On the second day of Halloween, the Hogwarts Hall has been restored to its original appearance. This is the charm of magic.

After breakfast, countless little wizards were looking forward to the arrival of owls.

They wanted to see how the Daily Prophet described the grand battle last night and how it praised the new savior: Shaw.

When a group of owls appeared on time and dropped a roll of newspapers, the little wizards rushed to open the newspapers and read them. Those who did not subscribe to newspapers also squeezed in to read with other classmates.

But after a while, someone cursed loudly.

"Has the Daily Prophet gone crazy? They actually said that the battle last night was a prank by a little wizard who burned down the hall?"

"Ah, why am I not on camera? There was a reporter interviewing me last night!"

"Nonsense, the Ministry of Magic actually has the nerve to come out and clarify? This is nonsense!"

"No, Shaw is our savior, how can his reputation be suppressed for no reason? I want to write a letter to my aunt, she is the director of the Law Enforcement Department."

"Yes, I also want to write a letter to my family, the Daily Prophet has no credibility."

"The Quibbler did tell some truth and described the battle last night, but, why did it say that the Dark Lord and Shaw were acting together?"

"Ah, too shameless!..."

The little wizards were furious, and most of the half-blood snakes on the Slytherin side who were almost Shaw's diehard fans were the most excited.

Alice, who was next to the first, had a serious expression. Although her slender hands wrinkled the newspaper, she did not get angry.

She was well-informed and had received instructions from Shaw.

She knew that this was the result of Fudge and the purebloods working together to suppress public opinion.

Fudge was power-hungry and had paranoia, so the purebloods were prepared to wait and see if Voldemort would contact them.

And they had to see what Voldemort's condition was like before they could make a bet.

Draco, who was sitting opposite Alice, also looked very ugly at the moment, and was almost as pale as Theodore.

His parents wrote to him, asking him to monitor Shaw and assess Shaw's combat power.

This is a spy!

Draco didn't understand. They were obviously relatives, so why did they make things so ugly? Why couldn't they just get along well?

Hermione and Harry came over at this time.

Hermione, who was full of justice, immediately stood up for her idol.

"Senior, what's going on? Shaw really defeated the Dark Lord..."

Alice waved her hand to stop Hermione, who was about to ask a lot of questions.

"The chief has said that we should wait and see what happens."

Hermione choked, then pulled Harry over.

"Senior, I want to introduce Harry to the organization. Oh, Draco can also be the recommender."

Draco heard himself being mentioned, looked up and saw Harry looking at him expectantly. He was stunned for a moment and said absentmindedly,

"Oh? Yes, yes, I recommend him too."

Alice naturally noticed Draco's strangeness, but didn't say anything.

Similar things happened to more than just Draco, but others were not as entangled as he was.

But she was also dissatisfied with Draco's constant wavering.

As for letting Harry join the group.

"Hermione, this is not something I can decide, and are you sure Harry can unconditionally execute the chief's orders, even if he wants him to die?"

Harry's green eyes flashed with hatred.

"I can't guarantee anything else, but if I can completely kill Voldemort, I'm willing!"

Alice rolled up her hair and shook her head.

"If you're like this, not to mention that you can't pass the Chief's test, even I think you're not qualified. Our organization is not established for Voldemort."

Hermione was a little anxious.

"Senior sister, no matter what, it's okay to inform the Chief."

"I'll mention it, but don't expect too much."

Alice was in a bad mood, too impatient to talk to them, so she got up and went to class.

Harry looked tangled. He just knew that Hermione had entered a force exclusive to Shaw, but Hermione didn't foolishly reveal what she did.

In the battle last night, Harry felt very powerless.

But he also saw hope, that is Shaw.

But he couldn't obey Shaw unconditionally. After all, the kind-hearted Harry felt that he couldn't be so cruel about the Forbidden Forest, and he didn't understand how Hermione, who was full of justice, became Shaw's confidant.

The joys and sorrows of the little wizards and the changes in the outside world naturally did not affect Shaw, who was lying in the school hospital and spending his days leisurely.

Madam Pomfrey, the bully of Hogwarts, did a good job of shielding him from all distractions.

Shaw's bed was near the window sill, with good light, and a pot of daffodils swaying in the wind.

In the morning light, Shaw half-leaned on the pillow, his hair gently blown by the morning breeze.

He was holding a book quietly.Watching.

On the bedside table was a pot of steaming tea.

All this seemed so quiet and peaceful.

Shaw was not actually thinking about the book, but was thinking about some follow-up plans.

He thought of the interesting things that happened when several people came to visit him one after another.

Alice came here to report some external reactions and Hermione suggested that Harry join the group.

Snape was very awkward at this time, and he came and left in a hurry.

Only more than ten kinds of precious potions, including the Felix Felicis, were left.

Well, he also left a daily irony in a proud manner.

"I hope these potions can prevent the new savior from falling down when he fights recklessly next time. I don't want to bother to choose a new chief."

In addition to Snape's visit, Dumbledore also came. The pot of tea or sweet water was brought by the old bee.

The two riddlers still didn't talk about business, but just kept making witty remarks.

Deng: "How do you feel?"

Xiao: "I feel OK."

Deng: "Yes, young people are full of vitality and will recover quickly."

Xiao: "Yes, being young is good, full of vigor. Even if you get hurt once or twice, you still have the capital to recover quickly."

Deng: "You should be more careful next time. After all, it's your own body. There's no difference between letting Quirrell run away and letting Tom's residual soul run away. You don't have to pursue everything in one fell swoop. Many things need to be done slowly (the second half of the sentence in Chinese)."

Xiao: "I'm really reckless. The principal has learned Chinese better recently. I recommend you to read a very good book. Book: "Chinese Youth Says". "

Deng: "Oh, I will read it when I have time. I have been studying Chinese medicine recently. I have a lot of insights into this subject, such as monarch, minister, assistant and envoy, prescribing the right medicine for the right disease, and curing the disease like pulling a thread."

Xiao: "It is indeed very reasonable. A terrible disease needs a strong medicine, otherwise you may die suddenly."

Deng: "You are still young. It is ominous to say this. Don't worry."

Xiao: "Principal, I am really not in a hurry. Isn't it better to take good care of the disease?"


Finally, Dumbledore looked at Shaw meaningfully and left. He still had to deal with many things and deal with the Ministry of Magic and pure-blood families.

The two talked for a long time, as if they said a lot, but also as if they said nothing.

Theodore on the bed not far away wanted to say: Riddler get out of Hogwarts.

Shor pondered and felt the incomplete "Dark Mark" spell.

The mouth was slightly raised, just hoping that Christmas would come soon.

He prepared gifts for many people.

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