
After the spiral mask man told the whole truth about the night of extinction, Sasuke said coldly.

“You don’t believe what I said?”

The brows under the mask of the spiral mask man couldn’t help but wrinkle.

Fears happen.

The reason why he changed his identity from the beginning to declare Uchiha was to make his next words more credible.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Sasuke was too difficult, he was not able to fool Uchiha Sasuke, and he was not able to make the other party recognize his identity as Uchiha Spot.

“In other words, if it were you, a mysterious person who didn’t know his identity came to tell you the truth about the so-called extermination of the Uchiha clan, would you believe it?”

Sasuke asked rhetorically.

“I really don’t believe it easily.”

When the man in the spiral mask thought about it, he couldn’t help but be distressed, in other words, he probably wouldn’t believe it.

“Well, if nothing else, get out of the way, or I’ll think you’re hostile to me.”

Sasuke’s eyes turned into a six-pointed star pattern, and his body revealed a cold breath.

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan, you have indeed opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.”

The spiral mask man said as if he didn’t know before.

Sasuke ignored the spiral mask man, used the swift blood to follow the boundary, bypassed the spiral mask man, quickly moved away, and disappeared in a few moments.

At present, he is not an opponent of Uchiha Obito, who can use kaleidoscope chakra eyes without side effects, so he pressed and did not strike at Uchiha Obito.

“Alas, screwed up!”

Looking in the direction where Sasuke disappeared, the spiral mask man scratched his hair, and his face under the mask looked distressed.

Originally, he wanted to use the truth of the extinction of the Uchiha clan to lure Sasuke Uchiha into rebelling against Konoha and joining Shō.

But at the beginning, the development is out of his control, and he is not able to get Sasuke Uchiha to identify with his identity as Uchiha.

The truth of the next extermination of the Uchiha clan also failed to make the other party believe.

As for the later lure of the other party to defect from Konoha, he said that he did not say, because when the first two conditions cannot be met, the possibility of luring the other party to defect is almost zero.

“However, although Sasuke Uchiha did not believe my words, he has planted seeds of doubt in his heart and will definitely go to find out the truth.”

“Once Sasuke Uchiha finds out the truth, then it will be time for me to reappear and lure Sasuke Uchiha into defecting to Konoha.”

Thinking of this, the spiral mask man was in a much better mood.

Although he failed to lure Sasuke Uchiha into mutiny, the seeds of suspicion had been planted, and now it was only necessary to wait for this seed to germinate.

The space twisted for a while, and he disappeared without a trace.

Away from where the man in the spiral mask was, Sasuke sneered in his heart.

The reason for the appearance of the Spiral Mask Man was clear to him in his heart, which was nothing more than luring him to defect to Konoha and join the Xiao Organization.

He didn’t have the slightest idea of defecting to Konoha and turning to Xiao, and looking at the members of the organization, none of them ended well, and he didn’t want to be one of them.

And the organization of two ruthless people who “murderers” came, he was not an ordinary resistance.

No matter what the reason, no matter how great the power is, he will not hesitate to kill his mentor, he must be absolutely ruthless.

Doing things under such ruthless people may be impossible to protect at any time, and Konoha who is no longer in the group is good.


Back in Konoha, Sasuke reported to Tsunade and returned to his residence.

After more than a month of leaving, a lot of dust had accumulated in the house, and he began to get busy.


A girl’s voice sounded outside the house, it was Haruno Sakura’s voice.

Haruno Sakura is now visiting Tsunade, and must have learned the news of his return from Tsunade.

He opened the door and ushered Haruno Sakura into the house.

“I heard the teacher say that you came back today, there must be a lot of dust in the house, I will help.”

Haruno Sakura said.

“Thank you.”

Sasuke thanked him.

“Sasuke, where did you go this time?”

While wiping the dusty table and chairs with Sasuke, Haruno Sakura asked.

“First in the territory of the Land of Fire, then to the Land of Rivers, and finally to the Land of Secrets.”

Sasuke said.

“The country of Mi, the small coastal country close to the country of the river, how did you think of going there?”

Haruno Sakura asked unexpectedly.

“Look for psychic beasts.”

Sasuke didn’t hide it, the psychic beast was to be taken out and used, and there was no need to hide it at all.

“Did you find it, what type of psychic beast?”

“It’s a family of lizards, good at earth escape and smell tracking.”

Sasuke said, and then asked suspiciously.

“What about Naruto?”

With Naruto’s personality, if he knew that he was back, he would have arrived at this time.

“He has already left the village with Lord Jiraiya to go out to study.”

Haruno Sakura said.

“Have you already left the village to go out to study?”

Sasuke’s heart moved, there was no doubt that after Naruto returned from practice, his strength would inevitably rise greatly.

Although confident, even if Naruto returned from cultivation, his strength would definitely not be able to surpass him, unless it was the power of the Nine-Tailed Pillar Power that burst out.

But he should also think hard about the direction of his practice in the next period of time.

After cleaning up and sending Haruno Sakura away, he thought about it.

Now he has attained ninjutsu, physical arts, and illusion all reached the shadow level, which is already a limit, and it is already difficult to improve again.

Although he should be able to improve again with his talent, it will take an extremely long time.

When these three aspects are difficult to improve in a short period of time, if you want to improve again, you can only work blood succession limits and ninjutsu.

In terms of the blood succession limit, the swift blood succession limit has been developed to the limit and can no longer be improved.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has strong side effects, and it cannot be used frequently until the side effects are solved, so it cannot be used as a direction for improvement.

All that’s left is ninjutsu.

Speaking of which, he has mastered a lot of ninjutsu now, and there are two S-level ninjutsu, namely Ratchet and Peacock Mysticism.

However, in the shadow-level battle, relying on these two S-class ninjutsu alone, the way of fighting is still a bit monotonous.

“I wonder if I can develop the Ratchet series like the Chidori series?”

Sasuke thought of the series such as the Chidori Sharp Gun, Chidori Blade, and Chidori Ryu that Chidori had developed, and if he could develop these series with Ratchet, his fighting style would undoubtedly be richer.

Although it is difficult to develop, he feels that the possibility is still very large, after all, Chidori and Ratchet have something in common.

“In addition to the variety of fighting methods, I still lack a decisive ninjutsu under a normal state.”

Sasuke said secretly in his heart.

Without using the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, he does not have the power beyond ordinary level ninjutsu, which can be called killer ninjutsu.

And the existence of such ninjutsu can obviously greatly improve his combat power in a conventional state.

“Ninjutsu beyond ordinary S-class ninja?”

A flash of light flashed in Sasuke’s mind, and he thought of a ninjutsu that surpassed ordinary S-rank ninjutsu.

That is the ninjutsu developed by him in the original work of Qilin, which has the title of “the strongest thunder ninjutsu”. _

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