As mentioned before, Egypt is a special magic world with a unity of theocracy.

From wizards to Muggles, there are still various strong religious beliefs and polytheism.

Some believe in the sun god "Ra", some believe in the main god of Thebes "Amon", and some believe in the god of death Anusbi, etc.

People or groups with faith are always strong and fearless in combat.

Egypt has the largest group of ancient ruins in existence, with various pyramids everywhere.

Because of the continuous development of the pyramids.

The Egyptian alchemy system is different from the mainstream in Europe, the means of casting spells are also unique, and the way of curse is also very popular and very mysterious.

The Egyptian wizards are not closed-minded. They not only open up tourism and alchemy exchanges (trading), but also cooperate with Gringotts to explore the pyramids.

Therefore, their finances have always been abundant.

There is no shortage of military and financial resources, so the comprehensive strength of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic has always been at the forefront of the world.

Compared with the French magic world, which is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, it is many times stronger.

When the Egyptian minister directly spoke out to withdraw from the second topic, it seemed to give those people a shot of adrenaline.

After a few seconds of silence, one by one, they began to think of "reasonable" words.

For example, the Italian minister wanted to say that their Muggle Pope was re-elected, and a large number of Muggles were pouring in, and a large number of Aurors were needed to maintain order.

For example, the ministers of the Philippines and India made up a story about a malaria outbreak, and all the wizards in the Philippines and India were having diarrhea, and the Aurors were weak!

After such excuses came out, these people were eager to stand up and speak.

Shaw was also surprised by Egypt's sudden choice.

In his mind, he quickly calculated whether Egypt's real motive was also related to the Twin Snakes.

Like, but not like.

He quietly winked at Percy, asking him to investigate quickly. Percy nodded and walked to the back.

Shaw then weighed it in his mind.

With Egypt, France, Xiao Rizi and other magical powers taking the lead, it is estimated that no heavyweight "suspect" will jump out.

So he moved his fingers on the table rhythmically.

Batty immediately understood and stood up.

His standing up immediately shut up some people who were eager to stand up.

Britain is finally going to make its position clear!

Batty straightened his suit, bowed to Sifang, and started talking with a stern face.

"Friends, you may have forgotten the original intention of establishing the International Wizarding Association.

When a large-scale disaster occurs, the Ministry of Magic at the place of the disaster is often not able to solve it quickly and effectively by itself.

If there is no external assistance, everyone knows the consequences.

Before the establishment of the Wizarding Association. I don't need to present the information of similar records of destruction to you.

The responsibility of the International Wizarding Association is to maintain and coordinate the harmony of various magical countries, and the recruitment of Aurors is also to twist the scattered forces into a rope.

After years of hard work, it is not easy to establish the prestige of the Wizarding Association, and each country has indeed gained a lot of benefits.

Some countries can exist until now, and it must be said that the deterrence of the Wizarding Association is at work.

If everyone starts to shirk responsibility today, the prestige of the Wizarding Association will be greatly reduced, and everyone should understand the subsequent impact caused."

Bati said, while scanning the countries that shirked responsibility with his sharp eyes.

The people being looked at lowered their heads in awe, but still did not mean to change.

Bati was not annoyed, he was just saying some nice words.

In fact, the real instruction given by Shaw was to greatly reduce the prestige of the International Council of Witches! And he pointed it out clearly.

If you want to break the Statute of Secrecy, the International Council of Witches is the first obstacle.

And the issue of stationing troops in Albania was actually deliberately thrown out by Shaw and Dumbledore.

Originally, ordinary wizards could not participate in the issue of Helbo.

The purpose of this issue.

First, to see the attitudes of various countries and identify allies and opponents.

Second, to bring up the third issue and provide strong evidence.

Third, to fish and catch the people arranged by the Twin Snakes to destroy the conference.

Fourth, to weaken the prestige of the International Council of Witches and lay the groundwork for future troubles in Britain.

It can be said that one stone kills many birds.

Although Dumbledore and Shaw have not spoken all the time and are very leisurely, they have collected a lot of information.

Barty paused for more than ten seconds, and his serious expression relaxed a little, showing the appearance of a good old man.

"In fact, the problems that everyone is worried about are easy to solve. They are nothing more than the lack of military power and money in each ministry of magic.

Britain is strong and prosperous. Everyone has watched Hogsmeade for a month. I don't need to brag about it anymore.

And Britain is a truly compassionate magic world."

Battie mentioned this and couldn't help but glance at the American minister who had also said that his country was a compassionate country.

A trace of disdain flashed in his heart. In mostsaid under the expectant eyes of the people.

"Since we have seen everyone's difficulties, we in the UK will naturally help.

However, the Ministry of Magic, which is under-strength, can send Aurors on behalf of it.

In exchange, you only need to provide some potions and alchemical materials.

Don't worry, the UK is not an exploiter and will purchase materials at the international market price.

Here is a good news in advance. If there is a Ministry of Magic that wants to reach a potion cooperation with the UK, the purchase price of materials can be increased by at least 20%."

Bati finally said the fifth purpose of Shaw's plan, taking the opportunity to open up the dumping of potions!

After saying this, old Batty had to admire the young leader's mind and means in his heart.

And his words naturally caused discussions in the audience.


Many people were even more shocked by Batty's last few words.

None of the delegations stood up to speak immediately. After being shocked, they felt that they were gathered together with their own people to discuss quickly.

Except for the representatives of a few limited countries who looked unhappy, 80% to 90% of the people were all happy when discussing.

Even though everyone knows that Britain is not a good person and must have other intentions, it doesn't matter.

As I said, for a weak country with few people, long-term vision and immediate interests are the most important.

There is no need to choose at all!

At least the British representative Batty proposed "altruistic" conditions, which is to pay money to collect materials and send troops on behalf of others.

Moreover, the British magic potion is large in quantity and cheap, which is simply too good.

To be honest, the concept of economic control really has no market in the magic world. Haven't you seen wizards even give currency rights to goblins?

A few minutes later, there was a continuous echo.

"I agree. Libyan wizards are grateful for Britain's generosity."

"I agree. Britain is a truly international humanitarian power!"

"I agree. Can we sign a potion and alchemy cooperation agreement now? I have a lot of dragon materials piled up in Romania's warehouses, but I don't have the manpower to process them."

"I agree..."

When the voices of agreement gradually faded, the Nordic and Eastern European magic ministries that seemed to be traveling before seemed to have made an appointment together.

All the ministers stood up.

"Poland praises Britain's kindness and welcomes the British Chamber of Commerce to stay."

"Norway firmly supports Britain's resolution and also welcomes British potion merchants to negotiate with our department."



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