In the second half of the celebration, some people who were tired of the excitement began to gather in the square in front of the palace in an orderly manner, excitedly waiting for the surrender ceremony to France.

Shaw had been watching silently on the high platform, admiring the flourishing flowers and the colorful flowers in Hogsmeade from a high position.

It would be a lie to say that he was not proud and vain.

After all, he was the creator of all this!

The only one who was qualified to accompany Shaw to watch this grand scene was Vita.

Vita, in a lavender dress, was graceful and cold, without any signs of old age.

She did not say some warnings to her godson today. The child has now grown up completely, and she only needs to accompany him silently.

Vita's eyes were more on the second platform seat in the white jade steps.

Representatives from various countries are here, and now they are performing what it means that human joys and sorrows are different.

Those who followed the meat-eating were happy before, but they were dead after the raid, and those who were still in turmoil in the country were even more anxious.

And the Black Widow Minister, Alosha, kept teasing her old rival, mocking the US Congress for being unsafe and being disturbed by an old shit-shoveling official.

And Toga, who had become the full minister of India, began to jump up and down again.


Slowly, the crowds of people who were celebrating almost gathered in the square. Although there was less noise than before, there was more pride in the air.

Everyone was looking at the French delegation who were wiping their sweat in front of the steps.

Maurice, the French minister, felt like he was being criticized by thousands of people at the moment, and there might be more humiliation waiting for him.

He just hoped that this day that was destined to leave a shameful chapter in history would end quickly!

In fact, he was overthinking.

The subsequent surrender ceremony was held quickly, and the British Ministry of Magic did not humiliate too much at all.

Instead, Fudge and Barty were very enthusiastic, and they were just about to pull Maurice to swear brotherhood.

Maurice was flattered. Now it was more of a welcome ceremony than a surrender ceremony.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The strategic purpose of killing the chicken to scare the monkey has been achieved. In the future, Britain and France are almost one family.

Now humiliating the French minister is not to humiliate the former French wizards who are still watching below?

In the second platform seat, an old man who was too old to be true looked at the French representative being treated with courtesy, and his worried turbid eyes showed a hint of appreciation.

Beside him, Dumbledore, who was eating candy, smiled and said.

"You see, I said you thought too much."

In the midst of jubilation, Shaw came to a white stone podium under the attention of the crowd.

He first waved his hand to respond to the enthusiastic tens of thousands of wizards, and immediately ushered in a bigger applause.

"Pa pa pa!!!"

The thunderous applause lasted for more than ten minutes. When everyone's palms were red, Shaw also pressed his hands down in time to signal everyone to be quiet.

The noisy square immediately became silent. Even if there were some who wanted to make trouble or be unique, they could only be quails under the gaze of hundreds of eyes nearby.

Shaw exhaled, and then said in a loud voice.

"At the beginning of the new year, Britain has also ushered in greater prosperity. This is the result of the joint efforts of all of us!

Originally, I shouldn't say something that dampens morale on this day of celebration.

But as the leader of everyone, I must not lose my way, so I will give you a warning again.

The smoke of war has not yet dissipated, and the scene of prosperity is not easy to come by.

In order for wizards to be great again, let us encourage each other to move forward!"

Shor did not make a long and stinky speech like an old lady's foot wrap. He just nodded a little, and ended the speech after a warning to himself.

After listening to the leader's brief but not simple speech, tens of thousands of people in the square were dull for a few seconds.

Then there was a huge response and shouting.

"For wizards to be great again, let's work together!"

"Follow Lord Black's footsteps and go to the light together!"

"For wizards to be great again, let's work together!!"

"Follow Lord Black's footsteps and go to the light together!!"


Shor nodded to his surrogate mother Vita, turned and walked into the palace, and he didn't need to do the next work himself.

The celebration was held for three days and three nights, and the British Ministry of Magic paid for almost 80% of the food and drinks for free.

This generous measure to benefit the people once made other representatives of the Ministry of Magic sigh at the strong financial resources of the United Kingdom.

In fact, these people are still stubborn.

How huge are the resources of Muggles? As long as they know how to communicate and exchange, it would be too easy to support 300,000 wizards.

Before, Shaw had arranged to personally receive the Muggle chief, and the decision was moreThe matter of the co-prosperity of magic and witches in Britain has been delayed again and again.

After the celebration, Shaw disappeared from the public's sight again.

Harry wanted to ask the chief to help treat his godfather with his merits, but now he couldn't find anyone.

He could only devote himself to the preparation of the second competition that would come soon with Draco.

The secret passage in the forbidden forest.

The huge tunnel that has been underground for many years, without the maintenance of magic, is covered with all kinds of mosses, fungi and rhizomes, which is very dark and damp.

However, now after repairing more than a dozen large node magic arrays, this place has become lively.

The magic systems such as ventilation and water circulation are activated, the energy supply of the plantation is restarted, and private residences and social halls have become dry.

There are also underground plants with various colors of glittering light along the way, like stars in the night sky.

In particular, some jellyfish-like floating catkins float in the passage, which makes Shaw a little dazzled during the walk.

Brilliance is indeed the best decoration in this world.

Before, he had roughly drawn the structure of this secret passage that looked like an underground city.

Now that the secret passage has the lighting and decoration provided by the magic circle, he can immediately feel that it is no worse than the Asgard in Northern Europe that he visited before.

"It seems that the original builder really wanted to make this place a closed wizard paradise, or was he also preparing to build a kingdom of God?"

Shor sighed and turned to guess.

"Who is it? Is this visionary or ambitious?"

After visiting the new underground city, Shaw asked Ziying to take him to the core.

This underground city now, like Hogwarts, prohibits wizards from Apparition.

After the purple light surged.

Shaw came to the most magnificent cave hall.

He had been here before, so it was not surprising.

But now there is a new khaki arched ripple door here.

Before Xiao Er could take a closer look, a very familiar silver-white head with a spiral horn poked out from the ripples of the archway.

It was the wretched unicorn that had always followed Xiao Er in the Forbidden Forest!

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