Shaw walked to the corridor and did not urge Harry to spend more time with Sirius.

With nothing to do, he began to patrol the heavy criminal area.

Just now, his attention was all on Sirius, but now that he came out, he noticed something strange here.

Too quiet.

Before he came here, he had learned about Azkaban.

He knew that even with the presence of Dementors, these prisoners were crazy and noisy.

Shaw patrolled the area. He didn't know these people, most of whom were hardcore Death Eaters.

And now these people were all curled up and their faces couldn't be seen clearly. Only a limited number of people who had read the information recognized them.

In the end, he had to take a look at the cell opposite Sirius. Shaw was familiar with the one curled up inside.

It was Theodore's father, Old Nott, who was also the one with the best complexion among the heavy criminals.

Shaw thought that the other party had just come in not long ago, so he didn't think much about it. The only thing that was a bit miserable about the other party was that his exposed thigh was swollen red and purple.

Shaw wondered if Azkaban didn't provide medical treatment to prisoners?

There was more mental punishment here, no physical punishment.

He immediately became suspicious, cut the lock with a spell, kicked open the cell door and walked in.

Old Nott still didn't open his eyes, but his rapid breathing still showed his nervousness.

Shaw dispersed his Legilimency, but didn't notice any strange emotions and thoughts.

After considering it for a while, he still used his wand to probe Old Nott's swollen thigh in the air. There was still nothing wrong with the thigh, just a normal reaction after a normal fall without treatment.

Shaw raised his eyebrows, and for Theodore's sake, he took out some healing potions and food from the ring and put them on the ground.

"Theodore is doing well now."

After saying this lightly, Shaw walked out of the cell.

Then he came to the cell next door where Bella was imprisoned.

Bella did not curl up, and was the only one among the serious criminals who showed a crazy smile after seeing Shaw.

She was also disheveled, and her facial features were a little distorted. She smiled at Shaw.

"Are you Shaw Black? Come to see Sirius? Hey, I didn't expect Regulus to have a child. Little guy, did you bring any delicious food? Give some to your aunt?"

Shaw didn't expect Bella to be so familiar with him. It was not surprising that the other party knew him. After all, serious criminals would have newcomers.

He took out some fragrant food from the ring and put it in the fence, causing the Death Eaters pretending to be dead in several nearby cells to swallow their saliva.

Bella ignored her image and quickly climbed to the fence, grabbed it with her dirty hands and put it into her mouth.

Although Azkaban does not deduct food, the food in the prison is not very delicious. Every day, the prisoners are given mashed potatoes mixed with a few beef granules, which is very disgusting.

Eating one or two meals is not a big deal, but eating every meal is simply another kind of psychological torture.

Shaw also gave Bella some pumpkin juice considerately.

The other party took the pot and started drinking from mouth to mouth, which was quite heroic.

Shaw was so patient not because he sympathized with this cousin, but actually wanted to ask where Lestrange's key to Gringotts was.

Shaw had someone communicate with the goblins in Gringotts. Even if he said that he would give up part of the property in Lestrange's vault to the goblins, these goblins would still not be moved.

Apart from other things, these goblins still hold on to their "credibility", although they have already determined that Lestrange's property is already in the goblins' pockets.

But they must be righteous in their mouths.

Shaw had no choice but to rob Gringotts directly or to start a plot from Bella.

But before he could speak, Bella, who had eaten and drunk enough, wiped her mouth, shrank back into the corner, and laughed crazily at Shaw.

"Shore, you can go back now, hehe, don't think about Lestrange's property, the master will definitely come to save us, and those treasures will be used for future rebellion."

Shaw was choked, and hesitated whether to use the Dark Mark to send a signal to this unscrupulous Bella at close range.

Or use truth serum.

Just think about it.

He had just begun to slowly whitewash the Death Eaters and establish his own great and glorious image.

There was really no need to create too big a stain here, and he didn't want to accept this group of ultimate scum in Azkaban.

If he really wanted to give Bella a hint that he was the "Dark Lord", wouldn't the other party let him take her out immediately?

Wouldn't the heavy criminal area explode together?

That was almost equivalent to the wizarding world knowing about it.

After weighing the pros and cons, Shaw decided that it would be better to rob Gringotts directly, since he had been annoyed with those goblins for a long time.

So Shaw smiled at Bella calmly.

"The Black family has enough wealth, and I don't care about Lestrange's wealth."

Bella was holdingThe food residue on her fingers did not object to what Shaw said, and she was quite proud.

"Of course, Black is the oldest pure blood, Lestrange is nothing.

If there was no other choice at the time, and my father was so strong, who would marry Rodolphus Lestrange, a coward."

Shor looked at Bella talking to herself crazily, shook his head and stood up.

Just as he was about to leave, Bella's rare serious tone came from behind.

"Shor, no matter how close you are to Muggles, you must remember that you are the ancient and noble Black, and the Black ancestral motto is to be pure forever!"

Shor paused, didn't say much, and continued to look at other Death Eaters.

Especially Bella's husband Rodolphus Lestrange. If Bella didn't speak, there was still this person.

But he had just stood in front of Rodolphus' cell, and a very thin and expressionless man inside glanced at Shaw and said with disdain,

"You pure-blood traitor, no need to ask, I know nothing."

Shor's eyes narrowed slightly, without getting angry, and turned directly to Sirius' cell.

He felt even more weird.

Because these people were too calm, Bella even had the leisure to tease herself a little.

He seemed very sure about Voldemort's return in his words.

He thought about it in his heart and had to ask someone to check whether anyone had come to visit the prison recently and told these Death Eaters something they shouldn't say.

He also had to strengthen the defense here. Dementors were not trustworthy at all. Only those magic officials who took the easy way out in the past firmly believed that this creature would not betray.

It was not necessary now, otherwise Shaw could have made these Dementors turn against him now.

Arriving in front of Sirius' cell, he said to the father and son who were talking endlessly inside.

"Harry, it's getting late, we should go."

Harry was indeed crazy about love. After Sirius told him about his and James' deeds in the past, he basically had no doubts.

Now he stood up reluctantly and said goodbye to Sirius, which gave Shaw goose bumps.

When Harry came out, Shaw didn't want to talk nonsense with Sirius, the traitor of the family, and was about to turn around and leave.

But Sirius spoke.

"Harry said you are a good person, I hope you are really a good person, if I can really get out, I will definitely keep a close eye on you."

Shor's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he turned around and wanted to give this ungrateful Sirius a big bite.

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