“Hmph!” Mururien snorted coldly, and without saying a word, he took Ku Wu and slid directly towards Kazuma’s neck, and the icy blade looked particularly bleak under the reflection of the moonlight.


Kazuma raised his tin staff and collided with the Mururien, but at that moment, a small gap appeared on Kazuma’s tin staff.

He Ma’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly picked Mu Liuren to fly, looking at Mu Liuren very jealously.

“This little devil actually cultivated the wind attribute Chakra attribute to such an extent, he is actually much more powerful than that guy in Asma!!”

“Little ghost!!”

Mu Liuren saw that he couldn’t take the horse for a while, his brows frowned slightly, his hands were sealed, special, he couldn’t beat you alone, and Lao Tzu still didn’t believe that group beating was not okay.

Suddenly, eight Muryu people with weapons in their hands rushed towards Kazuma.

As for why there are only eight shadow doppelgangers, it’s not that the Muryu people can’t tell more, but it’s completely unnecessary.

Seeing this, Kazuma’s face suddenly changed, jumped high, and his hands were sealed, “Wind Escape Thousand Faces Wind!!” ”

Suddenly, the wind was fierce, and thousands of small wind blades whistled past, pounced on the doppelganger of the Muryu people.

“Insect Trick!!” Mururien snorted coldly, and also began to seal.

“Wind Escape Anti-Wind Technique!!”

“Fire Dragon Fire Art!!”

In an instant, Mulu 060 people released a fire ninjutsu and a wind ninjutsu, and suddenly, fire borrowed the wind and the wind to help the fire power, obviously two C-level ninjutsu, but under the exertion of the Mulu people, the power is no less than A ninjutsu.

In Mururien’s opinion, the shadow avatar can not only do it to cultivate, but also perform combined ninjutsu, after all, it is a bit troublesome to ask others to cooperate.

When he saw the overwhelming sea of fire, his face turned dark as numb, his hands were imprinted on the ground, and he shouted lowly: “Tudun Tucheng Liubi!” ”

With a boom, the sea of fire directly hit the huge rock wall, making a booming sound, and in just a moment, the rock wall collapsed instantly.

Mu Liuren squinted at the messy land, snorted coldly, and said, “This kind of little trick, don’t be embarrassed, if you don’t come out again, I’m welcome!” ”

“Hmph, it is worthy of being the son of that dead ghost of the fourth generation, and his strength is indeed strong!” Kazuma came out of the ground in embarrassment, and just now at the moment of crisis, Kazuma ran to the ground using the Tudun Yanyin Technique and escaped a catastrophe.

But even if he hides in the earth, he can’t escape, and the Four Purple Sun Array even has it under the earth!

The Mulu people (cdah) flashed when they heard this, and this mongrel dared to insult his father at this time.

“The Art of the Tudun Tulom Gun!!

He Ma saw that Mu Liuren was slightly distracted, and there was a fierceness in his eyes, and he was imprinted, intending to solve Mu Liuren with one blow.

Bang bang!

Mu Liu’s figure did not move, and eight golden chains flew behind him, splitting all the earth spears. (Don’t say that the King Kong blockade cannot carry out physical attacks, during the fourth ninja world, Xiangling used the King Kong blockade to dismantle the wooden figure)

“This is … King Kong blockade?! “Let’s eat with Ma Da . . .”

“How can it be used to attack, right?” Mururien looked at Kazuma indifferently and mocked: “Ants, how can you know the horror of the secret art of the Vortex clan!” ”

“Die now!!” The Muryu stood in place, and eight golden chains attacked Kazuma like a giant python.

Kazuma’s face was full of horror, and he waved the tin staff in his hand with all his strength, trying to find an opportunity to use Tsuchi Ninjutsu, but the Mururi people did not give Kazuma any chance at all, eight golden chains rattled, each of which had a terrifying force, and under the urging of Muryu Chakra, it was only inferior to Tsunade’s strange power fist.


One of Kazuma was accidentally knocked to the ground by one chain, and then the remaining seven chains went directly through Kazuma’s body, bringing out a large blood flower.

“Little ghost!!” Kazuma’s body was hung in the sky, blood gushed out, and there was a thunderclap sound on the ground, after all, the temperature of the ground at this time was still quite high!!


A chain shook with a hula and directly pumped on Kazuma’s face, and if it weren’t for Mururien’s control of the force, that blow would have been enough to smash Kazuma’s head directly.

Holding a kunai in his hand, Muruto slowly walked towards Kazuma, the chains rattling, and Mururito lifted Kazuma’s body to a position where he could reach it.

“You… You want to do … What the? Hema’s pupils shrank suddenly, looking at Mu Liuren walking towards him with a kunai in his hand, his body was cold, and his whole body was terrified.

“Ever heard of a human stick?” The Mururi approached the horse with Kumu, and a blue chakra halo shimmered with charming brilliance on the blade of Kumu.

“People … Stick? When Kazuma heard this, his body trembled instinctively, although he didn’t know what ‘human stick’ meant, but he knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

“A human stick is to cut you neatly, like a stick, like this!” The Mururian took the kunai and directly cut off the ears of the horses.


Kazuma trembled, one of his ears was cut off, and the pain was unbearable.

Although ninjas can endure everything, their bodies will still have a normal reaction to pain.

“If there is one, just give me a pain!” Kazuma’s face was very pale, and sweat fell down his cheeks to the ground.

“Do you still want to die?!” Mururien glanced at Hema and said coldly: “Don’t be delusional, fall into my hands, I will make you unable to survive, unable to seek death!” ”

Mururito waved his hand again and cut off Kazuma’s other ear as well.

Kazuma wailed again, begging for mercy.

Mururien looked at the bloodied Kazuma and said, “I want two ninjutsu, will you?” If you can, I’ll give you a quick way to die!” ”

“You… Which two ninjutsu you want, as long as I will, I will definitely tell you!! “Kazuma’s face is distorted, his face is painful, and his eyes are full of fear looking at the Muryu people in front of him, this child is simply not a person, he is a devil!!

“I want the two ninjutsu of Thunder Dun Ultimate Aoyi Lei Meng Thunder Ren and Tu Dun Ultimate Creation Ninjutsu and Dead Soil!!” Mururito looked at Kazuma and said softly.

Hema shrank his pupils when he heard this, and then looked at Mururien in disbelief and said, “How do you know that I will be able to Soil of the Dead, Soil of the Dead, and Thunder Ultimate Aoyi Thunder Mengleiren?” ”

The Mururien did not answer Kazuma’s question, but directly swung the kunai and cut off one of Kazuma’s feet.


“It seems that you haven’t recognized your situation yet?!” Mururien said coldly. _

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