This voice is so loud that it is too big to refuse.

One by one, these slugs looked at the sky suspiciously.

“Who is this channeling?” A slug, puzzled, said.

“Are you also psychic?” Another slugs said.

“Oh my God, so many brothers and sisters have been channeled.” Slugs said.

“Are you going to promise him?” The previous slugs asked.

“Of course I don’t promise him, who is this guy, why should he be his psychic beast.” Slugs said.

“Yes, reject him, a person who doesn’t know what kind of people also want to communicate with us.” A slug.

The slugs wanted to refuse.

However, they found it impossible to refuse.

“God, why can’t I refuse, this psychic contract is formed.” A slug, looking at himself in horror, where a rune was forming.

Once this rune is successfully formed, then the psychic is complete.

“I can’t say no. What the hell is going on here. The slugs panicked all of a sudden.

“Has everyone signed a contract? Oh my God, who the hell is this, how can so many contracts be made. ”

All the slugs panicked.

“Hurry up and inform the slugs immortals, something is bad.” A slug, shouted.

“Yes, hurry up and inform the slugs immortals!”

Soon, a slug rushed into the cave where the slugs lived by the fairy.

“Big thing is bad, slug, immortal!” The slugs shouted.

“What’s the matter, panicking, is the sky falling?” The slug’s immortal is very old, and she is an old woman with an old voice.

“Back to the slugs, this is even more terrifying than the sky falling, I don’t know that someone suddenly carried out psychic.” Slugs said.

The slug’s immortal raised his eyes lazily, “Isn’t it normal for psychics, don’t want to be rejected by psychics.” ”

“I just can’t refuse ah, I don’t know how, these psychics can’t refuse.” Slugs said.

“Can’t refuse! How can it be? The slug’s eyes opened abruptly, and there was no longer the slightest laziness.

“That’s it, everyone can’t refuse, and the contract rune is directly formed.” The slug, pointing to the runes on his body, said, “Look, I have it on me. ”

The slug’s eyes looked at this rune and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, a rune appeared on the slug’s immortal.

This rune appeared quickly and quickly.

The slug-fairy was shocked and hurried to stop it. The immortal energy on her body suddenly exploded.

These fairy energies are like volcanic eruptions, surging.

“What a powerful immortal energy, the slug’s immortal is too powerful, she will definitely be able to block this contract rune.” The slugs are full of confidence.

However, in the next second, the slug’s immortal was shocked, and the surging immortal energy on her body instantly collapsed.

The powerful immortal energy that was like a mountain and sea collapsed instantly.

“How is that possible? What kind of power is this, only the old toad in this world can match my strength, and the six immortals are only stronger than me. But this man is so strong that he can’t resist. The slug-fairy suddenly stood up from the sleeping bed.

“This… What is going on with this power that is countless times stronger than the Six Dao Immortals? How can there be such a powerful person in this world. The slug immortal’s shocked voice trembled.

“This rune can’t be stopped at all.” The Slug’s immortals finally gave up their resistance and allowed the rune to form.

“How many people have been contracted!” The slug-fairy asked for a long time.

“This lord, everyone has signed a contract.” Slugs said.

“Everyone, how is it possible?” The slugs couldn’t believe it at all.

“Not only all adult slugs, but also juvenile slugs have a contract, and even slug eggs that have not hatched have a contract.” Slugs said.

“How come? Even the slug eggs have signed a contract, this is to exterminate the slugs in our wet bone forest, who is so vicious! “The slugs can’t sit still anymore.

She was already too old and walked out with the help of slugs on the side.

When she came out of the cave, she saw all the slugs in the forest looking at her in horror.

“Slug Immortal, please save us, we have all signed a contract.”

“Yes, slug, I don’t want to sign a contract with people, I don’t want to fight for humans. Human warfare is too dangerous. A slug, excited, shouted.

“Don’t be in a hurry, the slug immortals must have a way. Please the slug fairy save us. A slug.

“Yes, the slug immortals are so powerful, they must find a way, don’t worry.” Another slug, shouted.

And when everyone looked at the slug fairy with anticipation, the slug’s voice was full of crying.

“I can’t help everyone, and I can’t help it.” The slug’s fairy said.

“This will, how can the slugs immortals have no way.”

The slug’s immortal slowly turned around, revealing the contract runes on his body.

Everyone was speechless by this shocking scene.

“Oh my God, this rune!”

“Is it true that the sky wants to kill our wet bone forest, even the slug immortals have signed a contract.”

“Who is this, is this a heavenly god, how can there be such a powerful person in the world.”

“Calm down, listen to the slugs and immortals, let’s see if there is any way.” A slug, shouted.

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed.

A slug’s disappearance.

“Oh my God, I am called.” The slug, before leaving, shouted.

“Stop this, I don’t want to be summoned.” The other slugs also turned into light in an instant.

“How so? There is simply no way to stop it. ”

“Are we all going to be summoned? Where are we going? ”

All the slugs panicked, it was a mess, like ants on a hot pot, spinning in clusters.

“Slug immortals, save us.” Another slug, summoned away.

It was like igniting a curtain.

One slug-after another was summoned away. There is simply no way to stop it.

All slugs can only wait quietly, like pigs waiting to be killed in a pigsty.

What a nightmare it is.

The Wet Bone Forest, one of the three major immortal lands, will be removed from today onwards.

“How so! How so, is this the god trying to punish us? The slugs cried bitterly.

The camera turned, Konoha Village on the other side.

At this moment, everyone was watching Xijing summoning slugs.

On the huge summoning array, a sudden flash of smoke flashed.

A slug.

This is a huge slug, tens of meters tall.

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