Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1372 Nine Souls Return to One

When Hua Zhongyuan said this, he was actually very confident. He was confident in his appearance, strength and status, which looked much better than Jiang Zizai and the other three. And in his words, he made enough promises to Long Yan, and many people may be moved. After all, who wouldn't want to become a super genius of the Bright Dragon Clan overnight?

Hua Zhongyuan didn't understand what kind of person she was at all. He said so much, but it was only boring to her. She gently pulled Jiang Zizai's arm, without making eye contact with Hua Zhongyuan, and said, "Please leave. Well, I won’t go with you. I’m not interested in anything you say.”

Her eviction order was very decisive.

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Hua Zhongyuan was obviously a little unhappy. He was silent for a while and then asked: "Girl, is this person secretly coercing you? If so, you only need to tell me and I can save you. To be honest, you are destined Sooner or later, there will be an infinite gap between those who want to be successful. Being with them will only lower your horizons. If you let your talents go to waste and do nothing, it is simply a waste of resources. "

At this point, Jiang Zizai became a little impatient. He said, "Can you stop being so exaggerated with your imagination? To be honest, no matter what we do, it's our own business. You go your way, and we go our own way." That's fine. No matter how talented she is, we can just contact Bai Mu, and we don't need you. Can we believe you when you say you have a good relationship with him? Don't think too much, we are just on the safe side. So please don't harass us?"

At this time, he just used Bai Mu as a shield.

In fact, no matter how nice Hua Zhongyuan said it, you can still hear that he despises Jiang Zizai and the three of them in his heart. He thinks that Long Yan should be divorced from them because of his talent, otherwise it will be like being tainted, and he has There are no other ideas, such as cultivating a relationship with Long Yan before recommending her. In fact, it is not difficult to see.

That's why he tried every means, otherwise if he was really worried about something happening to such a talented girl, he could just follow her the whole time without taking her away.

Sure enough, when Jiang Zizai said what Bai Mu said, the guy was a little angry and couldn't control himself. He said, "You are a bit disrespectful of me when you talk like this. You know, she was a mortal before, and it is impossible for a mortal to be If you are allowed to enter the Tomb of the Bright Dragon, you bring a mortal in without permission. This is also a serious crime. It can range from imprisonment for more than a hundred years to being beheaded on the spot. If this girl is not so talented, you will not be able to do it. There is absolutely one idea. If you let me defend her and make up reasons for her, you can survive this disaster. Otherwise, if others see it, you will be finished."

"Brother Hua won't leak it anyway, right? You are such an upright gentleman, you will definitely not do such a villainous thing." Jiang Zizai said.

He knew that the other party meant a threat.

Hua Zhongyuan could see that Long Yan seemed to be completely submissive to Jiang Zizai, which gave him a very bad feeling.

If there was any relationship between such a treasure-like girl and a country bumpkin like Jiang Zizai in his eyes, it would be a waste of natural resources for him.

But Long Yan's way of following him like a little woman showed all this invisibly.

"Actually, the Bright Dragon Tomb is so huge, it will be difficult for you to find Bai Mu again. Girl, you have no identity, and following them will only hurt them. I can protect you, and you will soon become the focus of millions of people's attention. , don’t you really think about it? Your talent is so good that you should have a better destiny. Some people are destined to become passers-by to each other because they are in different worlds. You will understand this truth." Hua Zhong Yuandao.

This person speaks with sarcasm, which is really annoying.

Jiang Zizai sneered. He didn't have a very good temper. Since the other party had evil intentions, such a person would never give up. Blindly giving in would only make him think that he could suppress him. In this case, there seemed to be no need to be polite.

He stretched out his hand, gently hugged Long Yan's slender waist, let her lean into his arms, and then said to Hua Zhongyuan: "Brother Hua, don't talk like this. Our relationship is as strong as gold. It won't happen." I was shaken by your sweet words. Over the years, we have experienced life and death, and seen all kinds of storms. For us, there are some things that are more important than the temptations you said. Unfortunately, you don’t seem to understand. "

Long Yan made Jiang Zizai a little confused. Of course she knew that the other party must have some plot against her. Jiang Zizai was trying to make him give up. It was almost impossible for him to leave obediently after provoking such a person. Trouble has already come, and it is obvious that he cannot just give in. Jiang Zizai is not a person who is afraid of trouble, and neither is she.

She didn't say anything, she just held his arm and leaned against him gently. The hostile look on her face towards Hua Zhongyuan said everything. It seems that she is still a little girl who is ignorant of the world. In fact, she knew it very well.

In fact, she is very similar to Su Yuexi, except that Su Yuexi will speak out boldly, but she will not. She may never say it out loud in her life, but her heart will never change.

Especially after leaving the Evernight Star Sea.

Their unceremonious counterattack made Hua Zhongyuan's face completely darken.

"Brother Hua, we all know what you are thinking, so there is really no need to say too much, it is meaningless." Su Qianyu said.

He is a straight-tempered person and dislikes beating around the bush, so he will not shut up when encountering injustice.

"Who are you? You, the dragon servant, have the right to speak?" Hua Zhongyuan's aura suddenly became cold and stern, and he looked at Su Qianyu coldly.

"Everyone in this world has a voice. Unless you can tear my mouth apart. At least I don't speak in a sinister and eccentric way like you. I just want to rob, so there is no need to make myself great." Su Qianyu said disdainfully.

He couldn't stand it anyway.

"You are looking for death! I killed a dragon attendant in the Bright Dragon Tomb, but no one would care!" Hua Zhongyuan said in a low voice.

Su Qianyu sneered. He didn't want to say more. After thinking about it for a while, he seemed to have gotten Jiang Zizai into trouble because of his quick words. However, he couldn't help it and spat on the ground with that contemptuous look in his eyes. Directly penetrated Hua Zhongyuan's eyes.



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