Hogwarts Headmaster's Office.

As the fire surged, Shaw and Ziying appeared with Fawkes, and then the two birds ran away.

In the office, there was not only Dumbledore, but also the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Moody.

When Shaw appeared, the two stopped talking.

Dumbledore's expression was not as calm as before, and finally told Moody.

"Go, bring Harry back safely."

Moody nodded and limped out. When he passed Shaw, the alchemist's one eye rolled around, full of suspicion.

"You have been missing for so long, what conspiracy are you doing again?"

Shaw ignored him, took a few steps forward, and sat down on the stool in front of the office.

Moody turned his head to look at Shaw, snorted coldly, and limped away.

Dumbledore waited until Moody disappeared before solemnly taking out a crystal recording ball and placing it on the desk.

"Take a look at this first, and then we'll talk about other things."

Before coming, Shaw actually knew what the old bee wanted to talk to him about. After all, he was the living person who knew the Herpo Temple best in the world.

Who knew more than himself?

Watching the mist in the crystal ball begin to disperse, revealing a familiar place, it was the ruins of the temple in Albania.

Several forces were still waiting outside the door, and Tom was standing at the front.

Fairies kept going in and out, carrying some equipment to remove restrictions.

Half a minute later, a fairy ran out of the temple happily, and said happily in a hoarse voice.

"The restrictions in the front hall have all been lifted, revealing a cave."

The people outside were ecstatic and wanted to rush in. Tom turned around and waved his hand, using magic to stop them.

He looked at the periphery with a serious expression.

"Sneaky people, come out!"

The trees around the periphery shook for a while, and soon a large group of people rushed out. They were the other forces that had spied on the temple ruins before.

And there were a lot of them, hundreds of them.

Especially the state of these people was very strange. Except for the few people in the back whose cloaks had double snakes around a cross, the eyes of others were very numb.

Even without using protective spells, they immediately started charging and casting spells desperately.

The overwhelming attack spells hit the people near the gate of the temple.

Although the people here were stunned, they defended very quickly. After raising a super large shield and countless small shields, they also began to fight back.

In an instant, the intensity of the war was directly pulled to the maximum! It turned into a real Shura field.

Various spells collided in the air, and the magic shock wave surged violently, bringing about a strong wind that almost blew down the surrounding trees.

The casualties came quickly. Those numb wizards did not defend at all, but just attacked desperately, and died first.

Their desperate attacks, with their superior numbers, soon tore through the defenses of many of their opponents.

In the midst of the magic spells, blood mists quickly rose.

Tom did not attack immediately. He was on guard against the top combat power that his opponent might send out, and a thought flashed through his eyes.

In front of the crystal ball, Shaw's eyes could not help but condense.

The tattooed wizard's methods, the degree of cold-bloodedness and meanness made him a little frightened. This was completely disregarding international law and using the Imperius Curse to enslave wizards in large quantities to be cannon fodder.

Then he shook his head and sighed a little. These people were completely doing useless work and were helping Helbo.

Sure enough, the scene in the crystal ball began to change again.

The open door of the temple sucked in the rising blood mist like inhaling air, and the blood mist even entangled into a blood tornado when it flowed back.

And the goblin debunkers hiding in the temple were the first to be unlucky. One by one, the dwarfs squeezed into the cracked cave in the floor with the blood mist.

There was no time to scream, and the broken bones and tendons exploded into flesh and blood.

Such a shocking change made the alliance wizards on the International Auror side pause, but they wanted to stop the war, while those wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse were still fighting hard.

So the battle had to continue.

Shaw was still not surprised after seeing this, and Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Shor, aren't you surprised?"

Shaw blinked and said nonchalantly.

"It has happened, and my surprise can't change the outcome."

Dumbledore nodded with relief.

"Your character is getting more and more stable, not bad."

Then he also cast his eyes on the crystal ball, and said with reluctance.

"What happened next is really a tragedy."

Sure enough, the scene in the crystal ball was even more tragic.

When the casualties on both sides exceeded half, several earth-shaking roars suddenly came from the temple, and large groups of black fog poured out.

Then a ferocious triangular snake head poked out from the black fog.

It rushed forward, turning many wizards who were unable to dodge into blood mist.

This giant snake was really huge. After revealing its entire body, it was a hundred meters long.More than 10 meters, with a diameter of two or three meters, its mouth opened wide as if it could swallow a house.

It was blood red all over, as if it was bathing in blood. It was not in the emerald green state of a basilisk, and its body was thicker and longer.

Moreover, this strange red snake could also perform magic!

With a swing of its long tail, it not only had a powerful physical attack, but also brought up a blood mist that turned into an ancient blood-red spear, and its efficiency in plundering life was simply terrifying.

The shields that the wizards had hastily erected shattered at the first touch.

The desperate wizards suffered the greatest loss, and they were almost like entering the snake's mouth to die.

Even the elite Furley's men and the international Aurors who organized a solid small defense did not have much effect, and the casualties were equally heavy.

Tom had already turned into black mist and flew into the sky, and countless snake-shaped chains attacked all over the sky, but after hitting the blood-red giant snake, they were bounced back by the slippery snake body with a ding-ding sound.


The giant snake hissed at Tom and continued to move around, harvesting lives in the field.

The tattooed wizards looked at each other and fled without caring about the cannon fodder.

In the crystal, the screen presentation ended here and turned into a mist again.

Shor lowered his head and thought quietly about the origin of the red giant snake and the relationship between the blood curse wizards. After a few seconds, he asked Dumbledore.

"Principal, when did this happen? You should have gone to Albania in person to seal this temple."

Dumbledore nodded.

"The day before yesterday, I did go to rescue in person, and I only temporarily sealed the temple. Alas, this is a tragedy in the wizarding world. Our previous actions were too rash."

Shor could not deny it, but did not say much about the innocent victims.

"Then what do you want to discuss with me? "

"The subsequent impact of this incident has risen to the level of disaster. The information has been leaked, causing panic in various countries.

Originally, the International Confederation of Wizards was planned to be held in France immediately, but I postponed it and suggested that it be held in Hogsmeade between the Five Power Tournaments."

The more Dumbledore talked, the more confused Shaw was.

"Principal, if there is anything I can help you with, please tell me directly."

Dumbledore looked at Shaw steadily, his expression unusually serious.

"Although this incident is a disaster, it is also an opportunity to confirm the dominance of the British wizarding world in the world."

Shor stretched out his hand and tapped rhythmically on the desk, pondering the true intention of the old bee.

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