“And the child, he really did it from the doll, and there is such a secret base hidden, which is worthy of being an old yinbi!”

After carefully turning around, he found that there was an exit here, which was really quite tight, but he also figured out the situation, of course, what shocked him the most was the number of people here, not counting the little fart children, it is estimated that there are hundreds of people, all Chakra is not weak, it is obvious that these people have been cultivated.

Tuan Zang this guy really did not put the eggs in a basket, now he has such a scale of talent manufacturing base, anyway, everyone who comes in will be engraved with a spell, it can be regarded as a tragedy within a tragedy.

And these people should all be outside the village, without any archives and records.

In this way, the oil girl Tianyun watched this guy walk around inside and left after dealing with some things, but this talent factory was already exposed to the eyes of the oil woman Tianyun.

“Since it has been exposed, then don’t blame me, first dig up all your weapons, and finally slowly play you to death!”

The oil girl Tianyun did not let the worm move, just in case, he came by himself, at least let Tuan Zang not know that it was his hand, something he had always hidden, Nian Power, although it was used on the battlefield, but this intangible thing has not been seen by many people.

Yaoi only saw it that time, but he couldn’t be sure, the Nine-tails did it very secretly this time, blocking the tail very close to his body, so this hole card, few people really know.

He used this thing to do things, Tuan Zang couldn’t find out at all, and he didn’t know who did it, which was also the oil girl Tianyun just in case, so he wouldn’t be stupid to expose his identity casually.

After leaving the village, he quickly came to this base, although there are two exits, but his mental power can cover the entire mountain, and it is not a problem to directly break the passages on both sides.

At this moment, his mental power turned into a huge drill bit and drilled directly towards the position of the gate, although most of this seal was used to hide, but a small part also had the effect of resisting.

But in the face of the terrifying motivation of the oil woman Tianyun, this thing is similar to tofu, there is not much difference.

The Nian power drill bit drilled this hole in almost a second, and drilled the passage inside, and the other side was not idle, and the Nian power drilled directly above the other hole, knocking the hole into collapse and directly blocking the way.

These two places were directly collapsed, and they couldn’t get out, and his power seemed to be a radar at the moment, but fortunately, the space was not very large, just a little complicated, but it didn’t consume much.

“There are enemies!”

The first time, the people inside reacted, but it was useless, because the person who came was the oil woman Tianyun, and the power of Nian turned into a sharp invisible sword, directly slashing through their necks, bells and whistles, and there was no wonderful, it was directly under the head.

It’s not that the oil girl Tianyun is bloody, the main thing is that he is in order to prevent these people from pretending to die or running away, now the seal outside is not a problem at all, but the inside has a slaughterhouse, and the people inside have no chance to run out.

As for those children, they were also brainwashed, there was no need to save people, and soon, the voices inside stopped, people died, and many people had already come to the entrance of the passage, but looking at the entrance of the passage that had been tightly blocked, they could not help.

After all, they are not thunder shadows, and they can’t play sprint out, so they can only wait for death, and they are directly slaughtered inside.

“It is inevitable that there are still a few fish that have slipped through the net and have not returned, but forget it, these people dispose of it, and the weapons hidden by the regiment are basically all gone, I hope that the next time the group hides over, there will be no angry brain congestion!”

The oil girl Tianyun is now thinking about it, and the appearance of the old dog in Tuan Zang is estimated to be angry, of course, there are still people on the root side, this is the conclusion of this month’s time monitoring, but there are very few people in this part.

That is, they were brainwashed, and as for the unrecorded die-hard loyalists, they were all removed from the root by him, so there were only three or two cats left, and these people kept staring at the oil girl Tianyun, waiting for death until the next time they went out on a mission.

After getting everything done, the oil girl Tianyun went back, this time the private soldiers of Tuanzang have basically been completely solved, this is not a problem, the next thing to do is even simpler, wait for Tuan Zang to find out, and then watch the play.

If you can force this old thing dog to jump off the wall, it is best, by the way, the oil girl Tianyun also stares at Tuan Zang, as long as he dares to go far away, he will definitely die, this base is not far from Konoha, so the oil girl Tianyun can’t do it directly.

But if he dares to go far away, it will be his death time, as long as he does not make too much trouble in the village, he will definitely die.

At this night, although so many things happened, it was still calm, as if nothing had happened, what should everyone do or do, and the oil girl Tianyun was also waiting for the reaction of the old dog of Tuanzo.

In this way, time passed another month, and Tuan Zang went to this base again, according to normal operations, came to the gate and unsealed it.

The passage inside collapsed, but the seal was not expected.

But when he removed the stone, his whole person was blinded, because what awaited him was not a long passage, but countless rubble, which directly blocked the passage completely.

“What’s going on? Why is the passage blocked? Is something wrong?”

Tuan Zang’s face changed, if something really happened, then someone would definitely come to inform him, but there was none.

Then the people inside should have a problem, but as soon as this idea came out, it was extinguished by Tuan Zang, what kind of joke, this is his last old bottom, if this wave is gone, there will really be nothing in the future.

Therefore, Tuan Zang did not want to trust his own judgment, but quickly went around the back and planned to enter from another passage in the back.

However, after he opened the seal, he found that the passage on this side was also the same as before, completely collapsed.

“What the hell is going on!”

Tuan Zang’s eyes are a little bloodshot, and when such a situation occurs, it is basically certain that the people inside have been made dumplings, and they should not even run away.

(Thanks for the monthly pass of 1846)_

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