On the attic of the White Garden of Malfoy Manor.

Shaw sat behind the desk flipping through the documents, the wind outside the window gently blowing his hair.

In front of the desk, Lucius bowed slightly, his demeanor more humble, silently waiting for Shaw's question.

The head of the Malfoy family also had the same thoughts as those little wizards in Hogwarts.

This devil who was neither black nor white seemed to be more and more friendly now, but he exuded an unquestionable majesty.

Shaw was looking at the list of the public trial.

In addition to the Quidditch coach Yorks who caused this incident, there were also Pettigrew, Lockhart and others.

These people were basically detained directly, and they were probably the ones who were sacrificed in the end.

There were also those who were hypocritical on the surface but greedy in secret on the list, such as Longbottom's uncle and some people who did not lean towards him.

These people were not alarmed for the time being, but just collected a lot of evidence.

As a superior, Shaw didn't care about the moral character of these people.

The crimes that deserve death are unforgivable, and the remaining ones who still have some bottom line, it depends on whether they are obedient.

After all, if you really want to investigate, there are really not many good people in the Pentagram who can withstand the investigation.

The purpose of the public trial is nothing more than a means of deterrence, suppression and subjugation, commonly known as power struggle.

Shaw saw another name at the end of the list, and he was stunned.


Isn't this person Fudge's man?

I heard that Umbridge is quite trusted by Fudge. According to gossip, the two fat guys seem to have several legs?

Although Shaw also hates this pink toad who is obsessed with power, why is an old witch so girly? Girly hearts are actually nothing, the key is that they are too eye-catching.

Shaw changed his mind and thought that although such people are disgusting, they are actually very suitable for doing dirty work and bearing infamy, and it is not painful to abandon them in the end.

So he asked Lucius with rare gossip.

"Lucius, what's the matter with this Umbridge? I heard that she seemed to be helping Fudge, how come she was also investigated?"

Lucius was surprised why Shaw mentioned this very annoying witch.

As the Chief Secretary for Administration, he knew all these people and personnel very well, so he talked about it.

"Sir, Umbridge was indeed Fudge's man before. In fact, half of Fudge's inexplicable ambitions and self-confidence were instigated by this person.

But although Fudge is still the Minister now, he can't be nepotistic, so this witch automatically applied to be transferred to the International Exchange Department after seeing no hope of further promotion, hoping to participate in the top five competition in the second half of the year.

With our in-depth investigation, this witch's hands and feet are also not clean, and she is unclear about Barty Crouch and some foreign forces."

Looking at the disgust flashing in Lucius' eyes, Shaw nodded in understanding.

Sure enough, Umbridge, a weirdo, is also a fly-like existence in the Ministry of Magic.

But Shaw has now passed the stage of judging people by their likes and dislikes, and he can squeeze water out of mud.

"Well, the trial will still be held, but the charges can be listed less. This person will still be useful in the future, and he cannot be beaten to death all at once."

"I understand, sir."

Lucius' eyes flashed with a trace of doubt, and he immediately felt uneasy.

After Shaw made a "super plan" for the pink toad, he didn't think much about it.

Put down the public trial list and picked up another document to read it.

The document also came with the transfer contract of the Rowle family's Hogwarts board of directors.

Shaw first read the document carefully.

It was about the process of "friendly" exchanges with the Rowle family and the layout of the United States, and it also elaborated on the political structure of the American magic world.

The current argument of the Rowle family is that they are pure bloods who moved to the United States later, and they were eventually squeezed out by the local pure bloods, so they wanted to reunite with the British pure bloods.

The truth is not known for the time being, and they are still testing each other.

The political power of the American magic world seems to be a parliamentary system, but the real power is basically in the hands of the descendants of the twelve Aurors who established the Congress.

The chairman of the Congress and high positions are basically in the hands of these people. In essence, it is similar to the Ministry of Magic in the UK, where pure-bloods are in power.

And for such a so-called free country, there is one most ironic thing, that is, the United States is the most stringent among all the ministries of magic in the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy.

In the UK and other magic circles, even if a Muggle-born wizard enters the magic world, the child can still contact his parents, and even put away his wand and marry a Muggle.

Only in the United States, as long as the Muggle-born wizard is detected to have magical talent, he must cut off all contact with his Muggle parents.

There is basically no possibility of intermarriage between Muggle and wizard. Once exposed, the Muggle lover can only have some memory cleansed.

For example, one of Grindelwald's assistants, Queenie, is a natural Legilimency master. SheShe fell in love with her Muggle boyfriend Jacob, who was a professional baker, but had to break up due to the law.

Finally, she decided to join the Witch Party and wanted to overturn the International Statute of Secrecy.

This system also gave rise to a lot of resistance. There are countless similar organizations in the American wizard community, and Ilvermorny School of Magic is the birthplace of this trend of thought.

Not only that, there is also an anti-magic organization called "Purgers" in the United States, most of whose members are Muggles and hate wizards very much.

Shaw was thinking about the complicated situation in the country in his mind, thinking about where to start.

It feels that simply leaning towards goods may be useless.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that the United States is also the current base camp of the wandering nation.

Then the strict confidentiality system and chaos unique to the American magic world, are they deliberately created by them, and what is the deep meaning?

Shaw felt more and more difficult, so he annotated a note on the information: continue to investigate in depth at all costs.

After handing the information to Lucius, he explained a few words seriously.

As for Lucius's explanation of the possible impure motives of the Rawl family.

Although Shaw was concerned, he didn't care and just told him to be more careful.

He picked up the school director's contract and rubbed it for a few times, drew his own magic signature and put it away with satisfaction.

Anyway, it would definitely not be a loss to take advantage first, as for turning against him?

Compared with the higher-level forces that Shaw is thinking about now, a small shrimp like Rawl who is a little interesting is really not worth spending more time on.

In the following time, Shaw looked at some other important matters about the pentagram.

It took two hours to leave Malfoy Manor.

Back to the old house, it was already late.

After washing up, Shaw returned to the bedroom, half lying on the bed, and took out a dazzling red stone from the ring.

It was the magic stone that magicians dream of, also known as the philosopher's stone.

Shaw also got it from Dumbledore after the dinner last night, and did not have time to study it more.

Dumbledore said that he had discussed this matter with Nick Flamel before, and only recently received a reply, and also said that Nick didn't know why he suddenly didn't want to die.

So he asked Shaw to remember to return the Philosopher's Stone after studying it.

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