Shaw's elegant image, gentle demeanor and gentle words today made Kingsley and Tonks a little stunned.

Is this still the domineering Black with full leadership temperament in the venue?

Tonks was taught by her mother's aristocratic manners, and was embarrassed by Shaw's demeanor.

Feeling that his sloppy appearance was a bit inappropriate, he quickly retracted his pig nose to restore his appearance and spit the bubble gum into the trash can.

And Kingsley confirmed again that the phoenix being bullied was Fawkes.

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he bowed to Shaw and greeted him peacefully.

"Hello, Mr. Black, you have treated Tonks and me very well. We have no complaints, but we don't know when you can let us leave."

Shaw smiled warmly and did not answer immediately. He put the two wands on the coffee table first.

Then he reached out and summoned a high chair, took out a white jade crescent 13-string harp from the ring and placed it in his arm, stepped on the pedal with one foot, and slowly sat up before saying to Kingsley

"Listen to me play a song, and you can leave."

This mysterious operation directly confused Kingsley and Tonks.

Shaw didn't care about them.

He started to play with concentration, and the slender fingers of his right hand passed over the harp.

"Ding Dong~ Ding Dong."

A gentle and pleasant melody sounded in the room, calling Kingsley and Tonks back to their senses.

And their restless emotions were quickly soothed by the gurgling sound of a stream in the middle of the night.

"Ding Dong~ Ding Dong."

The simple and beautiful melody, like raindrops falling and echoing in a silent well, has a bit of inexplicable meaning in the silence.

In the slow and depressed state, it seems to be appealing for something.

Is it that I don't know where to go in the trapped state, or that I am the only one awake in the complicated world.

Tonks couldn't help but look up at Shaw, who was dressed in white, holding a crescent harp and playing the piano quietly, and there was a trace of loneliness.

She felt distressed for no reason.

Although Kingsley didn't understand music, he was moved by Shaw's simple but infectious sad music.

It seemed that I saw an ignorant and helpless boy, walking alone in a narrow and cold alley paved with cobblestones.

The people around him were indifferent, and they would come up to insult and beat the little boy from time to time.

The little boy had blood in his mouth, and he ignored those pedantic people and continued to move forward.

The noisy crowd gradually faded away behind him, and there was an endless night ahead.

Suddenly, Kingsley and Tonks heard the melody change and gradually became excited, but at this time, a sonorous bird song and a phoenix song that could bring hope joined the melody at the same time.

It was like a beam of light shining from the black night, reflecting the boy's brilliant light

The two woke up from their immersion and looked at the purple shadow and the phoenix above Shaw's head, and the two handsome creatures spread their wings and circled.



It was unclear whether the two birds' chirping was for cooperation or comfort, but Shaw had never cooperated with them before, and his music theory was not that profound. He had just upgraded from a simple seven-string to a thirteen-string.

The reason why Kingsley and Tonks felt involved was that he used some resonance magic, and secondly, Shaw's true investment of emotion and will.

And now there were two troublemakers with good intentions, so he had to stop playing half of the song.

Shaw shook his head slightly, stood up, put away the piano, and said gently to Kingsley and Tonks.

"Okay, that's all I can say now. You can go now.

By the way, tell your comrade Lupin to go to the Werewolf Management Department of the Ministry of Magic to get the werewolf potion. This is a public welfare. Don't worry about being wronged or owed a favor."

Kingsley shook his head and quickly got rid of the thoughts in his head, looking at Shaw with a complicated look.

He was actually empathized by the other party just now. If it weren't for his strong character, if it weren't for his different standpoints, if Shaw was standing at the Phoenix Order meeting now.

He might have agreed with the other party.

Kingsley took a deep breath, hesitated and agreed.

"Okay, I will tell and persuade."

For Lupin, the werewolf potion was really unaffordable. The family conditions of other members of the Phoenix Order were not very good, so they really couldn't help much.

Kingsley took his wand and said goodbye to Shaw.

"Mr. Black, thank you for your hospitality these two days. We'll leave first. Goodbye."

After saying that, he took Tonks, who was still a little dazed, and walked out.

Shaw watched them leave gently.

After being taught by Vita for a while, he has a lot of experience in winning over his subordinates. In fact, it is very simple.

Just treat the symptoms.

For Kingsley and Tonks,For such principled people, coercion and inducement are useless.

Then you can only take a stand and "show your mind", showing your kindness and wisdom.

And show a higher and greater ambition than them, so that they will be truly convinced.

Sometimes it is necessary to instill some sacrifice, rather than simply being cruel and inhumane.

Well, this is also the usual method of the old bee.

Just now, I used music and magic to show my mind. Looking at the state of the two people, I feel that the bewitching effect is good. This skill can be strengthened in the future. It must be a good appetizer before the speech.

As for studying Tonks's disguised Animagus, Shaw had already studied it before Tonks changed the Dark Mark after she was knocked unconscious by her own anaconda.

He even drew a tube of blood and sent it to Snape for "testing".

As for locking these two people up for three days, one is to teach them a necessary lesson, and the other is for today's "listening to my song".

It is definitely not that I forgot in a hurry!

Shaw is not trying to change the attitude and impression of these self-righteous people towards him now.

It only takes gentle persuasion.

The two who had walked out of the manor without any obstacles looked at each other in surprise when they stood in the snow.

Tonks rubbed her stiff face, which had just maintained her demeanor, and said hesitantly.

"Boss, we are just here for three days of eating and drinking, and then we were released after listening to half a song?"

"What do you want? To be drilled or skinned?"

Kingsley realized it later and felt it was very dreamy, but as a top Auror, he still knew how to grasp the key points.

"Whether Shaw is kind or hypocritical, the key is Fawkes. Not to mention whether Dumbledore asked it to follow Shaw, but the phoenix does not follow evil people. Fawkes' attitude towards Shaw can explain a lot of problems."

Tonks' red hair suddenly turned black, and she said a little embarrassedly.

"In fact, Shaw is quite pitiful. He has been wandering since he was a child. When he first entered the magic world, he was oppressed by all parties. If he had not been gifted in magic, what would he be like now... cough cough, so it seems normal that he used to be a bit extreme, but now..."

Kingsley did not stop Tonks from mumbling. He knew that this young girl must have been influenced by Shaw, and he could not say anything to guide her.

He was also thinking complicatedly, and shook his head and said to Tonks.

"This mission is over, and your results are still unqualified. Okay, go home."

Then he Apparated away in a flash.

"Kingsley, you damn bastard!"

Tonks pointed at the place where Kingsley disappeared and cursed.

After a while, he looked back at Malfoy Manor, sighed secretly, and teleported away.

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