Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1368 Death of a Child

"Let's survive first. All of them are gods, which means they have to pay a price to activate the Ancestral Dragon Tower. In this way, the power of the Ancestral Dragon Tower is unimaginable." She was already worried, especially since Lingdang was still in this 'chaotic' demonic realm. No one below the gods could stop the suppression of the Ancestral Dragon Tower, except Jiang Zizai.

Jiang Zizai could already feel the terrifying pressure of the Ancestral Dragon Tower, as well as the ruthlessness and ferocity of the crazy gods of the Supreme Dragon Clan.

They were really crazy. In order to kill the Immortal Venerable, they could even annihilate all living beings. They were so ruthless and righteous that they didn't care even if others laughed at and despised them. Was it courage or shamelessness?

Jiang Zizai had a little hesitation to consider all living beings, but it had disappeared at this moment.

He was thinking for all living beings, but the gods of the Supreme Dragon Clan treated the lives of all living beings as ants!

Now the entire 'chaotic' demonic realm has fallen into despair and pessimism.

Jiang Zizai had opened the door to the Evolution Realm at the first opportunity, but this might take some time. The Immortal Venerable had never seen the Evolution Realm, but Lingling could be said to have grown up in the Evolution Realm and was very familiar with it.

At this critical moment, Jiang Zizai first called Long Yan and the others. They were suppressed by the Ancestral Dragon Tower and now their faces were pale. Lingling's situation was not optimistic either. There was no place to hide in this whole world.

After the door to the Evolution Realm was opened, Jiang Zizai handed Lingling to Yan'er and asked them to take refuge in the Evolution Realm first, so that the people around them would be saved.

"What is this place?" asked the Immortal Venerable.

"Evolution Realm, do you still remember it? The people of the Origin Divine Sect used us to open the Evolution Realm. Later, after you left, the door to the Evolution Realm came into my hands. There is still a world inside, and it is safe." After saying this, she was a little relieved. At least today, no matter what, Lingling is safe.

"Then, bring as many people as possible to the evolution world, and I will stop them." The voice of the Immortal Venerable was cold, and it could be seen that she was in great anger, but she was still suppressing it at the moment.

Only killing could relieve her anger and hatred at the moment. To be honest, she was already troubled by her inner demon. When the gods of the Supreme Dragon Clan were so vicious, this side of her personality was completely stimulated.

"All living beings are too scattered. If we want to bring them into the evolution world one by one, one day is not enough. At most, it is a drop in the bucket. It is good enough to protect one percent of the people." The Nether Demon also came here and shook his head helplessly.

"One percent is also life, and it is also qualified to live." She said bitterly, her eyes were already red, and she said: "For the rest, let me make them pay the price!"

"You help her." Jiang Zizai said to Jiang Yi.

"No problem, I will definitely go all out, but I am a little uncertain. After all, the power of the Ancestral Dragon Tower is a bit strong now. They are too ruthless this time. They directly burned their realm and lifespan to make it possible for the power of the Ancestral Dragon Tower to burst out." Jiang Yi said very seriously.

"Do your best." Jiang Zizai said.

His words were enough for the Immortal Venerable. Even if Jiang Zizai had hesitated before, at this moment, he had made a decision and taken action. This may be the responsibility that the man in her mind should have.

Facing the Ancestral Dragon Tower, Jiang Zizai seemed unable to do anything. Now a god in the 'Chaos' Demon Realm was responsible for passing on the message, asking all the sentient beings in the 'Chaos' Demon Realm to rush to the Immortal Palace. He came to the gate of the Immortal Palace and opened the gate of the Evolution Realm to the maximum. As for how many people can enter, it is not something that Jiang Zizai can control.

After all, the people are scattered throughout the 'Chaos' Demon Realm. If Jiang Zizai takes the gate of the Evolution Realm to find them, it will be less efficient.

In fact, many people still don't know what happened, what is suppressing them. When most of the nearby ancient gods came here, their faces were pale, and they were lost and depressed. Even their flesh and blood began to fail. This is not an ordinary suppression, but an invisible killing. If there is no solution, countless sentient beings in this chaotic demonic realm will die within a day!

Including the God King.

Jiang Zizai can feel this terrible pressure, just because he is not a god yet, and has no real power of heaven.

Although sentient beings don't know what the reason is, they know who is the one who took action.

"It must be them, they want to kill us and destroy the Heavenly Intention Teng Formation of All Living Beings!"

"What a cruel heart, these cruel beasts have never changed their evil 'nature'!"

"We can't leave, we have to provide strength to the Immortal Lord, we have to unite as one! We have to support the Immortal Lord and kill them!"

"We want revenge, we have to resist, otherwise our descendants will never have peace!"

"Even after today, there will be no descendants, some children have died..."

Children are fragile. Under the suppression of the Ancestral Dragon Tower, the first to die are children, especially those who have just been born, who cannot be protected no matter how hard they try.

In the range of Jiang Zizai's Heavenly Soul, he has seen many desperate parents, holding their children who have lost their lives, kneeling on the ground and trembling and crying. This is the greatest grief and indignation in the world. The children have done nothing wrong, but at this moment they have lost their lives, and their bodies have become cold.

The grief and hatred of the parents, their powerless wailing, such scenes are increasing, even thousands, this is simply a nightmare scene, because Jiang Zizai is a man with a daughter, he can't imagine how desperate he would be if Lingling was also like this, as a parent, he can understand other parents the most.

So these scenes, like nightmares, make his heart tremble, he may never forget how terrible these scenes are, he will never forget how damned those who created all this are!

Human life is not a cold number, nor a symbol, at this moment, it is the desperate eyes of parents, everyone's reaction is different, but they are all equally sad and painful.

Maybe when the innocent child dies like this and leaves this world, they would rather die at this moment.

The creatures in the Chaos Demon Realm are truly admirable. After all this happened, they did not leave. They sat cross-legged on the ground. At this moment, countless totem patterns appeared on the land of the entire Chaos Demon Realm. These totem patterns were connected to one person. When tens of millions of people were in this formation, it was like a spark that set the prairie on fire. A dazzling totem formation covered the entire Chaos Demon Realm. Only in this way could it be possible to stop the ruthless suppression of the Ancestral Dragon Tower.

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