Off the coast of western Scotland, UK.

Old Barty, who did not attend the tournament, was approaching the Hesperidian Islands by boat.

Before the large dragon farm next to the forbidden forest was built, the pure-blood dragon farms in the UK were basically built in two places.

In addition to the Romanian dragon farm, which is far away abroad and operated with pure-bloods from other countries, there is also a very famous dragon farm in the country.

That is the dragon farm in front of us that specializes in breeding black dragons born and raised in Britain.

Of course, this place has been abandoned after the fire dragon was transferred.

However, since the last time the Twin Snakes and the UK set a legendary life and death arena, a large number of wizards have appeared here again.

They are busy day and night on the original site of the abandoned dragon farm.

These people are all the best builders in the magic world, and there are countless wizards who have been transferred here to help.

After Barty landed, he brought his guards to a bay with thousands of feet of walls and continuous white cliffs.

The wizards who built the stadium are building a grand Quidditch stadium and a super-large arena that is as solid as a rock.

Even though there was a huge friction between Britain and the Twin Snakes some time ago, the construction of these two major projects has never stopped.

The stadium does not require high technology. After several months of construction, except for some necessary maintenance, it is only waiting to be put into use during the summer vacation.

This stadium is like a blooming purple iris, with a canopy like curled petals, and the shape is very magical.

Now the main energy of those architects is all focused on the construction of the arena for legendary wizards to fight.

This life and death arena not only needs to be able to withstand the magical bombardment of legendary wizards like forbidden spells, but also has to have the effect of super confinement space.

Even, there must be an alchemical cage to prevent the loser from escaping!

All these things have reached the extreme requirements for alchemical technology, magic materials and spell levels!

In order to kill Shaw, the Twin Snakes have also spent a lot of money, in addition to sharing people and things with Britain.

They also freely provided a lot of sealed top-secret alchemical materials and various advanced space-confining spells.

Otherwise, this life-and-death arena might not be built.

In the whistling sea breeze, a group of wizards rode on brooms, working together to lift large stones engraved with complex runes, and took off from a specially processed mountain pass.

They transported the boulders to a hexagonal base platform with a foundation as large as several football fields and put them down.

A group of wizards in charge of transportation once again worked together to use the floating spell, and under the command of a more professional instructor, they fine-tuned the position of the boulders so that the rune circuits between the boulders could be smoothly connected.

Not only is it busy here in an orderly manner, but several alchemy workshops have also been built nearby.

Alchemists mobilized from all over the world are working day and night to carve magic patterns on various materials.

In order to accommodate the project here, the output of the alchemy assembly line in the UK was affected, which slightly slowed down the strategy of dumping potions.

The British Ministry of Magic, including Batty himself, suspected that this might be one of the conspiracies of the Twin Snakes.

However, the matter was done, and he was also appointed by Shaw to come here for routine inspection and supervision every week.

Such measures were also carried out by the Twin Snakes.

Of course, daily supervision will be carried out by the next level of personnel at all times to ensure that neither side will leave a backdoor in this life and death arena.

Batty ran around the construction site, carefully exploring every detail.

Looking at the construction site like a gold-eating beast, although he felt sorry for the manpower and material resources, he had no other ideas.

After all, this arena that is about to be built can determine the future direction of the world.

No matter how big the investment is, it is worth it.

I just hope that it is not my side that will be defeated by then.

Today, the election of the new ministers in the second half of the year is coming again, which is also a critical moment to determine the future pattern.

Old Barty really hopes that he can have a good ending, can go further, and have a better and bigger platform to realize his ambitions.

Looking at the busy young people in the construction site, Old Barty suddenly remembered his son who had been missing for a long time, but there was no doubt that he would work under Voldemort.

Suddenly, he felt a resentful look looking at him.

Old Barty turned his head sharply, but did not find the person staring at him. The black wizards guarding him had good combat skills and also found the abnormality.

A team of people blocked in front of Barty, and a team of people quickly ran in that direction.

Outside the construction site, on a short peak beyond the large anti-apparition restriction.

Voldemort, covered in a wide cloak, was standing here looking at the orderly construction site below.

In his heart, he was weighing how powerful this force and power of coordination was?

Next to him was Little Barty, who never hid his emotions in front of Voldemort. At this time, his face was full of anger.A little resentful and lonely.

Voldemort was envious, and glanced at the little Barty who was hanging up, guessing his thoughts.

He was in the darkest moment, failed one after another, and compared the strength of the Twin Snakes and Britain, even this most loyal servant began to waver.

Voldemort rarely said much.

After several blows, he was not as irritable as before, and recovered some of his previous wisdom.

Just like before, he did not follow Suoya to charge foolishly.

He came here today to personally determine whether this arena really has the effect of trapping legendary wizards.

Who doesn't have the idea of ​​fighting each other?

Looking at the black-clad wizard army running down below, Voldemort's scarlet eyes flashed with envy again, and he said hoarsely.

"Let's go. It's time for you to go back to Hogwarts. The game over there is probably over. You can't disappear for too long.

The next plan cannot be missed!"

"Yes, Master!"

Little Barty nodded. He took the opportunity to come here today while all the teachers and students of the school went to watch the game.

There were many people in the stadium, and his absence would not arouse suspicion.

Before the black-clothed wizard arrived, the two of them Apparated away one after another.

In the forbidden forest beside the Black Lake, the figure of Little Barty appeared.

He looked at the scene of celebration on the floating platform on the lake in the distance, and the little wizards happily rushed ashore from the floating bridge.

He sighed and took out the kettle from his arms.

He drank a sip of the polyjuice potion, and then his body squirmed and became shorter, turning into a little wizard with freckles on his nose.

Barty changed into a Gryffindor uniform, took a shortcut, and then slipped into the crowd of young wizards returning to school without leaving a trace.

He listened carefully to the young wizards' heated discussions about the various highlights of this competition.

"It's really unfair. Harry and Draco only got second and third place."

"That's right, what do you mean by ghost guidance? That's nonsense. Krum even attacked the warriors."

"Forget it, fortunately Draco and Harry still got first and second place in the total score of the first two rounds. Let's talk about the projection screen made by the chief."

"Yes, yes, yes, the chief is so cool. How did he come up with this idea? It makes me feel like I'm participating in the competition."


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