Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1149 Nine-fold Death Purgatory

With the beast claw and the left eye working together, basically many gods are not his opponents. Even in the Dragon Sacrifice Divine Domain, he has the strength to challenge the higher level.

He waited silently, and the vibration of the blood-colored vortex became stronger and stronger. Finally, at the last moment, another object fell from the center of the vortex!

It was a blood-red heart!

The outer surface of the heart was covered with dense blood vessels, like tentacles, swaying around, and the whole heart was beating violently!

Puff puff puff!

The sound was continuous, and every beat shook the entire second level of the evolution world once!

Boom boom boom!

The earth shook for a while!

This scene can be said to be extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than the last time the beast claw appeared, so much so that it seemed that the divine beasts of the entire evolution world were wailing at this moment.

This scene was simply full of wailing.

Jiang Zizai's eyes were completely on the blood-red heart. It had appeared, as if it was looking for something in this evolutionary world. At this time, the divine beasts were hiding very far away, and many of them buried themselves deep underground, so it seemed that the heart discovered his existence at the first moment.

After that, the terrifying beating heart came directly towards Jiang Zizai, and Jiang Zizai was also very bold. He relied on the black petals in the totem and opened his arms to welcome the arrival of the blood-red heart. Sure enough, it appeared directly in front of his eyes, and then shrank to the size of a fist. Almost in an instant, all the blood-colored tentacles on it pierced Jiang Zizai's body!

These tentacles were like spikes, more terrifying than Yan'er's blood thorns. This time the penetration was creepy. Jiang Zizai felt a fatal sting. This was the simultaneous existence of the divine body and the divine soul. At that moment, he felt that he was almost dying, and this heart was completely replacing his heart and controlling his body!

He found that he was indeed too courageous. This adventure was more terrifying than ever before.

Fortunately, this terrible moment did not last long. In the next moment, the black petals in the sea of ​​life went crazy. The petals vibrated once, and the heart made a piercing scream, almost piercing Jiang Zizai's ears. Although it was a heart, it was completely like a life!

But after this vibration, it completely softened, allowing Jiang Zizai to hold it in his hand. Although it was still beating, it had lost the feeling of life. Obviously, the scream just now was the scream of its end.

Although it was more thrilling this time, fortunately it was successful.

Jiang Zizai breathed a sigh of relief. The heart now was the same as the beast claw at the beginning. Although the terrible divine power still existed, it would have died on time and was completely controlled by Jiang Zizai.

This time, he could take this heart and collect all the God King-level evolution sources in the entire evolution world!

But before that, Jiang Zizai pinched it and suddenly found that the heart was hard inside, and there seemed to be something inside. There was also an opening here, so he squeezed out the things inside and found that there were nine in total, all of which were blood-red crystals.

He thought it was an ordinary thing, but after a closer look, it was incredible. Each of these nine crystals was like a complete world inside, filled with blood, and it was like purgatory.

When he took these nine crystals, these nine blood-colored crystals automatically arranged into one, indicating that this was a whole.

Jiang Zizai observed it carefully and found that what appeared inside the heart was likely to be an evolution source, and it was a very high-level evolution source.

For this reason, he took out a book that recorded the evolution source of the God King level, and quickly flipped through it on the spot. He actually found an introduction to this evolution source at the end of this book.

"This is the 'Nine-fold Death Purgatory'. It is said to be one of the top three existences among the domain-type God King-level evolution sources!"

Jiang Zizai had never expected to have such a harvest. This was an unexpected surprise. This must have been brought down from the second level of the evolution source by the heart. It might need this evolution source to provide something. Now that it is controlled by Jiang Zizai, this 'Nine-fold Death Purgatory' naturally fell into Jiang Zizai's hands!

He looked at the introduction. This is also a domain-type evolution source. It can create a nine-fold death purgatory world around it. In the death purgatory world, the totem owner is the absolute master. The death purgatory aura is everywhere. This is the most negative force in the world. It can penetrate everything and even be born from the enemy's body. It can corrode and infect the soul, body and source. In other words, when fighting with such an opponent, the body and soul are always being invaded and cannot resist. Even the source of the god will be disintegrated, which directly leads to the regression of the realm!

That's why the Nine-fold Death Purgatory is so scary. It's so scary!

In the history of the Dragon Sacrifice Divine Domain, anyone who possessed such an evolution source was basically a well-known vicious person, but they were definitely very powerful, especially in the duel between the God Kings. Even enemies who were one or two realms higher would be extremely afraid of their totems, because the battle between the God Kings was completely a battle between totem beasts!

Jiang Zizai was of course happy. He had always wanted to find a suitable evolution source for Long Yan, but he had never achieved anything. Now if she could evolve successfully, he would have understood a knot in his heart.

Of course he smiled, after all, Yan'er had already "prepaid" the reward, and if he didn't give it to her, he would feel bad.

However, this time, Jiang Zizai still took advantage of the deterrence of the heart in his hand and went to find those beast kings accurately. He swept almost all of them and got seven evolution sources of the god king level, all of which were saved. Even so, there must be more than a dozen fish that slipped through the net, but Jiang Zizai did not continue to look for those beast kings. He felt that after losing the nine-layer death purgatory, the vitality of the heart was continuously declining. It was estimated that it would be completely broken in a short time, which would be a waste. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, he hurried back to the God King Palace.

This time he also went directly to Lu Dingxing and handed the heart to him. This time, it was estimated that the heart would be dug out and the new heart would be used to drive the body. Although it was disgusting, Lu Dingxing was a person with very strong willpower, and Jiang Zizai believed that he could do it.

After there was no problem here, he came to Longyan. Shenxiao was also here. Recently, the sisters were inseparable, so Jiang Zizai had no chance to take advantage of it.

"What are you doing?" Shenxiao asked vigilantly.

"Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

"If you are not polite, you are either a traitor or a thief." She said with a smile.

"If you say that, I won't give this surprise to Yan'er." Jiang Zizai coughed.

Shenxiao immediately changed his expression, pulled Jiang Zizai's clothes, and said: "Brother Zizai, I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously like a little girl like me."

"You're the only one who's making a fuss, get out of here." Jiang Zizai waved his hand, very domineering.

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