Draco frowned, and said in a complicated way after a while.

"Father left in a hurry, and he hasn't sent a letter home yet. I'm not sure. I think he must have gone to complete a secret mission of the chief.

Although I am very proud, but, but Mom is very worried about Dad's safety. After all, our relationship with the United States is too delicate now."

Harry has been in the United States for a long time, and he is also aware of the chaos in the situation in the United States. He hurriedly put his arm around Draco's shoulders and comforted him.

"Don't worry, the chief's subordinates are all experienced and will definitely protect your father's safety."


As the two chatted, they were not far from the castle gate. Suddenly, they saw Hermione coming out of the castle with a few wizards who were guarding her, and walked quickly towards Hogsmeade.

Hermione is now a very conspicuous existence. Those who are well-informed know that this little witch is very valued by Shaw, so in this special period, when entering and leaving Hogwarts, guards are needed to ensure her safety.

Harry and Draco looked at each other and hurriedly followed. After catching up with Hermione, they asked.

"Hey, Hermione, it's so late, why are you still going to Hogsmeade?"

Hermione saw these two people, and instead of talking about her own business, she joked.

"I just saw Professor Snape looking for you guys everywhere. How come you two still have time to hang out here?"

Harry and Draco's faces turned black, but they were still curious about Hermione's purpose of leaving school so late.

Harry rubbed his hands and said as if it didn't matter.

"Let's not talk about that for now. At most, you can deal with two more buckets of slugs. Do you have any urgent tasks when you leave school now?

Tell us, don't worry, Draco and I are very tight-lipped, maybe we can help a little."

Hermione smiled with her hands covering her mouth. Harry's tight-lippedness was the funniest joke she had heard today.

However, as long as it does not involve core secrets, there are no secrets between the trio.

"There is no special mission. It is said that a group of high-ranking officials from the Muggle world will come to Hogsmeade for a tour. I, a little witch who is familiar with Muggle affairs, was temporarily recruited to serve as a tour guide for those people."

"Ha, is that so? That's great. I wish you good luck then."

Harry and the others lost interest instantly after hearing this. They said hello to Hermione and turned around and ran to the castle.

If it was later, Snape might really punish them tonight by dealing with slugs all night.

Hermione chuckled. She knew the personalities of Harry and Draco, so she did not reveal that the Asgard floating island would come to Hogsmeade.

Then she continued to walk towards Hogsmeade without stopping, hoping to see the legendary kingdom of God as soon as possible.

Hogsmeade is now almost a city that never sleeps, and the evening to early morning is the busiest time of the day.

The city that never sleeps in the magic world is even more dreamy.

The magic lights along the street are dazzling. On the crowded streets, various vendors push carts to sell various small gifts and flowers.

There are also crowds of onlookers next to various magic acrobatic troupes. Little wizards are chewing bubble gum and running around the streets, turning into pigs and monkeys.

At the entrance of the supermarket, wizards are lined up in two long queues. One row of wizards are waiting to check out with large and small bags, and another row of wizards are waiting to enter the crowded supermarket.

The most brilliantly lit is the magic office building on the main cross road. Various clerks are busy coming in and out.

As the permanent population has exceeded 70,000 and the population has expanded rapidly, even if the Ministry of Magic is working 24 hours a day, it is still a bit difficult to arrange.

The management of a small city, all kinds of eating, drinking, defecating and urinating must be taken into account, which is really not easy to explain in a few words.

In addition to providing a large number of jobs, the British Ministry of Magic also encourages civilian wizards to start their own businesses and provides initial start-up funds.

But no matter what, it is inevitable that a large number of unemployed vagrants will appear, and fights will occur from time to time.

Fortunately, there has been no shortage of food, and with the strong armed deterrence of Britain, there have been no vicious incidents such as theft, robbery, and murder for the time being.

But in the long run, the development of this wizard city is somewhat distorted.

The officials of the Ministry of Magic have no experience in operating a city, and various management systems are not perfect. They only try to solve problems after they arise, which is quite passive.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that after the destruction of Gringotts, the new currency form has not been established.

Fortunately, the "supermarket deposit money" method of advance layout can still cope with it for a while.

Fortunately, a large number of unowned properties were seized in Gringotts.

It is this huge amount of wealth that has injected vitality into the prosperity of Britain and prevented the British economic system from collapsing in a short time.

But again, this is not a long-term solution.

It is also becauseFor this reason, Shaw started cooperating with Muggles earlier.

In addition to the cooperation he had considered before, he also needed to introduce advanced management methods from Muggle cities and establish a complete employment and financial system.

In the busy Ministry of Magic, after Lucius went to the United States for business, part of his work was taken over by Fudge.

Fudge was not tired, but was very proud.

At this moment, he was leading people to prepare to welcome Muggle guests.

This guy actually didn't take those "stupid and lowly" Muggles seriously before, but after hearing that the first stop for these people to enter the magic world was Asgard, and they were even treated with high standards by adults.

This politician who always squints easily finally came to his senses. He secretly felt that he was intercepted by Barty, and was also worried about the election of new ministers to be held in the second half of the year.

On the rooftop of the office building.

After seeing Hermione coming, Fudge smiled and said a few words to her, and got in touch with this confidant of Shaw, and then turned around and asked one of his confidants.

"Where is the other Lord? Will he come today?"

In the Ministry of Magic, the so-called other Lord refers to Tom Gaunt.

This Lord seems to have no power or position, but he is in a position below one person and above ten thousand people. His status is much higher than that of Fudge and Lucius.

In the eyes of some pure-blood officials, this Lord is more like a dark lord, and his hands are stained with the blood of many of his own people.

In a certain deterrent, Tom is stronger than Shaw.

So now whenever there are important things that do not involve confidentiality, Fudge and others will ask Tom for his opinion.

"Minister, I asked, that Lord is not here. I heard from the serving maid that he seems to have received some task from the leader and will not be back in a short time."

Fudge said, "Oh", he didn't care about more specifics, just like asking symbolically, it's better if that Lord is not here, and it's easier to sleep at night.

He looked at the time, and there were still 10 minutes before Asgard would appear over Hogsmeade.

Fudge is not in the throne sequence, and he has not been to the legendary floating island in advance, so he is looking forward to it now, and wants to quickly make up for some of the mistakes he made before.

"Ah, I don't know how beautiful and spectacular it is up there."

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