After the promulgation of the International Statute of Secrecy, the entire wizarding world began to hide. Although they were in the same time and space as the Muggles, they used various magical magics to make it difficult for them to detect.

Like the Ministry of Magic of each country, it was either built underground or in the suburbs.

Like Hogwarts, to people without magic, it was just a wasteland, even if a satellite swept over it, it was just a large cloud.

Like Diagon Alley in the UK, Lionheart Street in France and other wizarding business centers built in the Muggle downtown.

For better concealment, a large number of complex magics are generally arranged, and even a small hidden barrier is formed.

To enter, either enter from a special entrance, or use extremely powerful magic to bombard a fixed point in turn, reaching a critical value to break the barrier.

The second point is naturally something that ordinary wizards cannot do.

In the French wizarding world, recent parades have become a daily routine, and the economy has been depressed a lot.

Today, ordinary wizards ran around the streets again and called for a circle, leaving a mess.

They were just about to go to the Ministry of Magic to demonstrate and then go home.

But suddenly, a series of banging sounds came from the sky, like the sound of banging doors magnified countless times, gradually becoming deafening.

The wizards stopped and looked up blankly at the sky that began to shrink constantly.

In the banging sound, the usually transparent barrier was revealed, like an inverted wrist.

At this time, the sunset was setting, and the setting sun was hanging obliquely on the horizon. The sunlight appeared much grayer after passing through the barrier.

And the sun seemed to be breaking, and dense cracks appeared nearby.

"Crack! Crack!"

The next moment, in the dull and horrified eyes of countless people, countless spells tore the sky and projected in.

As the fragments of the barrier fell, they drew a breathtaking trajectory, directly covering the light brought by the sun.

Some timid French wizards shouted in panic.

"Ah, invasion! Invasion!"

"The British are really coming!"

"Open the door quickly, let me hide!"

In the chaos, the barrier was broken in a short time.

The huge shadows of fire dragons covered the sight of the wizards below, making those who were in a mess lose their voices immediately.

Not only that, black figures quickly appeared on the streets on both sides of Lionheart Street. They were the British black wizards.

These wizards were well-trained. They suddenly appeared and occupied various defensive points. They waved their wands and immediately controlled some people who resisted and ran around.

In the coffee shop with the best view in the center of Lionheart Street, Minister Morris pointed at the group of fire dragons flying in the sky and said in disbelief.

"This is impossible. There are Aurors watching the border. I will not fail to receive information about these fire dragons passing through!

Ah! There must be a shameful traitor in the Ministry!!

No, I have to go back to the Ministry immediately to organize a war against the invasion!"

Before Morris turned around and teleported back to the Ministry of Magic from the fireplace, the coffee shop waiters who had been serving him on both sides immediately changed their faces and drew their wands.

One of them knocked down the guarding Auror in two or three moves, and the other pointed his wand at Morris' neck.

"Mr. Morris, please wait a moment. You don't want a big hole to appear in your neck like the sky."

Morris's eyes were extremely ugly, and he subconsciously wanted to draw out his wand to fight back, but in the end he waved his hand wisely.

"Okay, okay, I won't resist, but your British raid is doomed to fail.

I have already formulated emergency regulations before, and the Ministry should have started to organize a counterattack now."

After removing the effect of the polyjuice potion, the waiter turned into Daniel, the chief of the British witch police.

He came over and confiscated the wand from Morris's sleeve pocket, then said with ease.

"Mr. Morris, don't be so optimistic. Take a look at the scene outside first. Maybe you won't have such confidence."

Before Morris turned around, he heard a cheer from outside, and the content almost made his nose crooked.

"Ah, the British finally came, so happy."

"Hey, man, don't point your wand at me, we are not enemies, my cousin is one of you."

"I surrender, have the officials from the British household registration department come? I want to register immediately!"

"Haha, you must have heard our demands across the strait and came to liberate us."

"Are you going to attack the Ministry of Magic now? Take me with you. I have long disliked those pure-blood masters."

After a short period of turmoil, the French wizards who had marched before soon became happy.

They waved and jumped at the British witches in the sky and on the ground. Some of the hot witches even blew kisses to them, showing the French enthusiasm.It was vividly displayed.

The merchants on both sides of the street hung up white flags fluttering in the wind, faster than the speed of the black wizard army occupying the defense points.

It felt like as long as I surrender quickly, you can't defeat me.

Morris' eyes were red, his chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily, as if he was about to suffocate, and then he slumped down on the sofa.

Even the people were like this, not to mention those pure-blood officials who were only interested in profit. It is estimated that the Ministry of Magic would surrender even faster than here.

Sure enough, Daniel suddenly received a message that some of the werewolf troops who were going to raid the French Ministry of Magic had not even transformed, but they had already hung up the white flag.

Daniel felt really boring, but he had expected it in advance. A lot of the previous publicity and secret instigation were not done in vain.

Otherwise, he would not have dared to attack France with only a few elite troops.

"Oh, it's really not difficult. If I had known earlier, I would have gone to Italy. There would probably be wars over there."

Yes, not only France carried out a blitzkrieg, but the British action this time can be said to be blooming everywhere.

Where did so many people come from?

In addition to the British local wizard army, the Witch Party and some members of the Pure Land Society sent by Fly.

But there are also many Nordic and Eastern European magic ministries that the Witch Party has long controlled, as well as many younger brothers that Britain has secretly conquered before, such as India and Russia.

In this action, the number of wizards dispatched directly exceeded 10,000! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small world war.

And the real British main force is basically concentrated in Italy!

As society enters modernization, atheism is prevalent, and religious beliefs have become more of a psychological comfort.

The Vatican, which used to have a high status and could crown kings of various countries, has gradually fallen to the level of a tourist destination.

But even so, it is still a holy place in the hearts of some people who believe in God.

At this time, the Vatican in Italy.

The palm-sized imperial city has been blocked from all directions, and all external signals have been blocked by magic.

The situation can be described as dark clouds looming over the city, and the battle is about to break out!

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