“Fire. Fire Dragon Bomb. ”

As soon as he saw Orochimaru, Sasuke immediately launched an attack.

Sealed, took a sharp breath, and then spat out, B-grade ninjutsu fire. The Fire Dragon Flame Bomb was unleashed.

Three streams of blazing flames, from the front left and right, attacked the Great Snake Pill.


Seeing that Sasuke had cast such a powerful ninjutsu as soon as he came, Haruno Sakura looked at Sasuke in surprise.

It’s just a competition to be a ninjutsu, and there is no need to use this level of ninjutsu.

She could already imagine the scene in front of her of this Kusanagi Village Shinobi, engulfed in flames and burned to ashes.

“Sasuke, what are you doing, you want to kill him?”

Naruto Uzumaki’s voice was filled with anger, and he was very dissatisfied with Sasuke’s direct killing approach.

“It’s grown to this extent…”

Looking at the attack, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the big snake pill, and he was actually able to use ninjutsu-level ninjutsu.

And this decisiveness also surprised him, and he was able to kill without hesitation.

However, this extent, in front of him at the shadow level, is naturally just a pediatric.

Rumble –

His hands were sealed, pressed to the ground, and with him as the center, four thick earthen walls rose up to protect him.

The blazing flames were blocked by the earthen wall, which did not hurt him in the slightest.

At this moment, there was a shrill chirping sound, as if thousands of birds were chirping.


The earth wall was pierced by an arm wrapped in thunder light, and after the arm wrapped in thunder light pierced the earth wall, it quickly attacked him.

There was surprise in his eyes.

Before he had time to dodge, his body was pierced by this arm wrapped in thunder light.

The owner of the arm was naturally Sasuke.

The Fire Dragon Flame Bomb is just a cover, and the real killing move is the Thunder Ninjutsu Chidori with a level of A.

“Not good…”

The blow pierced Orochimaru, but Sasuke jerked back and dodged like a femme fatale.

I saw that the big snake pill that was pierced by the hole turned into a clay man, and the ground, another big snake pill drilled out, and attacked him with a fist.

With his arm resisting, he blocked the fist that the big snake pill attacked, and in a very short time, he fought with the big snake pill several times.

However, after all, the big snake pill is a shadow-level powerhouse, and with Sasuke’s current physical skills, even if it has a three-hook jade chakra eye increase, it is still not as good as the big snake pill.


Sasuke was kicked in the body by Orochimaru and flew out upside down, while Orochimaru was chasing him.

The person was in the air, and Sasuke’s hands quickly pulled out several kunai from the ninja bag and threw them at Orochimaru.

The body of the big snake pill twisted like a snake, dodging all the kunai, and the kunai was inserted into a tree behind the big snake pill.


, creak –

At this moment, Sasuke’s hands moved like playing a piano, and Orochimaru’s body suddenly froze.

I saw that one after another almost invisible silk threads wrapped around the big snake pill, trapping the big snake pill in place.

It turned out that above those sufferings, there were almost invisible steel wires, and these invisible steel wires bound the big snake pill.

“Fire Escape Hao Dragon Fire Art.”

Sasuke’s hands froze, and a fire dragon condensed by flames appeared, slamming into Orochimaru’s body.

Wrapped in a large snake pill, it spread all the way, and many trees were burned and collapsed, leaving a scorched black mark along the way.

The body of the big snake pill was like a ball of char, falling into the distance.

Sasuke stared intently at the scorched corpse.

If it is an ordinary ninja, if he endures such a flame ninjutsu, he must have died, but Orochimaru is not an ordinary ninja.

Sure enough, from the mouth of the scorched corpse, two hands stretched out, followed by the head, body, and feet, and another large snake pill appeared, and it was intact.

“What kind of monster is this…”

Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno were already shocked.

As soon as Sasuke encountered this Kusanagi, he killed him, and this Kusanagi actually blocked Sasuke’s attack with power reaching the upper ninja level.

And even if it is burned into a charred corpse, it can be restored intact, and the way to recover is, terrifyingly, crawling out of the original charred corpse.

“What a perfect body…”

Staring at Sasuke, Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue as if he was looking at the most delicious prey.

“Who exactly are you, with your strength, it is impossible to just endure.”

Sasuke pretended not to know Orochimaru.

“You’ll know later, okay, that’s the end of the fun, accept my gift.”

Orochimaru said with an evil smile.

Sasuke’s all-out fight just now was nothing more than a joke in his eyes.

This is a shadow-level powerhouse, the strength is much stronger than the upper ninja, even if dozens of upper ninja join forces, it is difficult to be able to surround and kill.


In a flash, he had already appeared next to Sasuke, several times faster than just now.

With the thunder attribute Chakra activating body cells, Sasuke dodged to dodge.

But soon, the big snake pill was close again.

After several quick dodges in a row, Sasuke failed to dodge Orochimaru.


Orochimaru’s body wrapped around Sasuke like a snake, entwining Sasuke.

The neck was elongated, the head turned into the appearance of a snake, and two fangs appeared in the mouth, biting Sasuke’s neck.


Sasuke let out a scream, and at his neck, three black gouge jade appeared.

Directly passed out, a strange and violent aura appeared on him.

Orochimaru smiled evilly, let go of the entanglement with Sasuke, ignored the anxious Naruto Uzumaki and Haruno Sakura who saw Sasuke unconscious, and left directly.

He didn’t notice that the three gookatsumi in Sasuke’s eyes had been spinning rapidly.

“Why did he just leave like that?”

Naruto and Haruno Sakura had puzzled faces.

Just now, what they saw was a different picture.

Orochimaru’s body exuded a terrifying aura, and his eyes stared at Sasuke like a snake, as if looking at his prey.

But he didn’t make a move on Sasuke, and suddenly turned away as if something was wrong.

Naturally, Sasuke’s neck was not bitten by the Great Snake Pill, and he was not planted with the Heavenly Curse Seal.

“Good risk…”

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, chose the exact opposite direction to Orochimaru, and quickly left.

Don’t forget to carefully eliminate traces along the way to avoid being tracked by traces.

Just now, the reason why the big snake pill would leave was naturally because of his illusion. Writing wheel eyes, this is his magic move that will be magical. The art of yoke was replaced with the Sharingan. Magic.

In the original work, when the big snake pill seized his body from him, he also only opened the three-hook jade chakra eye.

Of course, at that time, after several years of precipitation, his strength was stronger than now.

However, after gaining mastery of illusion, his current attainment in illusion is not weaker than he was at that time.

Coupled with the fact that the big snake pill had a problem with the undead reincarnated soul, his resistance to illusion was extremely low, so he had the opportunity to take advantage and quietly planted illusion on the big snake pill.

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