Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1413 Lobbying

?Telling the truth in advance would probably destroy Jiang Zizai and the others. He actually said that such a big thing was a trivial matter, and looked like he didn't take it to heart at all, as if their defeat and killing of Jiang Yunhai was nothing but a trivial matter.

"Jiang Zizai, you are too young, so don't pretend to be fat. It will only make you look childish." The Queen of Creature Yuan said with disdain.

"Okay." The Master of Creation Yuan waved his hand to signal the Empress of Creation Yuan to shut up. He stared at Jiang Zizai and said: "I can see that the destructive power in you is stronger than before, much stronger. , is this all obtained by killing Jiang Yunhai and the others?"

He saw clearly.

"That's right, I am now destruction itself. I only need to kill the way of heaven, and there will be no end."

"Never ending? Even surpassing your father?"

"If I kill all the masters of the four peak races, I probably won't be too far behind." Jiang Zizai said.

"Bragging again, haha..." Ruochen couldn't help laughing, "It was your brother and Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Yunyin who killed Jiang Yunhai and the others, not you. Why are you pretending to be here?"

"Shut up!" The Living Soul Master glared at him. He was already very angry when he revealed the living tree species to Jiang Yunhai. This was tantamount to stabbing him in the back. Jiang Zizai and the others didn't mind, so he just Already ashamed. Because doing this is indeed very tasteless. If you don't want to borrow it, you can just not borrow it, rather than lending it out and stabbing someone again.

After telling Ruochen and the living queen to shut up, he asked Jiang Zizai again: "So what is your purpose today?"

Jiang Zizai got straight to the point and said: "Uncle, if you want to be on your own this time, it's basically impossible. Even if I don't come, they won't let you sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight again. They expect that they will have a certain degree of success this time." The casualties will not allow you to recuperate. As far as I know, you should also know that the Huantian Dream Clan is already on its way to the World Tree of Life, right? "

They must have had people investigating as well.

The Life Master didn't respond, which was actually his acquiescence. They had gathered together long ago because they knew the other party would come.

It's just that Jiang Zizai arrived faster.

"Go on."

"On behalf of my father, mother, aunt, our brothers, and the sentient beings of the Peak Dragon Clan, I ask the Soul Yuan Clan to stand by our side and help us this time." Jiang Zizai said sincerely.

Although they are not strong, if they join the other four peak races, the peak dragon race will basically be out of luck.

Hearing this, some of the gods of the living soul tribe laughed under the leadership of the living soul queen. Most of them remained serious like the living soul master. They all had unique thinking abilities.

"Reason." The Primordial Master said solemnly.

Jiang Zizai didn't like sweet words, so he said directly: "First, it has something to do with me. How much I have become stronger from the time I borrowed the living tree to this moment, my uncle can send someone to test it, or he can test it himself. This powerful change means that What are you talking about? I believe everyone can understand. I am not being arrogant, but telling a fact. We dare to fight back to the place of origin this time, not without support. The Flower of Destruction has no end, as long as we pass this level, as long as we reach the peak. If the Dragon Clan is able to take revenge, then my father will definitely return, and I will also become the Lord of Destruction. By the way, half of my father's curse of destruction has been eliminated, and he is not far away from returning."

This sounded like a threat, but the Living Soul Master knew that Jiang Zizai didn't mean it. He was just showing it so that the Living Soul Master could see clearly.

"Then what?" asked the Primordial Master of Creatures.

"Secondly, if my uncle chooses to take another path, and go with the four peak races, I believe you can also expect that they will not stand on the same front with you on this matter, and it is more likely that you will be Cannon fodder, even if they succeed, they will first eliminate you all when they divide the spoils. The reason why they came to you this time is not that they are not sure of taking us, but that they do not want the living beings to be unscathed in this war. ”

I believe they all understand this.

This should also be a point of worry for the Life Master.

"So what you have in mind is pretty good, and you want us to be cannon fodder for your Peak Dragon Clan?" The Creature Yuan Queen couldn't help but sneered.

"This is related to the third point. Third, as long as you agree to come together with us, we will give you enough respect. After all, we are all true relatives and friends. This is my mother's hometown, and we have always I have never really resented the Living Yuan Clan for not helping us. This time, if we can fight together, I am sure that the Huantian Dream Clan will be severely damaged and withdraw from the battlefield without damaging the foundation of the Living Yuan Clan at all!"

When these words were spoken, the effect was great, and some people even laughed. For example, the Empress of Creation Yuan said: "We were unscathed, and we relied on you to fight with more than 1,600 gods of the Huantianmeng clan and inflict heavy losses on them." ? Are you dreaming, Jiang Zizai?"

"It's empty talk. How about giving it a try then?" Jiang Zizai didn't want to lie.

"How to try? As long as we try, won't we just follow your path and make them think that we have fought side by side with you?" said the Creature Yuanhou.

"Jiang Zizai!" When the Queen of Life Yuan just finished speaking, the Lord of Life Yuan shouted Jiang Zizai's name instead. He is the one who truly represents the will of the Life Yuan clan. He was among the people looking up to him. , asked word for word: "You just said that you are much stronger than the last time you defeated Ruochen, so let me see how much stronger you are."

That's it.

Sure enough, this uncle can still see the situation clearly. He knows what kind of hope Jiang Zizai carries. It can be said that Jiang Zizai's performance in the future will completely determine whether the Peak Dragon Clan has a future!

"Okay." Jiang Zizai nodded.

"Don't be fooled by him." The Queen of Life Yuan said hurriedly.

"From now on, shut up. You don't have the final say in the Life Yuan Clan. I will also consider everyone's opinions!" After saying that, he glanced at his wife coldly, and then said to Jiang Zizai: "If you can satisfy me, we will give you some help when the Fantasy Sky Dream Clan arrives, but you are not going to conquer me, but all the gods of our Life Yuan Clan. So, when the Fantasy Sky Dream Clan arrives, you have to show them, otherwise, we can't help the Peak Dragon Clan."

Of course, he knew that when everyone was involved in the war in the Land of Origin, it was completely impossible for the Life Yuan Clan to escape.

The regret at the beginning may have hope to be solved.

He glanced at Jiang Zizai. In fact, Jiang Zizai's appearance had a lot of Ruohua's shadow.

It had been too long since he had seen her.

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