Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1402: The Gathering of Gods

The death of Black Dragon General Jiang Yunxiao shocked the entire audience in an instant.

The entire peak of Shenglong Mountain fell into unbelievable silence.

Those immortal characters disappeared in the blink of an eye. The so-called immortality seemed like a joke at this time.

Immortality means that you will not die as long as you are not killed, and there will be no end of life. However, killing can directly end your life.

As the saying goes, there will be reckless people under heavy rewards.

Jiang Yunhai could tell at a glance that Jiang Zitian had many artifacts. He must have known in his heart that those gods were not eager enough to fight. If he wanted them to reverse the situation and contribute their strength, he still needed a heavy reward.

Otherwise, if they do not participate in the war and let Jiang Zizai and Jiang Yunfeng join them on the battlefield, they will definitely be able to easily break the current balance.

Not only did he ask the gods to take action, he also asked all sentient beings to work harder to provide him with sentient beings' power.

"All compatriots of the Peak Dragon Clan, listen, this son of a sinner and his ministers used a siege to brutally kill Jiang Yunxiao. Such despicable and shameless methods are really disgusting! They have been blatant, so shameless, and they even want to Returning to the Peak Dragon Clan, if the Peak Dragon Clan is controlled by this group of sinners, then we will inevitably lose our lives again and be in trouble again! We can no longer afford to lose, and we must not let this son of sinners do whatever they want. Please give me the strength to kill these people. They must give justice to Jiang Yunxiao and all the compatriots who were killed by them!"

He has always been good at bewitching people's hearts. When he declared with such grief and anger, more people would naturally provide him with strength. The benefits of the Peak Holy Dragon Guardian Array were all on him, so he couldn't get it in a short time. Going to Jiang Junjian already made him a little nervous.


He let out an earth-shattering roar, full of righteousness, and cooperated with the power of all living beings to suppress Jiang Junjian crazily.

On the other side, thousands of gods have also rushed in. Their target is Jiang Zizai. As long as they kill him, they can get his divine weapon. Faced with this guy who they have no feelings for in the first place, of course they No mercy.

But they didn't expect that when they rushed in, the gods who came with Jiang Zizai and the others would appear in front of them and block their way.

The two teams are now close, and former brothers and sisters, even father and son, meet here. The people who came with Jiang Junjian were basically older, even the ancestors of the gods in front of him.

Those who stayed at the pinnacle of Shenglong Mountain basically knew about the existence of these ancestors.

They have either met countless times before, or they seem to have known each other, but now they meet in different camps. To be honest, there are not many camps that truly belong to Jiang Yunhai. After the battle, they stayed in the Peak Dragon Clan simply because they had nowhere to go. There were less than 500 people left at that time, and the remaining 500 gods were all born after the battle. Some of them grew up under the influence of Jiang Yunhai and have nothing to do with the thousands of gods in front of them. The number of gods is less than two hundred.

"Everyone, you all know who was the traitor back then, who leaked the news, who betrayed the Peak Dragon Lord, and who betrayed his own race. Why bother pretending not to know today? We are all upright dragons. Why bother? We continue to serve the traitors regardless of our conscience! When we come back this time, we have the ability and confidence to rebuild the Peak Dragon Clan, so that we will no longer be bullied by others, let us return to the Supreme Clan, and let us regain our dignity, instead of like this. Just like Jiang Yunhai, he is just a deluded trash!" Jiang Yi stood in front of everyone, his voice was very loud.

In fact, what he said is right.

As gods, wouldn't they know exactly what happened back then?

Jiang Yunhai can bewitch all living beings, but he cannot deceive them.

They all know that it was Jiang Yunhai who secretly revealed the news of the curse of destruction, and it was he who led the four peak races to attack in order to seize the Flower of Destruction. It was he who caused the civil strife after the attack by outsiders. The casualties that year may have something to do with Jiang Yunting's search for the Flower of Destruction, but the real culprit was Jiang Yunhai!

After all, if it was in its prime, as long as there was no leak of information, who knew that Jiang Yunting wouldn't be able to solve the curse of destruction on his own?

They all know that it's just that reality has deceived them.

"If you want to say that there are mistakes, my grandfather Jiang Yunting is indeed at fault. It was his eternal pursuit that brought all this. But the ones who are really wrong are not the traitors? Aren't they the four peak races who harmed their compatriots? So everyone, we are here I came back for revenge and for dignity. If you want to be a useless person without conscience and without the backbone of our peak dragon clan! If you want to be despised by future generations and disappoint the ancestors, you can do it now! Come and take action against your own compatriots, take action against your own relatives!”

Jiang Yi's words were impassioned. In fact, he had not thought about what he was going to say. These were just thoughts from his heart, and he spoke them out loud.

It's actually useful.

When his voice spread throughout the world, thousands of returning gods looked at their compatriots with red eyes. When their relatives met, or even couples met, most of them had some feelings. Couldn't help it anymore.

"Dad!" Suddenly, a god rushed out from the other side's camp, his tears already falling. On this day, he finally saw his former faith and the man who taught him his whole life. He was back. At first, he didn't dare to approach him, but when their eyes collided, he finally couldn't help it.

Next to Jiang Yi, an old man wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. He didn't care about anything else and went directly to the two of them. They hugged each other in the middle. After thousands of years, they died and resurrected. This hug reached eternity.

"I thought I would never see you again in this life." The two grown men cried bitterly, but they didn't look ugly at all. There are too few moments like this in life. The broken mirror is reunited, and the men shed a few tears. What can it do?

With a beginning, there is a continuation. One after another, people from both camps came out. Some were brothers, some were old friends, some were grandparents, and some were couples. There were at least four couples who were back together at this moment after parting in life and death.

This is not a battlefield, this is a large-scale family recognition site, this is the power of family love and friendship, this is a fact that cannot be changed no matter who says it! Around Jiang Yi, at least half of the people have gone to the central position, and the remaining gods are also watching with a smile. Although they don’t know anyone in the other camp, their descendants are still in the Peak Holy Dragon Mountain. Every god has a family and bloodline, and they all had a vast fiefdom in the Peak Holy Dragon Mountain.

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