Wingo Castle is the ancestral home of the Greengrass family.

The name of the patriarch Wingo was taken from a grandfather, so it is not surprising that it has the same name as the ancestral home.

Wingo is now the leader of the first armed force in the UK, at least the number of armed forces under his command is more than Aurors and strikers.

Although the power is not yet prominent, it is still very popular.

So Wingo Castle has been very lively recently, with people coming and going. It is not only a training ground for several carefully selected combat teams.

And some pure-blood patriarchs also visit every few days, all wanting to seek a captain position for their nephews.

Today, the handsome old man Wingo just dealt with old Travers, and then old Flint came again.

This big guy is also interesting. His son Marcus is still in school, so he wants to graduate early and join the combat department.

Originally, this is nothing. Considering that they are all twenty-eight clans, it is not too much for Wingo to be a small captain.

But after learning about Marcus's situation, Wengo felt a toothache.

Among the twelve subjects in Hogwarts, Marcus did not pass any of them among the ordinary wizards in the fifth grade, and he only took a divination class in the advanced class.

Divination class needs to be taken in an advanced class? Isn't it a subject that someone predicted that the more miserable he and his family died, the better the grades would be?

Wengo had a headache. He could be partial to some extent, but he couldn't be blind.

After finally sending old Flint away, he rubbed his brows and strolled to the training ground opened in the backyard.

It can be said that Wengo also invested a lot of money. The training ground is well-equipped, and professionals were invited to use the traceless extension spell to expand the area.

Not only is there enough medicine for injuries here, but even a retired St. Mungo's retired medical practitioner was invited to stay.

At this moment, the large training ground was simulated into various terrains according to the training manual, including jungles, beaches, streets, etc.

Countless combat units with four people in a team went in and out of these simulated terrains.

From time to time, some people who were limping came out and found a place to apply white moss on themselves, while those who were lying on stretchers were sent to the medical room by their teammates.

Wen Ge greeted the passers-by warmly and walked towards an office.

The office was presided over by Mr. Meng, who was sent by Shaw. He was concentrating on reading the training reports reported from various training bases, and adjusting the order of the captains and team members from time to time.

Wen Ge did not interrupt, sat on a chair next to him, took the report approved by Mr. Meng, and took up a pen to annotate it after reading it.

However, he occasionally picked out a few reports with different opinions and put them aside.

Half an hour later, Mr. Meng put down his pen, handed the last few reports to Wen Ge, and waited silently.

Although Shaw let Wen Ge preside over the Operations Department, which is equivalent to a military department, he would not let him do whatever he wanted and let him dominate.

Although there were not many students who graduated last year who were loyal to Shaw, there were still some like Mr. Meng.

So naturally, they were all sent to the most important Operations Department.

Everyone else joined the team, and Mrs. Montgomery was nominally an auditor, but in fact, she was the person who divided the power and checked the balance.

Wengo was worldly-wise and knew it well, but he didn't say anything and cooperated very well.

Although he was deceived by Lucius for his daughter's matter and pledged his loyalty to Shaw, he still didn't get his trust.

To put it bluntly, he was just lucky.

This position, at this point in time, was suitable for him.

If Shaw's real confidant had grown up a few years later, he probably wouldn't have had anything to do.

My daughter wrote to me a few days ago, saying that Shaw had made some progress in his research on the blood curse.

And my daughter also said that even if she couldn't save him, it didn't matter, Shaw was a Parseltongue, and even if she couldn't turn back to human form and lost her humanity in the future, with Shaw in the middle, she could stay by her side.

This almost broke the defense of Wengo, who was in his 50s, and he worked more attentively.

Wengo put down the last bit of the report, pointed to a few reports he had drawn, and looked up and said patiently to Mrs. Montgomery, who had a serious face.

"I know you are serious and responsible. You are not satisfied with these pure-blood captains who are just filling in the gaps and want to demote them to ordinary team members.

But the Operations Department is newly established. In addition to achieving results, it must also be stable. Now is not wartime, so the selection of several captains and a captain is not a big deal.

In order to appease those restless pure-bloods, this temporary concession is necessary. I have obtained Lord Black's permission for this."

Meng Tai's serious eyes flashed with thought, and finally nodded.

"Director, you are right. Since the Lord has agreed, I naturally have no objection."

Then he changed the previous comments on the report back.

Wen Ge saw that Meng Tai had finished his work, stood up and extended his hand to invite.

"Let's go and see the training of the team members together."

Meng Tai hesitated. He actually knew his mission and didn't want to get too close to Wen Ge.

Wen Ge had investigated the situation of Meng Tai's family and was down and out.Pure-blood families basically have nothing to rely on.

He had been against Shaw in school, but he was still valued, which shows that this person still has some talent, and also shows Shaw's broad mind.

He smiled gently.

"On the surface, we still need to be more harmonious."

Meng Tai was stunned for a moment, then stood up and bowed.

"The director is right."

Then the two walked towards a high platform, from which they could almost overlook the situation in the entire training ground.

The coordination of more than a dozen teams was scattered, the command was contradictory, and some team members were even chatting.

The combat team is still in the process of running-in, and the Death Eaters used to be lax in the past, so the training situation in the field is not very disciplined and well-trained.

Even these are the elites selected from the Death Eaters, you can imagine how chaotic it is elsewhere.

And those who suppress these people are still training honestly, with the reputation of the two demon kings, and the rest are excellent conditions.

Except for those pure-bloods who want to restore their glory, few ordinary wizards are willing to be dark wizards if their living conditions are good.

Now, Shaw is drawing on the pure-bloods to raise these people. The conditions he offers are basically comparable to those of the Ministry of Magic Aurors, and most people are happy to cooperate.

A small number of Death Eaters who are still lax and disobedient have been sent to other departments. Some of the excessive ones have even been secretly "sent" to Pierce to improve their political achievements.

Shaw's plan is also simple. Those who don't listen at all will be directly abandoned. Those with average attitudes will be kept first. After appeasing them, they can be replaced in batches without making a sound.

In three to five years, the Death Eater Organization can be directly renamed as a subordinate department of the Throne.

Wengo frowned as he looked at the training situation.

"We lack an experienced chief instructor. Otherwise, what kind of combat effectiveness will we have if we continue to train like this."

Mrs. Montano nodded.

"The progress is indeed not optimistic. Although there is an adult training manual, self-study is ultimately not the key."

Wengo pondered for a while.

"Well, Moody is a good candidate, but unfortunately he is an enemy. I will look for a suitable candidate later. If nothing works, I will have to ask the lord for advice."

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