Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1396 Peak Holy Dragon Guardian Formation

Gold, Silver, Black and White, the four great dragon generals, were once very powerful, but they never expected that the two Black and White would become Jiang Yunhai's followers. In their words, this is called a wise man who knows the times. The harm brought to them by these three traitors is even more serious than that of outsiders. If not, there would be no internal and external troubles, leading to the total collapse of the peak dragon clan!

In addition to Jiang Yunhai and the two great dragon generals Black and White, some of the other gods were born after the war, and some were helplessly controlled. Although they may be similar to Jiang Zi in their current team, it is unknown how many people will work for Jiang Yunhai at that time.

Jiang Yunhai, Jiang Yunxiao, Jiang Yunwei.

For revenge, they rushed forward, and in this endless void, a series of brilliance passed through. Perhaps no one knew that there was such a group of thousands of gods approaching the core of the peak dragon clan!

The place where the Peak Dragon Clan lives is called the Peak Holy Dragon Mountain. It is a mountain comparable to the size of the God's Domain. It is extremely huge. Countless Peak Dragon Clan live on this Peak Holy Dragon Mountain. The rocks on it are actually as big as land. From a distance, this Peak Holy Dragon Mountain is even bigger than the World Tree of Living Beings. The closer you get, the less you can see the whole picture.

The dragons like to move in their original form, so at this moment, you can see countless dragons flying and flying on this Peak Holy Dragon Mountain! This is the real home of the Peak Dragon Clan. The Supreme Dragon Clan of the Sacrifice Dragon God Domain has so many dragons in total, but there are definitely not as many of them that can be transformed into totem beasts as what Jiang Zizai sees!

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"Here is our real home!" Jiang Junjian took a deep breath. His eyes were fanatical.

In fact, when all the gods present saw the Peak Holy Dragon Mountain, their expressions were almost the same as his. This is indeed their former home. All the memories of their growth are still here. Even the descendants of the gods, their descendants, and even their relatives are still here.

Coming here, it seems as if I saw the scene of the shocking battle at the beginning, and saw my relatives, friends, brothers, countless god kings and ordinary ancient gods, who died in the brutality of foreign races. There were countless life and death hatreds. When they thought of these, their hearts were bleeding.

What kind of grief would make them come here, and after seeing their home, even their blood was trembling!

"Everyone, Peak Holy Dragon Mountain, we are back." Jiang Junjian's voice was also trembling, and countless life and death hatreds piled together to form a monstrous anger.

"Shameless traitor, today, you will pay a heavy price for your despicableness." Jinlong General Jiang Yunfeng gritted his teeth.

Today's Peak Holy Dragon Mountain is very quiet, not at all like the moment when a storm is about to come.

"Remember, only kill traitors, don't implicate others, let alone the people. This is our home, not a battlefield." Jiang Junjian said.


Everyone was so eager.

Jiang Zizai was also deeply moved. He was not born in that era, so some anger and hatred should not be empathized with by reason. However, he could feel it passionately. Perhaps this was the resonance of blood, the hatred of race, the contract of life and death, and his mission!

He had never seen Jiang Yunhai, his uncle, but Jiang Zizai believed that he would recognize him at first sight, because this was a person who pushed his parents and compatriots into the abyss.


Under Jiang Junjian's command, they were infinitely close to the peak of the Holy Dragon Mountain. Their movements were not big. They did not want to cause a big commotion. To take back their homeland, it did not need to be so huge. As long as the person who created the sin paid the price, it would be fine.

The direction they were heading to was the highest position of the peak of the Holy Dragon Mountain. On the top of the mountain was Jiang Yunting's "Dragon Lord Holy Palace", and now, I'm afraid it has been occupied by Jiang Yunhai.

They descended silently over the Dragon Lord Palace. So far, not many peak dragons have seen them. You know, there are countless dragons living in the Peak Holy Dragon Mountain, and even some totem beasts flew past them.

However, no matter how many peak dragons there are now, they can't compare to the glory of the past. The peak dragons of that era were the center of the origin of the land, the core of the universe!

And now, the peak dragons are oppressed by the other five peak races. Do they still have dignity?

Jiang Junjian's face was indifferent. He was supported by the gods. His eyes swept towards the Dragon Lord Palace. His voice was like a bell.

"Traitor Jiang Yunhai, come out and die."

The voice was not loud, but it was heard enough in the entire Dragon Lord Palace. I believe that many peak dragons could hear it.

But the strange thing is that this voice, which was enough to make Jiang Yunhai tremble, did not attract any reaction?

The Dragon Lord Palace was silent.

"Traitor Jiang Yunhai, come out and die."

Jiang Junjian didn't get too close to the Dragon Lord Palace because he didn't want to use it as a battlefield. It was where he grew up and his home. The war had left it in ruins, and he didn't want to destroy it again.

When he heard the second call and still didn't call out anyone, he felt something was wrong.

"Retreat first." His intuition made him feel something was wrong, so he led the gods to retreat directly. He never expected that at this moment, a great formation of heaven and earth suddenly enveloped the entire Peak Holy Dragon Mountain and trapped them in it. This great formation of heaven and earth had hundreds of millions of totem patterns, which was definitely more complicated than the totem formation of the heavenly intention of all living beings. These totem patterns were entangled and combined around them, completely trapping them in a cage.

"The Peak Holy Dragon Guardian Formation has been opened, at least a month in advance, and they know we are back." Although they were surrounded by this great formation of heaven and earth, those countless totem patterns had begun to suppress the harassment, but Jiang Junjian was still very calm.

"It's impossible! Except for the Life Yuan Lord, Life Yuan Empress and Ruochen, no one knew that we had obtained the Life Tree Seeds. The Life Yuan Lord would definitely not spread it out, so who spread it out?" Jiang Yunyin frowned and said, they really didn't expect that they would be ambushed after coming here!

Now, they have been trapped in the Peak Holy Dragon Guardian Formation, which is the Peak Dragon Clan's defensive attack totem formation against the enemy! Built on the Peak Holy Dragon Mountain, it has a history of hundreds of millions of years and is the creation of countless Peak Dragon Clan elders! Today, it was used against its own people.

Jiang Zizai also frowned, because he didn't expect that the people here actually knew they were coming in advance. If the four peak races also knew, then he must open the Origin Cave immediately, otherwise he might not even have time to escape!

Just as he was getting ready, a burst of laughter suddenly came.

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