“Enemy attack!”

In the face of this rapidly changing killing, the two dark parts reacted very quickly!

One of them directly blocked in front of Ye Feng and Tsunade with his own body!

The other one pulled out of his backpack and looked at Vampire Ji solemnly!

That’s right! This pretty figure is none other than Vampire Ji! It was the first SR-style god that Ye Feng summoned using the system gift package!

In fact, in the previous communication with Xiaobai, Ye Feng had already understood a very important truth!

Since the red name mode has appeared in this world, it means that you don’t need to practice step by step like a normal ninja!

Killing ‘wild monsters’ is undoubtedly a shortcut to improve your strength!

However, with the protection of the dark part, Ye Feng knew that it was impossible for him to contact any wild monster!

But Ye Feng was unwilling, after all, he was about to prepare to enter the ninja school!

He absolutely did not allow himself to enter the school with the strength of an ordinary person!

Because Ye Feng wants to let the world understand that the Thousand Hands Clan has produced another genius! And it’s a wizard!

If Ye Feng’s crossing time was a little later, he would probably choose to keep a low profile and make a fortune in a muffled voice!

But now there is obviously no need, because Senjuma is still alive, then he has to use this time to speed up the progress of his strength!

Therefore, for his own interests, Ye Feng planned to let Vampire Ji come to a strong kill!

As for the way back!

Hehe! Ye Feng didn’t care about this at all!

Because just when the dark part was about to launch an attack on Vampire Ji, they found that Vampire Ji had strangely disappeared in front of their eyes!

Facing this scene, Ye Feng smiled slightly, and then a spell was once again put into his sleeve!

“Great worker, you escort the young masters back first! I’m going to report the situation here to Naruto-sama right away!” ”

In any case, the murder in Konoha Village was definitely a very important thing, so one of the dark parts disappeared directly in place after saying it to his companions!

“Young Lord, I’ll escort you back first!”

After hearing his companion’s words, Dagong nodded gently, and then said to Ye Feng and the others again!


After hearing Dagong’s words, Ye Feng walked to Zuo Xialang’s body without a trace!

Because from his corpse is a small paper man!

This should be the so-called monster fighting equipment!

Facing this little paper man that only he could see, Ye Feng casually let him appear in his backpack with a wave of his hand!

Immediately, without saying much, under the protection of Dagong, Ye Feng directly returned to the Thousand Hands clan with Tsunade!


“You mean, that girl disappeared instantly after killing someone?”

In the face of his subordinate’s report, the brows between the thousand hands furrowed tightly!

Because of this situation, he thought of the ninjutsu ‘Flying Thunder God Technique’ he had developed before, and he even began to guess whether this unknown girl also had spatial ninjutsu!

“Yes! Subordinates can’t find the slightest trace at all! It’s as if it disappeared out of thin air! ”

Faced with the doubts between the thousand hands, the dark part explained very seriously!

“Okay, I see! You continue to protect Kaede and Tsunade, and you must not let them get harmed! ”

After thinking for a while, Senju directly waved his hand and said to the members of the dark department!


After saying this, the members of the Dark Division left the Hokage office directly!

“Kill a passing merchant! Why? ”

Senjuma was not an idiot, and from the mouth of the dark part, he could clearly know that this girl was definitely not targeting Konoha!

After all, if someone with that strength really carried out an assassination in Konoha, he would definitely not expose his whereabouts for the sake of a passing merchant!

But what makes Senjuma most puzzled is whether this girl is friend or foe! What is her purpose…


“Tsunade! Are you okay! ”

Looking at the pale face nestled in his arms, Ye Feng said with some distress!

When killing people before, Ye Feng’s mind only thought about the reward for killing monsters, and he didn’t notice that Tsunade was still the first time she came into contact with such a thing as killing people in person!

But fortunately, Tsunade’s psychological quality is already strong, otherwise that picture alone would be enough for a child to vomit for a day!

“It’s okay! I’m just a little unused to it, just take a break! ”

Facing Ye Feng’s concern, Tsunade could barely squeeze out a smile!

“Then go back and have a good rest! Don’t overthink it! After all, as a ninja, sooner or later you have to face such a thing yourself! ”

For Ye Feng, killing a red name was the same as killing a wild monster, so he didn’t know how to persuade Tsunade, and then after seeing her sent back to her room, Ye Feng also went directly back to his room!

Close the door! Ye Feng took a deep breath!

Now it’s time to test the harvest!

There was no need to go through Xiaobai, Ye Feng called out the backpack very much in his heart!

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