Holy body, start with the Five Animal Exercises

Chapter 13 Fox Fairy Statue, Tombstone

Qin Jiang was slightly frightened, his breath became a little disordered, and then he adjusted his breathing in an instant.

Sure enough, there is a vixen! And it’s still in human form!

Pulling out the black water and holding it in his hand, he slowly mobilized the inner energy in his body and observed the structure of the mine through the bronze mirror.

Now that he has killed two vixens, he has formed an undying feud and has no other choice.

Not long after, the internal energy accumulated to its peak, and he rushed out of the corner, stepped on the wall of the mine, his legs bent like springs and then straightened instantly, and his body rushed towards the female figure.

Just when he was about to strike with his sword, he suddenly realized that this was not a woman, it was clearly just a female statue.

The body turned around and landed lightly on the ground without making any sound.

He looked at the statue. It was larger than an ordinary person, about two meters tall. Its clothes were painted with colorful paint, and its face looked lifelike.

Looking around, there are several tables and chairs, which are very clean and look like the main hall of an ordinary people's home.

The source of the light in the mine is a few sticks of white fat wax. The fat made into candles burns with a bit of fragrance.

There were several wooden crates placed in the corner. I walked closer and opened them gently. There were some palm-sized pieces of blood-red metal neatly stacked.

Blood gold!

I picked up a piece and weighed it. It weighed ten kilograms! This palm-sized piece of blood gold alone is almost as heavy as his black water.

Putting down the blood gold, he gently closed the lid, and looked inside the mine. A wooden door appeared in front of him.

He glanced back at the statue, thought for a moment, walked over, and raised his hand to place it on the skirt of the statue.

There is no potential point.

With some disappointment, he retracted his hand, holding Heishui in his hand, and holding the bronze mirror in the other hand.

He slowly approached the door of the room and carefully stretched out the bronze mirror.

Through the bronze mirror, what I saw was not the bedroom I imagined, but a row of stone tablets, and nothing else.

Walking in with a bit of surprise, a row of stone tablets came into view, seventeen in total.

Walk forward and look at the inscriptions on the stone tablet.

The strings of the harp and harp are still there, but the strings have been broken, and the sound and appearance are hard to dry without tears.

Xia, so Li Tao Henggong, was born in April of Dingwei year and died in December of Guimao year.

Husband, the son who welcomes Sheng, the grandson who is happy in court, remembers my husband on the monument. Who knows the pain of my mourning? .I have no hope, leaning on your tomb and lying on your monument, weeping in vain.

Are you missing your husband?

Qin Jiang's eyes were confused and he looked at the other stone tombstones. Seventeen husbands?

Is there a monument but no tomb, no body left behind?

His fingertips gently touched the tombstone, and there was no dust at all. It was obvious that someone had cleaned it frequently.

But who would come here?


Just when he was doubting, a charming voice sounded from behind him, which made him jump out of his wits, and slashed behind him with a sharp knife.

The inner energy surged, the sword light emerged, and his body turned towards the door.


The sword light cut through the air and struck the door frame, leaving a mark.

"Young master is so powerful~"

The charming laughter sounded, Qin Jiang looked intently, and two unexpected figures appeared in front of him.

It was Xian'er and Yu'er in the vixen's fantasy. However, looking at it at this moment, the skirts of their lower bodies looked a bit illusory. They were not walking on the ground, but floating an inch above the ground. Through the illusory skirts, they could see behind them. of gravel.

And the knife he just swung passed directly through the bodies of the two people without causing any damage.

"What are you guys?"

The black water fell to his side, ready to attack at any time.

Xian'er covered her mouth and chuckled, "Young Master, don't be nervous. After you killed those two fox monsters, my sister and I were freed. Now I still have one thought, I just want to come back and see you gentlemen."

Qin Jiang's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, demon?

"What is your relationship with those two fox demons? Are you talking about the owners of these tombstones?"

Xian'er nodded slightly, the hem of her bright red skirt moving automatically, "Young master, have you ever heard that tigers can eat people and turn into ghosts?"

Qin Jiang looked at her, didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Tiger can eat people and turn into a ghost, so we two sisters are similar to that ghost and have to obey the orders of the fox demon.

My sister and I were originally members of the Lin clan in Qianzhou Fucheng. We passed through this place with our family's caravan more than sixty years ago. We did not want to die at the hands of the fox demon, so we became its accomplices.

As for the gentleman mentioned by Xian'er, he is the owner of these tombstones. The husbands are all unfortunate people who were deceived by my sister and me.

The seventeen people are all husbands who have worshiped heaven and earth with us. After all the husbands died, my sister and I set up this monument without a tomb. "

Speaking of this, Xian'er and Yu'er looked lonely. The men were all good people. If it weren't for the fox demon, why would they be like this?

Qin Jiang's eyes were indifferent, without any emotion, "You just said that you are going to be freed. What do you mean?"

Xian'er smiled bitterly, "In less than half a moment, my sister and I will disappear and go to that illusory reincarnation."

She looked at the tombstone, her eyes lowered, with an indescribable sadness.

"It's just a pain for you gentlemen. After being swallowed by the fox demon, your soul was completely shattered and you couldn't even enter reincarnation."

Qin Jiang was speechless and walked aside silently.

Xian'er smiled slightly, like a delicate peony in full bloom.

She and Yu'er looked at each other, each took out a handkerchief from their arms, and the two women floated to the tombstone and gently wiped it.

After a while, after wiping the last tombstone, the figures of the two women gradually became fainter, and little bits of fluorescent light escaped from the bottom of their skirts.

Xian'er looked at Qin Jiang, "Sir, the night is long and the fire is dim. My sister and I will go now. It's a pity that I can't get married with you."

After the voice fell, the two women's figures suddenly shattered and turned into dots of fluorescence and dissipated.

A jade pendant appeared in his palm. Qin Jiang looked at the two women who disappeared with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Reincarnation, is there reincarnation in this world?

Shaking his head and putting away the jade pendant, he returned to the mine and walked to the wooden box with blood gold.

Tearing off half of his sleeves, he took out ten pieces of red gold and wrapped them up and carried them on his back.

One hundred kilograms, not heavy, and the volume is just right, which will not affect his body movement.

If it is too much, he will have to put down some. The location of the mine is already in the inner circle of the Great Black Mountain. When he goes back, he must ensure that his strength will not be affected.

Walking to the corner of the mine, he looked back at the statue, and then left without looking back.

Soon, he passed through the black dense forest and walked out of the Great Black Mountain. It was almost evening.

When he returned to Black Mountain City, it was completely dark.

There were still a large number of refugees outside the city gate, but they were all sitting weakly, without any life.

Walking into the city, there were more refugees on the street. I don’t know if they came from other districts.

Walking through the street, he arrived at the fence. No one was guarding it. Wang Dali and the Red Tiger Gang members didn’t know where they went.

Taking the blood gold on his back and holding it in his hand, he first went to Liu’s blacksmith shop to exchange it for silver. The other party did not give cash, but gave silver notes.

This was a good thing for him. Although it was the end of the dynasty, it was not yet to the extent that the money house would lose its credibility. In comparison, silver notes were more convenient to carry.

Arriving at the clinic, lanterns had been hung outside the door, but the red firelight could only illuminate a range of less than ten meters.

Walking into the clinic, the old doctor sat quietly in front of the hall. When he saw Qin Jiang coming back, he smiled slightly, as if he was waiting for him.

"But you have already mastered the third level of the Five Animal Play?"

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