Feng Xiaoyao.

"Want to defeat her?" Feng Xiaoyao asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I'll admit defeat first. After a year, I'll make her kneel down and sing Conquer."

"Sing your dog head!" Feng Xiaoyao hit him hard on the head.

"Damn, she's not your daughter, why are you trying so hard!"

He really made me dizzy and almost fainted. This old man was so hard, he must be sick!

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