After signing a contract with the White Dog Mastiff clan.

Yi Dai went to find the god Daimen, hoping to learn the immortal model of the white dog mastiff family in the Great Wilderness, but the god Daimen did not have any opinion about this, and directly agreed, and after that, he gave the knife to Inutaro.

After agreeing with Inutaro to start practicing Immortal Mode three days later, he returned to Konoha.

“One knife, you’re back, how is ???”

When Shuoyang saw a knife come back, he immediately asked.

“This trip was so worthwhile, it was simply a big luck.” Yidao heard Shuoyang’s words, and when he crossed into the Great Wilderness, he told Shuoyang everything he had experienced.

Shuoyang was stunned for a while. Then, he shouted with joy; Heaven favor my Qimu family.

After that, Kazuki stayed in Konoha for two days, dating Kaoru and fighting with Yoruichi, and after explaining his situation to them, on the third day, under the attention of his parents, he used reverse channeling and went to the Great Wilderness.

After spending most of the day calming down his mood, he began to learn the immortal mode of the White Dog Mastiff clan with Inutaro.

Time flies, and a year and a half has passed.

At this time, it was already the forty-sixth year of Konoha, winter.

In a few dozen days, it will enter the forty-seventh year of Konoha.

The third ninja war also lasted more than two years, almost three years.

At this time, although the winner and loser have not yet been decided, Konoha has stabilized the situation, in this case, there is no problem in holding out for ten years and eight years, but there is a problem with Shinobu’s logistics.

If it weren’t for Yun Shinobu, who was defeated by Konoha two years ago, and rejoined the battlefield a year ago, I am afraid that Konoha would have already concentrated his forces to kill Shinobu.

But even so, Shinobu is not having a good time now.

This year passed a year ago.

Yidao is no longer the same child as it was then, but an eleven-year-old boy.

And Ichikao’s companions, Kaoru and Yoruichi are almost sixteen years old, they both became Kami-Shinobi three months ago, and Kaiya became an elite Shinobi, and as for Kakashi, who was thirteen years old, he also became Kami-Shinobu half a year ago.

Now Kakashi, Kaoru, Yoruichi, and Akai have all made their own names in the past year and a half, and although they can’t be said to be world-shaking, they are no longer cannon fodder-like characters, or some kind of nobody.

As for the knife, it was hidden in the Great Wilderness for a year and a half, and it was almost gradually forgotten.

At this time.

The Great Wasteland.

On a steppe.

A boy dressed in a white robe, eleven or twelve, holding a katana in one hand and the hilt of the other with his eyes closed.

This eleven-twelve-year-old boy is our protagonist.

As a fresh breeze gently blew through, a knife suddenly opened his eyes, and instantly pulled out the village rain pill.

“Sandan, Knife Technique!”


A storm rushed out in an instant, shrouding a knife within a radius of eighty meters.

“Attack though.”

Yidao looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction. After taking back Murayumaru, his eyes sharpened, and he quickly pulled the knife again.

“Sandan, Heaven Slashing Technique.”

The storm was condensed into a one-meter chopping wave by a knife, slashing towards the grassland at high speed, plowing a crack one hundred meters deep and thousands of meters long in the grassland.

“Is this the highest mysterious Heaven Slashing Heaven Slashing Technique of the Three Stages of Sword Technique?? The power is not bad, much stronger than the three hundred and sixty Crescent Crescent Heaven. ”

A knife looked at the effect of this knife and muttered to himself.

“The slashing technique has already been tried, so let’s try the slashing technique again.” Muttering to himself, he slammed another blow at the steppe.

“Blue Plover ——!”


A storm rushed out instantly, and everywhere it passed, the grass on the grassland was instantly crushed into grass clippings in the sky.

After watching the effect of this blow, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, and he continued to swing a knife.

“Blue Phoenix!”


A three-hundred-meter chopping wave instantly rushed out, cutting towards the sky, as if cutting the sky in half in an instant.

“Not bad, the basic sword technique of the Qimu family, the third realm, really didn’t let me lose.”

After swinging a few swords, he nodded in satisfaction.

The so-called, qi and god, god and sword, sword and qi, the three are one, which means that Chakra and willpower and the sword in the hand are completely in harmony, and sublimation becomes a potential.

Although this kind of momentum is very ethereal, after it is truly formed, it is an unstoppable force that can destroy everything.

“A year and a half has passed, my Chakra volume has not only been promoted to the level of a shadow-level ninja, but also completed the cultivation of the immortal mode, and also cultivated the base sword technique of the Qimu family to the third realm.

The thunder instantaneous step has also practiced to the second step, and the radar sensing power has also increased to eight hundred meters, and with the positioning of radar sensing, my flying thunder god can also wreak havoc within a radius of eight hundred meters.

With my current strength, Uchiha can’t come out, and no one can kill me. Even Payne, who claims to be a god. ”

A sword’s eyes flashed with a strong light. Immediately, the figure of Kaoru, who was already sixteen years old, and Shuoyang and others could not help but appear in his mind.

“It’s been a year and a half since I saw Kaoru, her father and mother, Kakashi, and Yoruichi Kai, Kaoru, who is sixteen years old this year, must be more beautiful than she was a year and a half ago.

Yoruichi, this kid should have become a Shinobu after a year and a half, Kai is also thirteen years old, although he can fight with Shinobu, he should still be a Shinobi. And Kakashi, who was the same year as Kai, should have been a shinobi half a year ago, or even a year ago.

Father and parents, they should also get older. ”

The more I think about it, the stronger the idea of going home.

“Anyway, the practice in the Great Wilderness is almost over, it’s time to add it back” Yidao thought, decisively turned around, and walked towards the big cave of Bailing Mountain.

After saying goodbye to Kami-sama, Taro, Yashamaru, and ‘Teiharu’, he returned to Konoha.

Konoha, the backyard of Kiki’s house.

Two family members are sitting under a large tree, chatting while barbecue.

“Young Master Yidao, it’s been more than a year since I went to the psychic beast world, and I don’t know when I’ll come back.” A relatively thin family member said.

“This is not good, if the young master does not come back, we can always wait here, and we don’t have to do those rough jobs, how easy.” A relatively fat family member said with a smile.

“Well, since Young Master Yidao went to the psychic world, we have been appointed to wait here, and it is indeed much easier than doing rough work. For a year and a half, you guy has eaten fat. The skinny one teased.

“Huh… Then again, I’ve been eating so fat for the past year and a half, why are you still so thin? Where did you eat everything? Fat Jiading was not angry either, and said with a smile.

“Who knows.” The thin family said with a bitter face.

In fact, he also wanted to know why the same person had eaten idle for a year and a half and was fat like this, and he was still so thin.


While the two were chatting, a figure suddenly appeared on the practice field.


The fat and thin two families looked towards the practice range in unison.

“The young master is back???”

“Quick… Quick… Go and inform the adults and ladies. The young master is back. When Fat Jiading looked at the knife, he immediately said nervously to Thin Jiading.

“Got it.” The thin family answered and ran to the residential area.

“Young Master, are you back?” Fat Jiading walked up to Yidao and said greeting respectfully. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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