Draco and Harry came out of nowhere, sweating profusely. Just as they were about to run into the castle, they saw the chief standing on the long bridge, looking at the scenery in the wind.

The two looked at each other and came behind Shaw.

Shaw naturally noticed their approach, but he didn't want to be a babysitter, so he waved back.

"Morning self-study has begun, go."

The two were choked.

Draco's face turned red, and his throat was stuck for a few times before he spoke.

"Chief, I have something to discuss with you."

"Oh? Go ahead."

Shaw turned around, and in the breeze on the long bridge, his sleeves fluttered lightly, and the whole person seemed to be able to ride the wind at any time.

Facing such a chief, Draco suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Chief, that, that."

Draco rubbed his hands subconsciously, and his ahoge twisted into a tuft.

Although Harry didn't know what was going on, he was also a little nervous for some reason.

The current chief, even if it is not intentional, is becoming more and more majestic.

Shaw didn't know what these two brats were going to do, but he didn't urge them.

Draco gritted his teeth.

"Chief, you asked me to make friends with the students of Ilvermorny before and find out how many of them have the idea of ​​opposing the Statute of Secrecy.

You also know that I have to participate in the competition now, and time is very tight."

Shaw thought it was a big deal, so why was he so nervous?

Sure enough, he has not had enough experience.

"This job is indeed not suitable for you, but each task has its own pit. Since it is handed over to you, you should execute it perfectly no matter what.

And if you haven't cultivated a few useful confidants in Hogwarts for two years, it will be a great failure.

Do you understand what I mean?"

Draco was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"Chief, I know what to do."

Draco wanted to talk to Shaw about what to do next.

Snape came out from nowhere, and then pinched Harry and Draco's necks with one hand each.

"You two are still in the mood to blow the wind here, you really don't know how to live or die, follow me!"

Then the old bat escorted the two people and walked towards the forbidden forest.

Judging from this posture, it is estimated that there will be a practical teaching.

Shaw couldn't help laughing.

He really didn't have the energy to take care of the training of the two little kids, but Snape was quite suitable.

However, it was unknown how much suffering the two little kids would have to endure.

Shaw looked at the sky.

Students from other schools also got up one after another.

He did not choose to go back to the castle for self-study and class. He turned and walked out of Hogholtz's anti-apparition restriction, and disappeared on the long bridge in a flash.


Now there are more people from all over the world stationed here.

After many days of publicity and preparation, Hogsmeade has become famous all over the world. Not only representatives from various magic ministries come here, but also civilians come here to admire its reputation.

In the smoke, many witches began to make breakfast.

Shaw transformed into an adult elegant wizard, strolling on the cobblestone road, observing the appearance of wizards from various countries.

From the various passers-by, Shaw felt that the influence between wizards and Muggles has been very profound.

The romance of the French, the rigor of the Germans, the laxity of the Americans, and the straightforwardness of the Russians. . . .

There is no difference between wizards and Muggles.

For example.

A sturdy wizard on the side of the road, holding a bottle of vodka, greeted Shaw enthusiastically.

"Hey, man, come for a drink?"

At this early morning, he can drink strong liquor as milk and is so enthusiastic. He must be a Russian wizard.

Shaw smiled at him politely.

"Thank you, my friend. I've already eaten."

The sturdy man gulped down another mouthful of white wine.

"Really? That's a pity. By the way, are you a local British wizard?"

"Yes, my friend. How many days have you been in Hogsmeade? What do you think of this place?"

The sturdy wizard instantly became alert to Shaw's casual questions.

"It's true. Although you British people are too polite, your open atmosphere and strict law and order are really beyond reproach.

I've been here for a few days. Not only have I stayed in Hogsmeade, but I've also visited Diagon Alley.

No crime, no discrimination, and prices are equal...

Oh, I'm too dumb to say much.

Anyway, after this wizard conference, I will go back to my country and promote this set of imitations from the UK to the ministry. People must be sent here to learn."

Shor listened quietly.

This Russian wizard should be a senior official of his own Ministry of Magic.

What he said made Shaw feel a little satisfied.

After all, the changes in the British wizarding world were the result of his two years of hard work.

After bidding farewell to this enthusiastic wizard, Shaw continued to stroll along the street., because he was a stranger, he was politely questioned by the purple-clad witch police.

Shaw cooperated very well and was happy to see the witch police's impartiality.

When he came to the British wizard supermarket and magic potion store, even though it was still early, there was still a constant stream of people shopping inside.

Shaw looked at the flourishing flowers, but he knew in his heart that a huge crisis was brewing inside.

With the support of alchemy flow money, the goods can indeed be in short supply.

And the monstrous raw materials are based on the accumulation of British pure blood over the years and the supply of various farms working overtime.

And before other countries react, they place large quantities in advance.

If this wizard conference cannot sign some material orders and take the opportunity to open up several trade routes in the magic world.

Forming an invisible plundering business closed loop, the prosperity of Britain at this moment will soon collapse.

A series of economic problems such as backlog of goods, shortage of raw materials, unemployment of workers, closure of shops, etc. will follow.


This year's wizard conference must ensure that Britain has the most say!

Shaw's previous military expansion was a preparation for a direct war after the talks broke down.

After all, the truth is only within the range of the magic wand!

And business is his weapon to break the confidentiality law, and no one can stop it!

Of course, going to war is the worst plan.

He has recently been looking for a few partners to cooperate with, and it would be best if they can seek common ground while reserving differences.

The structure of the wizard world is very similar to that of Muggles.

Putting aside the self-proclaimed world controller, the big and powerful magic ministries are almost the same, and these magic ministries are basically considered as one with the pure-blood associations.

Except for the Chinese magic world that does not care about foreign affairs.

The structure of the magic world is basically that the magic ministries of Britain, the United States, Russia, France, Germany, the African Union, Egypt, and some small alliances have the right to speak in the magic world.

Some countries with a wizard population of less than a thousand can be ignored directly.

Germany, Austria, and some scattered magic ministries in Northern Europe are probably already under the control of the Witch Party, so Shaw doesn't need to worry about them.

Before, Shaw thought that the United States and Britain were close neighbors and would be good partners.

But as he gradually got to know them, Shaw basically concluded that this was a country that needed to be conquered forcefully.

And Russia would be a good new alliance partner.

Shaw calculated carefully and found that there were not many hard bones to chew.

Like France, cough cough...

"Put it down, this is the product I took a fancy to first. Do you know who I am? It's your honor to sell it to me at half price!"

A burst of scolding suddenly came from the potion shop.

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