As everyone's breathing became heavier, it was 7 o'clock.

Shaw crossed the crowd and came to a high platform in the lounge, looking at the students who gathered there coldly.

Seeing them yawning and looking lazy, he was so angry. Is this an elite college?

However, Shaw had learned that it was not all the students' fault.

Because the wizarding society is too small, good jobs are really scarce, internal competition is serious, and the trend of being lazy is prevalent.

The magic of magic is easy to be self-sufficient. People who do not pursue a high-quality life generally have no desire to become stronger.

Therefore, the courses at Hogwarts are relatively relaxed. Under a certain concept of Dumbledore, the basic practice is "happy education".

Classes are held at 9 o'clock every day. After a big class in the morning, it is time to eat again. Two classes in the afternoon last until five o'clock, and the day's courses are basically over.

Therefore, people who are not particularly self-disciplined and studious basically cannot learn much in school.

However, I will be a man who is determined to break the Statute of Secrecy and collect leeks of faith value from all over the world in the future.

In this process, a large number of talents are naturally needed. Since the succession of the wizarding spirit has not yet begun, we can only cultivate it ourselves.

So from today on, the relaxed learning atmosphere of Hogwarts will no longer exist, and the starting point is Slytherin.

At this moment, everyone present was looking at Shaw, wondering what he was going to announce and how to deal with those who did not arrive.

Shaw was a ruthless man who didn't say much. He just took out his wand and waved it.

At the entrance of the dormitory, dozens of small blue water snakes slowly gathered. They began to swim through the cracks in the door into the dormitories with closed doors.

After a while, muffled screams sounded one after another, and students with disheveled clothes and soaked bodies fled from the dormitory in a mess.

Many people's steps were trembling and frivolous. This was not because of the cold, but because they were electrocuted.

Several students who came out first began to curse.

"Fuck, Shaw, are you crazy!"

"Damn pure-blood scum, I'm going to tell the dean that you attacked us."

"Ah, you will be expelled, this time for sure!"


These people not only swore at Shaw, but also drew their wands to cast a spell on Shaw.

But before they could finish the spell, a blue anaconda coiled over their heads and instantly wrapped several people in its body.

Shaw had used the water prison technique many times and had some experience. He could make the water prison hollow and grow tentacles with electric current from time to time to touch the people in the prison. In this way, punishment can be achieved without injury, and it can also make people remember deeply.

No wonder the name of "Yang Dial Therapy", the nemesis of Internet addiction in the previous life, was so notorious.

The students who came out later, looking at the miserable appearance of several people in the anaconda, were so scared that they shut their mouths and immediately recalled the fear of being dominated on the train yesterday.

Shaw ignored those people and continued to speak indifferently.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, as the new headmaster, for the glory of Slytherin, I will announce four things."

"First, everyone must maintain an elegant demeanor at all times. Slytherin does not need sloppy and vulgar people. Walking, sitting and lying must be meticulous."

"Second, abide by the study plan I set. Slytherin does not need ignorant people. From now on, all members will gather in the lounge at 7 o'clock every day for an hour of self-study in the morning, and gather at 7 o'clock in the evening for an hour of self-study in the evening."

"Third, set up a spell guidance club. Slytherin does not need weaklings. In the future, I will spend time teaching you spells on Saturdays and Sundays."

"Fourth, and the most important thing is to strictly prohibit blood discrimination. Don't mention pure blood supremacy. If I hear one sentence, I will punish you severely!"

Shor said it with great force. Naturally, some people who were dissatisfied wanted to interrupt, but the water prison technique taught them how to be human.

Of course there will be resistance, but it's not a big deal. Just spend more magic to suppress it. The old bee's trick is really useful.

So with a burst of squeaking accompaniment, Shaw continued.

"The prefects of each grade, including the invisible prefect, will have a small meeting with me in a while. Well, Draco will be the prefect of the first grade in the future."

"Okay, now you can speak. Who is in favor? Who is against?"

After speaking, except for a few troublemakers trapped in the water dungeon and foaming at the mouth, no one dared to speak in the lounge. They all looked at Shaw in horror.

Even Draco, who was the prefect, opened his eyes wide.

After a while, it was Alice who responded to Shaw. She came to the front of the crowd and said loudly.

"The chief is right. The atmosphere of Slytherin should have changed long ago. Elegance, strength, and honor are what we should pursue, not blind arrogance, which will only lead to self-destruction!"

Draco's face kept changing, his fists were clenched tightly, and his mind kept thinkingThinking about what Shaw said to him last night,

Finally, he also stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"I support the chief! Powerful, noble, and glorious, that's the real Slytherin!"

Goyle and Crabbe were two yes-men, foolishly following and shouting.

Then, except for a few people, the first and second grade students also stepped forward to gather under Shaw's stage.

As Draco's childhood sweetheart, lion-headed Pansy Parkinson couldn't help but get anxious and hurried forward to pull Draco.

"Draco, you're crazy, do you know what you're doing! Uncle Malfoy will kill you."

Draco shook off Pansy's hand and roared madly.

"I know what I'm doing! The glory of pure blood has long been a thing of the past. I want to become stronger and rebuild the glory of my family, instead of holding on to decadent ideas and slowly waiting to die!"

Pansy felt that she didn't know Draco, a playmate who only knew how to "summon daddy" no matter what he did, and she was so confused.

The heir of the Malfoy family announced his support for Shaw, and gradually, more and more people raised their hands and shouted Shaw's name.

"Noble, powerful, glorious!"

"Shore, Shaw, Shaw!"


These shouting people also automatically squeezed out the pale and silent students from the crowd.

And these people are basically the so-called "pure blood" and their followers, plus a few troublemakers who fell out of the water dungeon, there are about twenty or so, from all grades.

Shaw looked at the eyes of the students and felt very happy.

He looked at the progress of the system task [Conquer Hogwarts (First Ring)], which is already 95%.

Well, it seems that those troublemakers have to be dealt with a few more times. It is estimated that at least they will not be irritated in public to complete the task of the first ring. As for painting cakes for people now? It's useless. In the eyes of these people, his Black family has already declined and can't give any actual benefits. It's better to cut the Gordian knot and directly use power and strength to force them. This is the most direct and fastest way to complete the task!

After a few seconds of silence, he raised his hand to signal the shouting crowd to quiet down, and then said to those who were dissatisfied.

"You can disagree with my ideas and rules, I don't care, but since you are in Slytherin, and I am the head, I will never allow you to be mediocre! You can privately criticize and insult me, but if you don't follow my rules, hum, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Shor's domineering aura made many people admire him. The younger the person, the more fanatical he was.

Even Theodore Nott, a 28th grade pure-blooded student in the first grade, cheered for Shaw, and her sixth-grade sister Gloria would not leave no matter how she persuaded him in a low voice. (Duoduo's character is not distorted, there will be a detailed explanation later)

Alice's heart was pounding, and people like Shaw were men worth following.

In her eyes, Shaw was really shining at this moment!

The twenty-odd people stammered, still wanting to refute indignantly, but when they saw several of their companions still twitching on the ground, they shut up tactfully.

They made up their minds to go to Snape to complain and write a letter to their families!

Seeing no objection, Shaw waved his hand and ordered.

"Since we are a little late today, we won't have morning self-study. You should clean up the common room and rearrange it to be suitable for study. Other prefects, follow me."

Shaw took the lead and walked towards his room.

There are 6 regular prefects in Slytherin, two each in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, plus four shadow prefects, exactly 10.

However, only 7 people obeyed Shaw's words. Those who didn't follow up included the sixth-grade female prefect Gloria Nott, the seventh-grade male prefect Montague, and a fourth-grade shadow prefect, all of whom were part of the group of people who refused to obey.

When Xiao Eryou reached the dormitory entrance, he suddenly turned around and looked at the three people who were still hesitating, and said coldly.

"Do you still want me to treat you? How about I ask the dean to directly deprive you of your status as class leaders?"

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