As for the solution to Fluffy, the three-headed dog that is the biggest obstacle to the entrance to the restricted area on the fourth floor, Harry and his friends had actually "accidentally" learned from Hagrid.

So before opening the door, Harry took out a music box that he had prepared for a long time from his pocket, twisted the spring, and a melodious ding-dong sound rang out.

Hermione still reminded him.

"Are we really not going to notify other professors?"

Harry shook his head.

"No one will believe us. Professor McGonagall even warned us not to question it casually, saying that this is a serious accusation."

Draco didn't care. He actually didn't believe Harry's suspicion of Snape at all. He just followed to support Harry.


Harry said no more and directly used the door-opening spell to open the door.

What came into view was a huge three-headed dog. Even if the other party was crawling, its head was against the ceiling. .

Its three heads were extremely ferocious, with fangs exposed, but at this moment, the three-headed dog had fallen asleep, and the big dog was still drooling.

A white harp as tall as a person stood in the room, playing a piece of music in a loop.

"Snape has indeed gone down, let's hurry up."

Harry looked anxious, and after putting away the music box, he stepped forward and began to hold the big meat paw of the three-headed dog.

Draco and Hermione also stepped forward to help, and the three of them struggled to move the big paw away, revealing a trap door.

Then there was no sudden interruption of the bloody plot of the harp.

Harry had been here last year, and he almost died with Ron in the devil's snare below.

He and Hermione had told the general situation below, and after opening the trap door, the three of them jumped down one by one without hesitation.

A year ago or in the original book, the three might still be cautious.

But now the trio has good knowledge and ability. They are still a small group in the weekly spell training class and have learned to cooperate with each other.

Now there is no one who is lagging behind, so the speed of passing the levels is not slow.

For example, in the first level, Draco cast the flame to drive away the devil Teng when he fell, and Hermione quickly cast the levitation spell on the three people, which was extremely easy.

In the second level, Harry rode a broom to chase the door key hidden in the sky of fake keys. Draco cast the armor spell, and Hermione cast the obstacle spell and opened the door. This level was also passed quickly.

The third level is empty. Last year, there was a giant monster here.

Soon, the three came to the large wizard chess board arranged by Professor McGonagall.

In the huge black and white camps, there are 16 lifelike deformed flags.

The majestic king and the noble queen hold long swords, the knights holding lances ride on handsome war horses and war elephants, and there are soldiers holding scimitars in the front row.

Harry and the other two held their wands nervously, looking at each other in bewilderment.

Although everyone knows how to play a little wizard chess, no one is really proficient in it.

However, they are all quite capable now, and they also admire Shaw's approach: overcoming all difficulties with force.

Draco gritted his teeth and took out the alchemical poker with the ten of spades.

"Why not just use this to open the way."

Harry looked at the poker and wanted it so badly, but he couldn't obey Shaw completely.

Shaw didn't mean to give him one because of their good relationship.

Hermione shook her head.

"Use the trump card when you encounter difficulties. How to improve our actual combat effectiveness? Let me try the power of these chess pieces first."

Hermione said as she stepped forward to command a white soldier to move forward, and the black soldier immediately drew his scimitar.

The black soldier was cut in half with a clang, and stone chips flew.

The three people's eyes twitched when they saw this scene.

Harry took a deep breath and analyzed.

"Although the transformed chess pieces are very powerful in close combat, they are still within the acceptable range. Let's use the old method. I will be responsible for the main attack, Draco will defend, and Hermione will disturb the enemy. Don't hold back this time. We must use all our strength."

Harry said, leading the charge towards the opposite black camp, and Draco followed closely.

Hermione's other tactic just at the tip of her tongue was aborted, so she could only stomp her feet and follow.

They just crossed the black and white border because they did not play chess normally according to the rules of the chess game.

So all the black chess pieces quickly woke up from silence and did not play according to the regular 90-degree horizontal and vertical moves.

Eight tall-headed and helmeted soldiers quickly approached the trio under the movement of the chess mounds, and all drew their sabers and raised them high, ready to chop down.

Although Harry was nervous, he was very excited.

He waved the wand in his hand quickly at the two black soldiers blocking the way, and in order to maximize the power of the spell, he directly shouted the spell.

"Disarm your weapons!"*2

Two red lights as thick as arms twisted and shot directly at the sabers in the black soldiers' hands.

"Boom! Boom!"

Not only did the sabers in the hands of the two black soldiers explode, but also the upper parts of their bodies wereHis body was also affected and half of his body was blown off, basically losing the ability to move.

Harry was quite satisfied with the result.

His innate spell, the Disarming Spell, was indeed powerful. Although he had never comprehended the fifth level, the top fourth-level Disarming Spell was superior to the young wizards below the fifth grade.

The first six black soldiers to gather around were Draco and Hermione, and they also began to perform their team cooperation.


"Armor protection!"*2

The two of them usually put in countless sweat for their professional spells, and the casting speed was also very fast, directly using one and two.

"Bang Bang!"

The four black soldiers who were farther away were blocked by the Obstacle Spell, and their movement speed was greatly reduced.

The two black soldiers who were already close at hand, swung their powerful scimitars but were also blocked by the blue shield.

The three did not fight.

Hermione continued to guard the rear, while Harry and Draco continued to charge forward, and immediately met two elephant knights and two horse knights.

These two chess pieces not only had mounts, but also looked more gorgeous. The knights wore fine and heavy armor, and their movements were more agile.

The knight on the mount thrust the two-meter-long spear in his hand straight, with a sound of breaking through the air, and the power was still quite terrifying.

Harry and Draco could not judge the opponent's defense, so they could only wave their wands twice in a row.

The red light rose again, hitting the two elephant knights in the middle, and the blue shield stood up again, blocking the horse knights on both sides.

"Disarm you!"*2

Armor protects you!"*2

"Boom boom!"

"Bang bang! "

The rubble flew and smoke rose.

A small blood mark was scratched on Harry's face, and the rising dust temporarily blocked his vision.

He didn't bother to wipe the blood off his face, and used his memory to cast two more disarming spells to the far right.

Draco also felt the sound of breaking air coming from the dust on the far left, which frightened him.

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