Shaw's public trial was meant to shock the enemy, but in reality it was a plunder and redistribution of power.

The jury system has existed since ancient times, and the system itself is quite fair, but it ultimately depends on whether it is suitable for this group.

And any system needs a supervisor, or mutual supervision.

So the Wizengamot is actually similar to the jury in the Muggle world.

However, the power and influence of the members are greater, and the constraints are less severe.

The life span of wizards is too long. Most of the members of the Wizengamot are pure blood, and they are almost lifelong. Once they are in office, they will be in office for dozens or hundreds of years, and the influence of the members will become greater and greater.

The Wizengamot's rulings on some cases are usually different for different objects.

For example, if the murderer is pure blood, he will basically only be sentenced to Azkaban for ten years.

If the criminal is a Muggle or a half-blood, he will be sentenced to at least ten years in Azkaban or even life imprisonment.

Shaw wants to completely control Britain. In addition to the army and administration, the judicial system must be rebuilt.

Since Penelope Clearwater, a subordinate, entered the core organization Magic Throne, in addition to completing some Ravenclaw-related tasks.

Most of her energy is basically studying the new magic code.

Her parents are lawyers. She has been influenced by them since she was a child. In more than a year, she has made some achievements. At least the trial system she drafted is satisfactory to Shaw.

In short, it is a double jury system.

In addition to retaining the "purged" and "restricted" Wizengamot members, these members only have the right to question, not the right to vote.

The voting right is directly transferred down.

Usually, for relatively major cases, a thousand wizards who are familiar with the law will be selected from the wizard citizens to participate in the jury.

If the members have doubts about the case and the judge's decision, and they have reasons and evidence.

Then they can apply to allow more civilian wizards to participate in the vote, and the minority is subject to the majority.

The seats for the parliamentarians and ordinary jurors are all mobile, and this will require specific operations in the future.

Of course, any system has loopholes, and Shaw will not be stupid enough to limit himself at the beginning of his career.

As for today's public trial, it is the prototype and preview of the double jury system, which will be slowly implemented after the popularization of the law for ordinary wizards.

At this time, the ordinary floating rag Dementor had already executed Peter Pettigrew, and a group of souls were slowly sucked out of Pettigrew's mouth.

The Dementor enjoyed it very much, looking at other people greedily. After seeing Shaw, he couldn't help trembling, and could only fly back to the tunnel reluctantly.

Sirius was released in court. After he took the exchanged wand, he looked at Pettigrew on the ground with complicated eyes.

It may be the effect of Pettigrew's last words. Sirius used the levitation spell to float him and walked out of the venue with him.

Prepare to bury this former "best friend" with your own hands.

In the crowd, Harry, Lupin and several members of the Order of the Phoenix also left.

Shaw remained silent, and Burns did not speak to stop him.

After Sirius disappeared from the venue, Burns continued to announce.

"Take the next prisoner, Gerald Lockhart."

At the right time, Lockhart was also led out of the passage.

Lockhart's story has been circulating in Hogwarts for a long time.

So when he appeared, except for those brain-dead book fans who still didn't believe him, other wizards all looked at him with contempt.

Shaw felt that Lockhart should not be completely out of Vita's control. After sitting in the suspect's seat, his expression was not panicked at all, and he was still calm.

As for why the Egyptian soul transfer technique was not discovered by the Ministry of Magic, it is unknown.

Burns sorted out the information and asked the key points.

"Lockhart, after arresting you, the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Magic conducted a more detailed investigation on you and obtained more sufficient evidence.

In addition to colluding with the Dark Lord, you are also suspected of stealing other people's adventures and using them as material for writing books, gaining a lot of fame and fortune.

You even cast the forgetfulness spell on those who took the adventure in person to erase your criminal record.

Lockhart, do you admit all these crimes? Do you need me to interrogate a few witnesses?"

Lockhart, who sat upright, nodded.

"No, I admit all the charges just now."

Burns was surprised by the smooth process, but the other party's evidence was indeed sufficient. She thought about it and asked curiously.

"I heard that you were very serious and responsible when you taught at Hogwarts, and your teaching results were remarkable.

And you asked the little wizards to study the unreasonable parts of your books in advance!

This provides us with a lot of clues and evidence for investigation and evidence collection. Can you tell me why you did this?"

Lockhart glanced at the calmShaw and Dumbledore, who looked puzzled, spoke with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"After I took over the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts, I found that the young wizards' awareness of darkness was really weak. I couldn't bear to tell them about their poor foundation.

So in addition to laying a foundation for the students, I also asked them to find unreasonable places in the books. It was just a different kind of personal example.

Now the students should know that people's hearts are sinister, and they should not judge good and evil based on a person's deliberate performance.

As for why? If I can successfully steal the Philosopher's Stone, the fame and profit from writing books are not worth mentioning.

One thing must be mentioned here.

As a former professor, I think the leaders of Hogwarts are unqualified. Maybe they are always running around without doing their jobs.

I just hope that some people will not break my previous teaching efforts. The current situation is not good, and the young wizards should learn more useful things."

Shor felt that Lockhart's last few words were a bit weird. This was to respond to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore beside him also had a strange look on his face.

Shaw held back his laughter. Thinking about the relationship between Vita and Grindelwald, it was not surprising that Dumbledore would have such an attitude.

Vita was well-educated. It would be strange if someone else didn't curse him.

Burns saw Lockhart confessed. In order to be more rigorous, he confirmed with him one by one about the theft of adventure experiences.

"Three years ago, you were in the French Conte Tavern..."

Until Lockhart confirmed everything, Burns finally knocked on the hammer and announced.

"Girod Lockhart, stole other people's adventure experiences, wrote books for profit, abused the Oblivion Spell, and even colluded with the Dark Lord. The influence was extremely bad. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for multiple crimes."

As the verdict fell, a cheer of joy rang out in the crowd.


"Criminals should be punished!"

Of course, many witches cried bitterly. You know, Lockhart's fans back then were really scary.

After all, even a rational little witch like Hermione was like that.

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