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“Captain Cold Moon!! Next, what tasks were released in the village ?! Hinata Sato said with a smile on his face and a soft inquiry in his mouth!

“Village mission?! Sato-san still can’t wait to let those people in the Hyuga clan see their worth?! Hangetsu glanced at Hinata Sato with a smile on his face and said with a smile on his mouth! For Hinata Sato’s mood that he has always wanted to show his ability, Hangetsu is extremely understanding! The feelings of the members of the Hyuga Branch family for the sect family really made Hangetsu feel a headache!

“Cold Moon senior! Is there any new news in the village?! Uchiha’s face remained paralyzed, and he said in thought!

“New news?! Sand Shinobu Village and Konoha are still in a stalemate, and Yunyin Village is the farthest away, so Konoha can barely cope with it! But… The form of Iwa Shinobu Village is a little bad! In the face of the battle technique of Iwa Shinobi Village, Konoha can only be defeated, and although Jiraiya-sama, one of the three Shinobi, is guarded, Konoha still shows decline! At the same time, the third-generation Tokage Oronogi of Iwa Shinobu Village seems to have issued a war mission at the underground bounty! Hanyue’s brows furrowed slightly, with a hint of seriousness on his face, and said softly in his mouth!

“Huh?! Underground Bounty Post Quest?! Three generations of Tokage Two Days Onoki that guy is really… Treacherous! Kato’s face had a hint of surprise on his face, and he said thoughtfully!

“The hunters of the underground bounty house will have no effect even if they join the war!” Nara Wami had a thoughtful look on her face, and said with analysis in her mouth!

“Nope! On the contrary, there are a huge number of wandering ninjas in the underground bounty, and if these wandering ninjas are confused by the high bounty, they will definitely become cannon fodder in the Iwa Ninja Village! A trace of solemnity flashed on Hanyue’s face, and he explained in his mouth! The reason why Hanyue had a solemn expression was because he thought of the third-generation Tokage Two-Day Ohnogi was still in Xiao, and the organization released a mission reward!!

“All right! Everyone, let’s go now!! Since there are no new missions coming from the village, let me as the captain decide the tasks!! This time we went to Sand Shinobi Village!! Hanyue had a playful smile on her face, and said in a deep voice!

“Sand Shinobi Village?! Captain Cold Moon wanted to directly invade the high-level of Sand Ninja Village! A smile of interest appeared on Nara Womi’s face, and she whispered in her mouth!

“Go!! Target, Sand Shinobi Village!! Hanyue’s mouth drank lowly, and his body quickly jumped forward! With the movement of the cold moon, all five members of the night attack team headed towards the Sand Ninja Village!!

“Such a feeling… Felt one! A slightly puzzled expression appeared on the face of the cold moon who was galloping ahead, and his body stopped instantly, muttering to himself!

“Five-sightedness! Farsightedness! Han drank lowly, and the fifty thousand energy on his forehead opened instantly! Then, the turquoise eyes of the cold moon instantly looked into the distance!!

“Captain Cold Moon!! Are there enemies?! Hinata Sato looked at Hangetsu’s serious expression and asked in a low voice in his mouth! Then Hinata Sato also rolled his eyes!

“No enemy was found within a kilometer!! Wait a minute… This outfit…!! Cold Moon’s eyes kept looking into the distance, and then on a rock a kilometer away, he found a man wearing a red cloud robe on a black background!

“Red cloud robe on a black background… It’s Xiao!! Moreover, just appeared in front of us, is it really an enemy ?! Cold Moon closed the Five Visions Omnipotent, his face was a little solemn, and he said softly in his mouth!

“Coming?! Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost!! Standing in the distance, Jiaodu, who had been waiting for a long time, had a calm in his eyes, his face was expressionless, and his mouth was cold! On the side of Jiaodu, there are two heads, these are the heads obtained by Jiaodu in the past two days of doing tasks!

“Fifty million taels!! It’s mine!! A fanatical light flashed in Jiaodu’s green eyes, and he said coldly in his mouth! Then, the figure of Jiaodu left towards the cold moon!

“Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost! Your head… I took it!! The figure of Jiaodu appeared in front of Hanyue and the others in just one minute, his eyes looked at Hanyue coldly, and he said calmly in his mouth!!

“Bounty hunter again?! Captain Cold Moon! This guy… Leave it to me!! Kato’s face had a hint of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice!

“Kato! Don’t be careless!! If my intelligence is correct, you are the Kakuto of the original period! A strong man who entered the shadow level in the first generation! Hanyue scolded Kato, stared at Kakuto with his eyes tight, and said in a deep voice!!

“I can’t imagine that you little devil can even know of my existence! It’s not easy!! A trace of admiration flashed in Jiaodu’s eyes, and he said coldly in his mouth!

“My time is precious!! Time equals money!! You can’t waste it! So…! Jiaodu’s eyes were cold, and he said in a deep voice!

“Fire and head hard!!” The moment Kakuto finished speaking, his hands froze, and his mouth suddenly drank low, and in front of him, a huge monster appeared in front of Hanyue, spitting out a hot flame from the monster’s mouth!

“Water Escape, Water Chaos!” Hanyue’s eyes have been staring closely at Kakuto’s movements, and the moment he saw Kakuto’s imprint, Hanyue also made a seal with both hands, and the two released ninjutsu almost at the same time!!

“Peng!!” With a loud bang, a huge column of water and flames collided together! A huge smoke appeared in front of Hanyue and the others!

“Night Raid Squad! This guy handed it over to me!! Don’t meddle!! A look of excitement flashed in Hanyue’s eyes, and the fingers of his right hand moved slightly, and he said calmly in his mouth!

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