In front of the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore's face was illuminated by the light.

He pointed to the door behind the staff desk.

"Listen, after the names of the warriors are announced, please go into the next room, where the warriors will receive initial guidance."

Then Dumbledore took out his wand and waved it melodiously above his head.

Immediately, thousands of candles in the sky went out, leaving only a few afterglows in the pumpkin lanterns.

The hall suddenly fell into a state of semi-brightness.

The Goblet of Fire also emitted a dazzling light at the right time, bursting with blue and white flames, directly hitting the dome.

Everyone held their breath.

The next moment, the flame suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks splashed out.

A tongue of fire jumped into the air, and a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it.

Dumbledore caught the parchment with his hands, and his blue eyes under his crescent glasses stared at the name on it.

He read it in a clear tone.

"Viktor Krum, the champion of Durmstrang."

After the words fell, the applause and cheers of Durmstrang students and some young Gryffindor wizards swept the entire hall.

Ron jumped three feet high, his face flushed, and the freckles on the tip of his nose became clearer.

"I knew it would be him!"

Krum stood up from the Gryffindor table and walked towards Dumbledore listlessly.

Karkaroff nodded to him with satisfaction, no longer using a greasy tone, but a loud voice.

"Great, Viktor! You are my pride!"

Krum walked along the teacher's table a little listlessly and entered the next room through that door.

The applause and conversation gradually subsided, and everyone's attention was focused on the Goblet of Fire again.

After a while, the blue-white flames in the Goblet of Fire turned red again, and the second parchment was rolled out by the red flames again.

Dumbledore took the slowly falling parchment and said loudly.

"The champion of Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour!"

Except for some little wizards like Travis who clapped their hands, no other students of Beauxbatons applauded Fleur, and several girls cried bitterly.

Fleur didn't care, she stood up gracefully and confidently, her silver waist-length hair swaying gently, and she walked lightly to the next room.

Next, the Goblet of Fire turned red one after another, and Dumbledore announced the champions of the other two magic schools one after another.

"The champion of Kodostoriz, Boris Bokov!"

"The champion of Ilvermorny, Gais Fontana!"

It was not surprising that these two people became champions.

After all, it had been a whole day, and all kinds of gossip were flying around, and the topic of who was the best in which school remained high.

Boris was not mentioned.

Gais is a shy brown-haired female student with a very impressive background.

The Fontana family is a super political family in the American magic world, and their ancestor is one of the twelve Aurors.

Gais's grandfather is also the vice-president of Ilvermorny, Gilbert Fontana, the successor to the next headmaster of Ilvermorny.

So with such a family background, it is not surprising that Gais is very strong.

The information about the popular candidates for courage has been basically known by everyone, but the candidates for Hogwarts have always been a mystery.

It is said that there are three students in the seventh grade of Hogwarts who are very strong and have entered the Ministry of Magic as senior officials before graduation. They did not participate in this warrior selection.

As for the second-level students, due to extracurricular spell training and month-end duels and other activities, there are also special trainings by Sirius and Moody.

The biggest feeling of the other four students from other schools this day is that the average magic level of the young wizards in Hogwarts is very high.

This is also the reason why Ilvermorny is becoming more and more low-key. After all, they can't compete in terms of soft and hard power.

After Boris and Guys entered the next room.

You can hear a pin drop in the hall. This time, there is a strong excitement in the silence.

Everyone looked expectantly, and they all wanted to see who could represent Hogwarts as a warrior.

The red fireworks of the Goblet of Fire burst into sparks, and the flames jumped high into the air.

Dumbledore was also impatient to pull out the third parchment from the tip of the flame.

He quickly glanced at it, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. After a slight pause, he announced.

"The champion of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy!"


After a period of silence, there was a boiling noise. Except for the little snakes in Slytherin, everyone looked at Draco with doubtful eyes, and many people doubted loudly.

"This is impossible!"

"He cheated!"

"He's only in the third grade!"

Draco himself was also stunned, his mouth was wide open, and the sharp gazes from all directions made cold sweat ooze out of his forehead..

He turned his neck stiffly and looked at the chief, hoping to get his help and trust, and said with a dry throat.

"Chief, Chief, I, I really didn't throw parchment to myself."

Shaw's eyes flashed with thought, and he reached out to pat the helpless Draco.

"I believe it, don't worry about going to the next room, I'm here, it's okay."

Then he swept his eyes across the audience, and everyone who was seen by his sharp eyes lowered their heads silently.

Draco felt the weight on his shoulders, and with the chief's protection, he immediately became more confident and full of courage.

The other little snakes also reacted, and the cheers were immediately deafening, as if they were going to overturn the dome.

"We have a warrior!"

"The champion belongs to Hogwarts! To Slytherin!"

Draco took a deep breath, stood up, raised his chin slightly, and strode towards the next room proudly.

At the Gryffindor table, Harry almost impulsively ran to comfort his good friend. Now that Draco is fine, he is relieved.

In his heart, he was somewhat envious. In addition to being envious of Draco's ability to become a warrior, he also speculated that Draco's ability to break through the headmaster's age limit was probably due to the help of the chief.

The four headmasters of other schools naturally had all kinds of doubts, but they were temporarily suppressed by the domineering Dumbledore.

The old bee rubbed his swollen forehead and announced.

"Okay, the five warriors have been selected. I know you still have doubts. The jury will give a reasonable explanation after discussion.

And everyone just needs to fully support the warriors they love..."

Dumbledore stopped talking halfway and turned around abruptly.

Because the blue and white flames on the Goblet of Fire turned red again!

Sparks burst out with crackling, and a long tongue of fire suddenly jumped into the air, holding up another piece of parchment.

Dumbledore eagerly stretched out a hand and grabbed the parchment.

He stared at the name written on it and fell into deep thought.

The hall also began to be silent for a long time at the same time, and everyone stared at Dumbledore.

More than a minute later, Dumbledore announced loudly.

"Harry Potter."

As if history was repeating itself, Draco's reaction after his name was called out just now was repeated, and even more intense!


"This is impossible!"

"Cheating, this is a naked cheating by the host!"

"Too much!"

"I demand to withdraw from the competition!"

This time, the wave of opposition was universal, including Gryffindor.

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