Among the things Shaw listed, the first few were the final challenges before the life-and-death arena.

At this moment, he had already realized that his "system" should be the godhead of a certain ancient god after his death, and then it was implanted in his body somehow.

Regardless of whether the purpose of this god is good or bad, Shaw also urgently needs to get rid of this uncertain burden.

So from several aspects, it is necessary to prioritize the creation of a wish collector.

Shaw had already asked his forces to collect some precious materials with all their strength, and then borrowed the huge energy of the energy ball to create a perfect wish collector!

Then use the magic tour and the Quidditch World Cup to harvest a wave of true faith, as one of the trump cards in the arena!

As for how to force the "system" out of the body, Shaw really had no idea for a while.

He had tried countless ways, but he could not find any trace of the "system" even in the depths of his soul.

Shaw estimated that the reason was still the difference in power level. He had to be at least a demigod to be able to detect it.

He looked at the nearly 10,000 level 2 beliefs and seven or eight points of belief in the "system" belief pool.

Shaw did not have the slightest impulse to draw the lottery, but sighed helplessly.

There was always a sense of déjà vu of making wedding clothes for others.

However, he had tried his best to avoid it. If the result was still...

Shaw calmed down and continued to think about what kind of belief system he should establish in the future?

The unity of theocracy is the most convenient, and it can refer to the extinct Greek Kingdom of God and Odin Kingdom.

But Shaw's sixth sense felt that this would not work. It was stupid to use a failed case as a model.

And it was also not conducive to the integration of Muggles and wizards in the future. Not to mention wizards, the current Muggles have been baptized by modern civilized thoughts, and 99% of them advocate equality and freedom.

Even if a god really appeared and could suppress the whole world, most Muggles would probably not succumb in their hearts.

Unless there was large-scale killing and suppression, and then several generations of slave brainwashing and education.

But who knows how many "righteous people" will come out to oppose it, such as a retired old man with a white beard.

Besides, this does not fit Shaw's legendary state of mind.

Since the seemingly dictatorial theocracy does not work, he can only add a layer of hypocrisy, that is, the magic empire plus constitutional monarchy.

The constitutional monarchy in the Muggle world and the magic world is not the same concept. The magic world is still about personal force after all.

Just like the UK now, it seems equal, but in fact, Shaw has the final say.

Shaw sorted it out and thought that some things really need to be planned in advance, so as to make early moves for the subsequent magic tour and breaking the confidentiality law.

For example, this time he invited some Muggles to visit the magic world, and he would even have dinner with them later.

He wanted to have further cooperation with those people, such as inviting scientists to the magic and science laboratories in Hogsmeade, and opening up some ordinary potions to Muggles.

Another purpose is to test the reaction of Muggles to the existence of magic.

This is just the first batch, and some big businessmen and politicians will be invited one after another.

In order to make Muggles accept wizards, in addition to conducting magic tours with gradually larger scales in advance, Shaw adopted other strategies from top to bottom.

In the Muggle world, these people still control the most resources and military forces, and also control the bargaining chips of Muggles to check and balance wizards.

To be cruel, as long as the Muggle high-level is conquered, ordinary people have almost no resistance.

Since Shaw came to power, he has not thought about conquering Muggles by force, but after collecting some intelligence, he gave up and could only adopt a milder inducement method.

There are many smart people among Muggles, and they also know the existence of wizards, so they have already made some desperate means, such as the "Dead Hand System" of the Russian Muggle government.

This is a kind of nuclear missiles that are set in advance and unmanned, as long as the high-level is destroyed or there is a situation that endangers most of the people, it will be full of the earth!

As for getting wizards to accept Muggles, this is actually much simpler. There are too few wizards. As long as you gather the hearts of all wizards and become their "king".

After letting wizards know the various benefits of integrating with Muggles, it is basically possible to make wizards accept living with Muggles on the surface.

Of course, there are various micro-managements that need to be controlled, so I won't mention them.

As for when to officially break the confidentiality law, this date still needs to be considered. After all, the wizarding world has not yet been unified, and there is still a Twin Snake Society.

In Shaw's subconscious, the obstacles and opinions of the International Association of Wizards seem to be unimportant.

Plan the Muggle world in advance and create a wish collector, circumvent the "system", use magic tours and Quidditch to collect true beliefs, defeat the Twin Snakes, break the law of secrecy, merge magic and witches, and establish a magic empire.

Shaw organized the seemingly messy things above into a series of main tasks, and suddenly remembered another thing.

The Holy See, which belongs to the Twin Snakes, seems to have some connection with Helbo.

"Is that Pope Edward a person who is involved with Helbo, or is the Twin Snakes involved with Helbo? This must be figured out."

Shaw thought about it, then took out the main poker communicator, sent a message to Tom, and asked him to test Edward.

Then Shaw began to sort out the second parallel thing, which was the Five Powers Tournament.

In fact, the current tournament is very different from the original purpose of hosting it.

The fact that Britain has gained the greatest voice in the magic world has basically been achieved with some concessions from the Twin Snakes.

Now, in addition to continuing the exchange among the five schools, the real purpose of Dumbledore and Shaw is to deal a fatal blow to Voldemort and put an end to the second generation of the Dark Lord.

Voldemort now only has Harry as his Horcrux, and it is time.

At least according to the information currently available, Voldemort has become more cautious after suffering several losses, and should not have turned Nagini into a Horcrux.

And Shaw's faith experiment on Barty Jr. should have a result.

After considering the specific plan with Dumbledore on this matter, Shaw did not think about it anymore after he felt that there was no loophole.

Then, the quill pen in his hand unconsciously wrote a few words on the parchment, which was regarded as the third parallel event.

/American Magic World, Twelve Auror Families, Ilvermorny, Alice, Old Furley/

Shaw wrote these words, and his eyes unconsciously looked at the ring on his finger again. There was a letter in it that he had never had the courage to open.

Shaw hesitated, looked away, and returned to the parchment, crossing out the names of Alice and Old Furley.

"Lucius should be in the United States as a delegation. I hope the Malfoy family's ability to make friends with the powerful has not deteriorated."

Shor shook his head and muttered to himself, looking up at the sky outside the window. It was already late.

"It's time to meet those people. I hope it's a good start."

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