"Helena, Hogwarts must have been beautiful a thousand years ago."

"Yes, the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest and the mermaids in the Black Lake would come out to interact with the little wizards,..., although the current Hogwarts is ancient and long-standing, and is becoming more and more lively, it has become more utilitarian and impetuous."

"But I heard that when Hogwarts was first built, there was a lot of pressure from the outside world."

"A thousand years ago was also a turbulent era node. Due to some reasons, many powerful dark wizards emerged. Fortunately, Hogwarts has four legends sitting in charge, all of which blocked the danger outside the school gate."


Shor and Ms. Grey "casually" chatted for an afternoon, satisfying the lonely female ghost's desire to talk.

He also heard a lot of historical anecdotes. After the sun set, the two agreed to chat next time.

After saying goodbye, Mr. Shaw strolled in the corridor of the castle, thinking and summarizing the gains of this chat.

Let's not talk about other things for now.

Ms. Grey basically talked about everything about the other three founders, including his mother, and Shaw only needed to make some appropriate comments.

Only when Shaw "accidentally" mentioned Hufflepuff, Ms. Grey just summarized Aunt Helga as a person who was devoted to teaching and very tolerant.

The others were just ignored.

She pretended not to hear Shaw's vague mention of the secret passage in the Forbidden Forest.

Now that I think about it, Helga's deeds should not be simple, and this founder must have been really good to Ms. Grey back then, so she kept it secret for her.

Shaw can't do it for the time being, so he can only wait until he gets the gold cup in the future. Ms. Grey will always talk about it when she sees it, right?

As for the other three founders' backhands.

Rowena Ravenclaw basically doesn't need to pay much attention to her, after all, the crown has been destroyed, but she can often chat with Ms. Grey.

Godric Gryffindor's relics include a sword and a hat, and he can find an opportunity to study this kind of demigod creation.

Salazar Slytherin's backhand is the most secretive and the most difficult to discover. The founder went north to Northern Europe and his whereabouts are unknown, leaving a secret room waiting for the snakewood wand to be activated.

As for the locket that he had obtained before, he would study it again when he went to Albania. He did not want to let Tom explore the locket directly.

There are many things, but he can only do them one by one.

After thinking it through, he took out the communication poker and sent a message to Tom and Theodore.

Shaw put away the poker and just walked down the seventh floor when a pearly white ghost blocked him. It was Sir Barrow.

The ghost first glared at Shaw fiercely, and saw Shaw's calm and unmoved look.

He could only change his expression to be earnest or even pleading.

"Shor, please don't hurt Helena, okay? She is already pitiful enough."

Shaw raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at this equally pitiful and hateful person.

"I didn't mean to hurt Ms. Grey. It's just your imagination. Wouldn't it be good for Ms. Grey to have a friend who can talk? She wanders aimlessly in the castle without a friend. Isn't that more pitiful?"

Barrow said with disdain.

"Shor, you can't fool me. You are the same as Tom Riddle. You are both good at pretending. Helena is too simple. I don't think she needs a friend like you."

Shor shook his head. He didn't understand the other party's logic. He didn't point out that Barrow killed Ms. Grey, but he refuted it.

"Barrow, you are not qualified to make decisions for Ms. Grey. Okay, even if I am really pretending.

But if I keep pretending and treat Helena as a true friend, you have no right to blame me before I let her down."

After saying this, Shaw didn't want to get entangled with Barrow anymore, so he bypassed him and continued to walk downstairs.

Barrow's expression changed. After struggling for a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and shouted behind him.

"Shor, if you don't get close to Helena, I can tell you some Slytherin secrets, such as the thousand-year chamber left by the teacher."

Shor paused, and after quickly weighing the pros and cons, he only left a righteous sentence: "Helena is my friend, and I will not use her as a bargaining chip."

His decisive choice and leaving without looking back made Barrow confused for a while. Could it be that he was the villain?


In order to avoid trouble, Shaw put on the Disillusionment Charm.

Along the way, he suddenly saw that the little wizards were always holding hands in pairs, and some bold ones even started hugging and kissing in the corridor.

He remembered that today is February 14th, which is Valentine's Day in the West.

In the original book, Lockhart today will invite a group of dwarves, let these magical creatures that are uglier and shorter than elves carry wings on their backs, hold small bows and arrows and dress up as Cupid.

Then pinch your throat and start reading love letters to the little wizards, which is very funny and noisy.

Although there are no those nowDwarfs, but there are still people who can't do anything fancy.

For example, the twins who turned into bitter faces suddenly rushed behind a couple who were sitting together, holding hands, and whispering sweet words.

George picked up the violin and began to play a harsh tune that made him want to cry, while Fred kept taking out a lot of petals from his pocket and scattering them in the sky, falling on the couple's heads.

The little witch broke free from the little wizard's tightly grasped hand, shook the petals on her head, wanted to cover her ears, and looked at her boyfriend strangely.

The little wizard also thought the twins were very noisy, but said with a smug face.

"Leos, how about it, are you surprised? Is it romantic? Can we kiss in the rain of flowers?"

"Romantic, huh!"

Leos looked at the countless strange eyes around her, embarrassed and wanted to die on the spot, she stepped hard on her boyfriend's foot, covered her face and ran away.


The little wizard cried out in pain while covering his foot, but he got up anxiously and limped to chase his girlfriend.

But he was immediately stopped by the twins.

"Hey, Abra, you haven't paid yet, 10 silver Sickles."

Abra was furious.

"Your crappy service drove my girlfriend away, and the violin you played sounded like a funeral tune, the petals were all rotten, and you still have the nerve to ask for money!"

George still hugged the other's hand tightly and began to complain.

"This is because Leos is thin-skinned. Didn't you think it was super romantic before? Didn't you see that everyone else was envious?"

Seeing that Abra still didn't want to pay, Fred whispered in his ear, pretending to be pitiful and threatening.

"We are now heavily in debt and are desperate. How dare you default on our service fee?

Humph, I will spread the news that you are a terrible kisser and your girlfriend dislikes you throughout Hogwarts! I will also block you every day on the way home from school."

The little wizard Abra's eyes widened. He didn't expect that there are such shameless people in the world.

So in the end, he had to give in.

After he left, the twins took the money, but they were not happy at all. After all, the difference was far away.

Then they started to harm the next couple.

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