Shaw sincerely admires Dumbledore, but he won't be that kind of person.

Too tiring.

But the world can't be without such people.

Just like the members of the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore, many of them don't live well, but they can fight for justice and even sacrifice themselves.

However, the problems faced by the wizarding world at the moment are obviously not applicable to the old bee's set. When I am stronger than him in the future, I will send him to Nurmengard to enjoy his old age.

It's halftime.

Vita continued to talk about the course of controlling the mind.

After the course was over, he made lunch for Shaw again.

The first time is raw the second time is familiar.

Shaw gradually became less restrained, and instead felt a sense of enjoyment.

No matter how disillusioned one is with the worldly life, no one can refuse the love and affection from the heart.

After dinner, Vita asked Shaw to mention a trouble he encountered.

Shaw thought for a while and asked a question that he had actually thought through, but he wanted to consult the wise Vita.

"If a powerful being uses a person, should this person be happy or worried?"

Vita narrowed his narrow, wrinkle-free eyes and quickly analyzed what Shaw meant.

Did the other party notice Grindelwald's existence? Or did he doubt his motives for truly teaching him as a godson?

In the end, Vita did not say anything long, but just said a cruel conclusion.

"In fact, everyone is a tool. The value of a tool depends on who is using it, not on how sophisticated the tool itself is."


After Dumbledore went to Nurmengard, he never bothered Shaw again.

Gellert hinted to him that if they could train Shaw together, he would not make trouble.

After deep thought, Dumbledore, in addition to arranging Christmas visits and asking Snape to guide Harry to the dungeon, began to actively implement the Five Power Tournament.

Dumbledore now only wants to quell the disputes between countries as soon as possible so that he can spare time to deal with the bizarre affairs of the British wizarding world and educate Shaw.

And Shaw himself.

After knowing that the "system" might be alive, he carefully tasted Vita's advice. After a few days of contradiction, he decided not to rush to complete the task as if he was being chased by a ghost.

He began to make up for more basic theories of magic and the profound knowledge transmitted to him by the system, supplemented by the magic-limiting bracelet given by Vita, and frantically laid the foundation.

When he can block the system and no longer feel like "scratching an itch through a shoe", and can use those fifth, sixth and seventh level spells freely, he will continue to do the task.

After all, you can't stop eating because of choking.

As long as you treat the profound insights given by the system after upgrading the spell as a highly efficient learning plug-in, when you are strong without relying on the system, then the possible troubles will not be troubles.

So under the heavy academic workload, January passed quickly.

Today, he participated in Quidditch training for the third time, and developed a stick technique that only hits brooms but not people, which made the little snakes call the chief merciful!

After finishing the training, Shaw returned to the dormitory, took a set of toiletries and was about to take a bath in the luxurious prefect bathroom.

At this time, the communication card sent a message from Tom: Go to Malfoy Manor for me to attend a meeting.

Shaw pondered for a while.

Tom was playing hide-and-seek with Voldemort in the deep forest of Albania at this moment, and he also found several searching forces.

Two of them were of unknown origin and had fought with Tom. Tom tried to catch his tongue for interrogation, but it turned out that they were all dead soldiers.

Shaw knew all these things, and gradually realized the truth that there are more turtles in shallow water and more sharks in deep water.

Far water cannot save nearby fire, so he can only tell Tom to be careful, and he will go to help if he can't handle it.

Snape also joined the research of the alchemical machine half a month ago, and it seems that there are results. Because Tom has not appeared for a long time, the Death Eaters are restless again.

Shaw got up and left the dormitory alone, all the way to the Screaming Shack.

After a disguise, Shaw wore a silver star pattern robe, summoned a diamond-shaped water mirror, and began to simulate Tom's gloomy and cold temperament.

After practicing eye contact for more than a month, Shaw's control of his eyes has indeed improved greatly.

Although it is not possible to perfectly replicate Tom's temperament now, as long as you don't look at people, you can still make do.

Today is mainly to show your power, so you can be a little fierce.

Finally, after adjusting his expression, Shaw apparated to Malfoy Manor, where the protective magic has long been fully open to him and Tom.

So Shaw entered the manor from the back garden without notifying anyone.

He went to the meeting room in stealth.

Before he entered, he heard a commotion inside.

Yaxley slammed the table and said fiercely: "Who on earth is thisThe news was leaked to Fudge? Does this minister know that he is just a puppet? He even wants to participate in the shares, and even wants 10% of the shares! It's crazy! "

Borgin and Burke were also dissatisfied: "I have worked so hard for so long, and invested so much in human resources, but I only got 2% of the Chamber of Commerce. Why did Fudge do that? Is it because he is so arrogant?"

The tall Flint said indifferently: "If Fudge is not good enough, change him. Anyway, I have never leaked this news, so I suggest self-examination. Legilimency and truth serum will do. After catching the traitor, I will crush his bones. "

Travers said rationally: "Fudge cannot be replaced. If he is replaced, Burns will definitely take over, which is even more disadvantageous to us! Lucius, when will the master come out? We need his leadership. "

Lucius, who was sitting in the second seat, gently held the ceremonial stick in his hand, and looked around the smoky conference room with his head slightly raised.

He looked at Selwyn, who had been silent, again and snorted.

Who doesn't know who? It's just that no one pointed it out.

He stood up and wanted to say something to comfort everyone.

Just then, there was a steady sound of footsteps from the back door.

Lucius turned his head and saw that it was the "Dark Lord" in a silver-bottomed star-patterned robe.

He couldn't tell whether this was the real or fake Dark Lord for a moment, but he didn't stop him from bowing.

"Master, you are here."

The other Death Eaters also reacted and immediately stood up and bowed.

"Master! "

Shor came to the first seat, but did not sit down. Instead, he glanced at the Death Eaters with a gloomy look.

He paid special attention to Snape, who stood up but did not bend down at the end of the long table. He looked at the other person's empty eyes and smiled at him gently.

Then he began to speak.

"Wealth and power are always easy to attract people's hearts, but some fools can't see how much they are qualified to have.

These are nothing, after all, I will distribute them to everyone fairly.

But what I didn't expect was that there are even more stupid people among you.

You live at the bottom of the valley, but you can't bear to see others take what they deserve, and you even try to invite wolves into the house?

Who is it? Do you want me to invite you out?

Come on, friend, be tough, let everyone see who the lame schemer is! "

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